

It was a usual night of the month of April, atmosphere was calm, silence was spread all around. A girl was sitting on a bench on the top of a tower in Seoul. She was gazing the stars at the sky with her glittering eyes , the stars were twinkling and sparkling like diamond. Staring at those , drop by drop tears started to flow from her eyes , soon she brust into crying . Sometimes she laughed along with tears and sometimes cried loudly and heavily with pain. She was sitting all alone there , Nobody was there to comfort her , to console her , to ask her what's the matter ? , why was she crying? , why was she in so much pain ? , what's going on with her? .......... She was continuously crying and weeping without an end to stop. Her loneliness made her to cry even more, her thoughts were deeply piercing her more . For about two and half hours she cried. Then looking back to the sky she started to think, what to do next? , she was all confused to take decisions, she wasn't understanding whether to go with what! . Thinking all these once again she began to cry , wondering how weak and helpless she had turned herself within these years that she isn't able to take decisions, isn't able to choose... She was feeling very low . She was feeling as if she was standing at the edge of death and hell. Although it wasn't like that ,but the situation and the condition with her were so troublesome that it could be felt like that . Those situation and problems were breaking her more intense and leading her into more confusion to further go with .