
Unexpected Romance: Love $ Hustle

Twenty-eight year old Delilah Sterling, has perfected the art of being a respectable realtor by day, and a professional gold digger by night. Delilah believes she has her double life under control. Her meticulously crafted life crumbles when she wakes up one morning with a wedding band on her finger, a marriage certificate on the table, and a sinfully gorgeous man claiming to be her husband. To make matters worse, he is broke and jobless, making her feel trapped in a surreal nightmare. Desperate for escape, Delilah demands a divorce, but the stranger—insisting he wants to stay married—thwarts every attempt. Frustration and confusion mount until Delilah hatches a new plan: she proposes they team up to con her next target, the elusive billionaire Hunter Quinn. What Delilah doesn't realize is that her "broke husband" is actually Hunter Quinn himself. Billionaire CEO, Hunter Quinn, having discovered Delilah’s intentions to con him, had decided to outplay her at her own game. Hunter agrees to the partnership, and together they plunge into a high-stakes game of deceit. As they plot and scheme, the lines between pretense and reality blur. Their forced proximity ignites an unexpected chemistry, leading to moments of vulnerability and genuine connection neither anticipated. Caught in a whirlwind of deception, passion, and power plays, Delilah grapples with their growing feelings. As their con deepens, she must confront the ultimate question: Can she open her heart to love and trust again? ****Exerpt**** Delilah’s eyes darted to the marriage certificate again, the official seal glaring back at her. Her fingers itched to tear it apart, to make this nightmare disappear. But deep down, she knew that wouldn’t change anything. “I don’t remember,” she whispered, more to herself than to him. “I don’t remember any of it.” Blake nodded as if he had expected this reaction. “That is expected. You had a lot to drink last night.” he fished out a phone from the back pocket of his trousers, opened it. “Here, this is us celebrating, after we got married last night,” he said, showing her a picture. Delilah’s breath caught in her throat as she stared at the photo. It was indeed her. “How?” she whispered, her voice barely audible. “I don’t remember any of this.” “It was a wild night,” he said softly. Perhaps she had married Blake because he was wealthy. That would be the only logical reason for her to make such a blunder. There was hope, she thought, as she clung to the possibility of salvaging something from this disaster. Turning to him, she forced a smile, “Is this your house? Are we in your house?” She asked, looking around the bedroom. Blake shook his head, “No. This is a hotel,” he said, and she nodded. “I see. It looks like quite an expensive hotel,” she observed, “What do you do for a living?” she asked, trying to keep her voice steady as she searched his eyes for any hint of affluence. Blake hesitated, his confident demeanor faltering for the first time. He looked away, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m... in between jobs,” he stuttered, avoiding her gaze. Delilah’s heart sank, disappointment crashing over her like a wave. “In between jobs?” she echoed, her voice tinged with disbelief. Blake seemed to sense her dismay. “I know it doesn’t sound great,” he said quickly, trying to reassure her. “But I’m working on a few things. I just need a little more time.” “You’re jobless,” she muttered to herself as reality sunk in. “How did you pay for this room? For the wedding bands?” She asked, and he winced. “I didn’t. You did,” he said, and she collapsed on the bed. (PS: Cover photo isn’t mine. Credit to the real owner)

Miss_Behaviour · Urban
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

I’m Your Husband

Delilah's heart skipped a beat as panic surged through her and she quickly rolled over to the other side of the bed and scrambled out of bed despite the pounding in her head. Her bare feet hit the cold floor, sending a shiver up her spine.

"Who are you?" she demanded, her voice shaky. "And why would you call me that? What are you doing here?" She asked, fearing the response to the questions that she asked. 

He gave her a strange look and then smiled as though he just figured out something. "C'mon, love! You shouldn't pull my legs so early in the day by asking me such questions."

His response made her even more confused. Was he someone she was supposed to know? She could swear she had never seen him in her entire life. He had the kind of build and face that a lady wouldn't forget easily. 

"I'm not pulling your legs. If anything, I think you're the one pulling my legs here. Where is the place? Why am I here? Who are you? And for God's sake, what is this on my finger?" She asked, impatience and anger seeping into her tone as she took off the ring. 

"How can you not remember me? I'm your husband," he replied calmly, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

"My what?!" she half screamed. 

"You're my wife. I'm your husband," he said, raising his hand so she could see the matching wedding band on his finger.

"Is this some sort of joke? A prank maybe? Did my friends put you up to this?" she asked, looking around as she spoke, and wondering if there was some hidden cameras in the room. 

"No, it's not a joke. We are married, baby…"

"Can you STOP calling me that?" She snapped at him, irritably. 

"You said you like it when I call you that," he said patiently, staring at her as if he was waiting for her to remember him. 

Taking a deep breath, she looked at him again, "What day is this?" She asked, wanting to logically analyze the situation. 

Perhaps she had gotten into an accident, lost her memories and gotten married, and had only just regained her memories now, cause this was beginning to look like a scene out of a movie or a webnovel and she wasn't liking it. 

"Saturday," he said, obliging her. 

"The date? The month? The year?" She pressed as she began to pace, and he looked at her with a concerned frown, wondering why she was asking all that. 

"It's February 20th 2022," he said, and she frowned.

Friday had been the 19th, and today was the 20th. That meant she had been single just a day ago. She didn't look or feel like she had been in an accident or hit her head and lost her memory. So, what was going on?

"We got married last night," he said, looking at her with concern. 

"That isn't possible. I don't believe you. It doesn't make any sense. Why would I marry you?"

Why would she marry anyone for that matter? She was a gold digger. A professional gold digger, and she didn't have time for love or marriage. 

Why tie herself to one man, when she could be with many of them and get as much money as she needed from them? 

She had made the mistake of falling in love once and choosing love over money, but that had taught her a valuable lesson and she was never going to make such a mistake again. She could never choose any man over money. Never. 

"I don't believe you," she said, looking him in the eye. 

He gestured to the nightstand with a jerk of his head. "See for yourself then." 

Delilah eyed the envelope he was showing her, and reluctantly, she walked over to the nightstand. 

She willed her trembling hands to stay still as she picked up the envelope and took out the sheet of paper inside. 

Her eyes scanned the document, her breath catching in her throat as she read the words: Marriage Certificate. Her name was there, Delilah Sterling, alongside the stranger's name— Blake Davies.

When she saw her signature on it, she dropped the certificate as if it burned her and staggered back, suddenly feeling faint, "This can't be real," she said with a shake of her head.

"I don't remember any of this," she murmured. 

"No no no," this can't happen, she whispered to herself closing her eyes. 

She was a professional gold digger and nothing good could possibly come out of being married now. 

Blake stepped closer, his expression softening when he saw the despair on her face, "It's real, Lila. We did get married last night. You and I. You are my wife."

Delilah backed away, her senses overwhelmed. The scent of his cologne, a mix of cedar and something she couldn't quite place assaulted her nostrils. 

"Who are you? Why would I marry you? I don't even know you." her tone sounded desperate as she stared at the marriage certificate on the floor. 

How this this happen? When? Why would she do that? Marriage wasn't part of her plans. Getting married would only hinder her plans and ruin things for her. 

He sat on the edge of the bed, his gaze never leaving hers. "I suppose it's a lot to take in. You were quite the whirlwind last night."

No, this couldn't be. It had to be a joke, an expensive one at that. "How did this happen?" she looked up from the certificate into a set of the most piercing blue eyes she had ever seen. 

Under a different circumstance, she would have been mesmerized by them, but not right now. 

"We met last night at the club," he began not breaking eye contact. "It was love at first sight. We were all over each other, and none of us wanted to let the other go, so we decided to get married. It was actually your idea."