
Unexpected Occurrences of a Middle Aged Man

Enjoy a rollercoaster ride through Zikito's day at work and some strange happenings. From juggling office drama to facing downright bizarre stuff in his personal life, this story mixes the everyday with the totally out-there. With its combo of mystery, keeping it pro at work, and just a hint of the weird, it's a tale that'll have you hooked as you join Zikito on his wild journey. Just what could happen after one lousy shower?

Stoichiometry · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 4 - Good Morning

6:10am - Zikito's Apartment

Zikito's alarm clock rang, hangovers can never save you from sleep deprivation, at least it's Friday! Zikito wakes up first to cook breakfast, the other two are dead asleep. He boils some ramen and egg, the normal setup. They have to get to the company by eight, but someone's rather early today.

"They're still sound asleep…" Zikito thought to himself.

Zikito finishes cooking, and then prepares to take a shower. He brings his clothes with him and a bath towel. He was enjoying the morning shower until the turtle appeared again.

"Hey…. Zikito…" The turtle greeted politely, with a hint of sadness and regret.

When Zikito saw the turtle, he panicked and grabbed his clothes, exiting the bathroom. He was so in panic that he didn't realize that the door didn't lead back to his apartment. Zikito screamed and groaned, begging for help.This time, the door led to a small inn in a medieval inn. The turtle followed pursuit and took the form of a little boy in yellow raincoat. 

"Wait! Calm down, please!" The turtle pleaded, trying to calm the fire he caused.

Zikito was traumatized by the turtle, his survival instincts kicked in, manifesting whatever he could to protect himself from the turtle. This wasn't his first time being near to death. The turtle looked at Zikito, pitied as he knew he caused this himself. Zikito was groaning and screaming, sounds reaching to a pitch that of a girl, it was truly a pitiful sight. The turtle gained composure, so he faced it. 

"Even after I fixed your brain, it classifies me as death… You should be smarter than this….." The turtle was scared of what he had done, probably because this was not normal.

Zikito kept on panicking, losing energy upon recklessly defending against nothing. The turtle knew that this was getting nowhere, so he had to use a little bit of magic.

"Zikito, calm down." Ordered the turtle to Zikito.

Zikito slowly regained consciousness. He begins to process what had just happened. His breathing returns to normal and exhaustion kicks in.

"Just.. who are you…?" Zikito asked, panting and panting, trying to understand what's going on…

"I don't know it myself, I just know that I exist. You can call me Kamesama." Kamesama replied with a genuine smile.

"Why are you doing this to me…? Just why…?" Zikito asked desperately, as if sick of the treatment he has been receiving.

"That's not what I exactly meant… Just so you know, I didn't make you fight the man, go to a hospital, and go absent from work for days.. I just wanted to help.." The turtle argued, trying to let Zikito understand.

Zikito sighed, and stood up.

"Where are we… I was just taking a shower earlier.." Zikito inquired, the place looked unfamiliar, an architectural style similar to Europe, but way back to the medieval times. 

"Your bathroom door is connected to the capital of Joales, but you ran away before you let me explain what happened…. Normally, only people at the awakened second consciousness or those with the world pattern can walk through that door. However, you walked into that when slipped from your late night shower and woke up twice, without falling asleep. Since you have experienced it, doing it again becomes easier, especially with your brain rewired. Your survival instincts forced you to your awakened second consciousness, that's why you're here." The turtle explained to Zikito about what happened.

"The man you encountered was an awakened first consciousness, his power was manipulating his own blood, that's why he was outrageously strong…" The turtle added.

"You keep talking about consciousness, could you elaborate…?" Zikito inquired, trying to gather information.

"It's really simple, those at the awakened state of Second Consciousness can perform magic of other worlds, those only at the Second Consciousness can manifest all magic in his world, the asleep version allows you to wield more than one. As a first consciousness being, the awakened state allows you to manifest magic, the normal state allows you to see magic, and the asleep state is completely blind and defenseless against magic." Average turtle monologue.

"Holy crap, I am not memorizing all that!" Zikito's expression turned angry.

Zikito approached the child and lowered himself to his level.

"This is simply too much, TOO MUCH." ZIkito was frustrated by the amount of information, he then looked at the turtle in the form of a little boy- I still don't know why he always wears a yellow raincoat like those Japanese elementary students.

"JUST TELL ME WHERE ARE WE?" Zikito furiously added.

"Alright we're at the capital Joales, it's not a really famous or strong country, but this is the capital." The turtle responded.

"I see… But I have work." Zikito snapped back to reality, remembering his colleagues at home.

"Time here is 24 times slower than the real world, you should treat yourself to a day." The turtle suggested with a calm tone.

"Right now I have work, but I suppose I could run a few errands here…" Zikito expressed.

Zikito fixed his towel into a toga, the most he can do for now. They both went outside the inn.

"Holy-." Zikito was shocked, the capital was brimming with people, merchants left and right, it was a nice capital.

The air was even better than the Japanese morning breeze. Zikito was astonished by this past marvel. Somehow, he could communicate with the people in that world. People were staring at Zikito for his weird fashion. A white toga, what is this? Ancient greece?

Zikito still could not deny this anxious feeling inside his body, it's afraid, but the mind is not. What kind of sorcery is this?

"This weird feeling… what is this…?" Zikito wondered to himself.

"Anyways, I should continue…" Zikito added.

The little boy(the turtle) took Zikito's hand.

"In this world, you are my father, it's most convenient this way." The turtle remarked and smiled at Zikito.

"I don't really get why…." Zikito responded with a slight skeptical look.

"I also don't get why… my body is trembling inside…" Zikito added to himself.

They both walked throughout the capital, some people were looking at Zikito's watch- a weird silver bracelet?! A merchant approached them both.

"I'm fairly interested in that strange silver ornament of yours, it's rather unique." The merchant greeted with an interested look, trying to peek even more.

"And it's moving! Oh and these strange letters, what a unique design! Could I possibly buy it from you, good sir?" The merchant bargained, very impressed by the ornament Zikito had.

The watch Zikito was wearing was just a silver Seika watch that costs 30,000 yen, it doesn't hold any sentimental value so Zikito heard him out.

"Eh!? It indeed is, I guess-." Zikito responded, quite confused but still went along.

"Wonderful! Follow me to my place, we will pay you a good price for that." The merchant happily started with a smile. He's just a happy 40 year old looking man in a dark red robe.

They all went to the merchant's place, it was a quite upper class space, but nothing too lavish. The wood and its design is quite unique.

"Take a seat good sir, and you too young child." The merchant enthusiastically insisted.

They all then sat down and started business.

"That piece of ornament is gorgeous! If I can just manage to buy it off him for one gold… hehe." The merchant thought to himself, now beginning.

"I'm willing to trade you a gold coin for that." The merchant spoke, now with a serious tone. 

The merchant took a gold coin from his pocket, equivalent to about 200,000 yen- it was solid gold. Zikito was shocked upon seeing this. 

"I guess so… maybe it won't be too bad." Zikito agreed to the deal, scoring a great deal!

Zikito took off his watch and gave it to the old merchant, what a steal! The merchant then handed his gold coin to hims, and slid in a cookie jar for the young boy(the turtle in human form).

"Pleasure doing business, I hope we'll get to do more trades in the future!" The merchant humbly thanked the two, even bowing down to this "marvelous" piece of art.

"YYYES! I DID IT! LOOK AT THIS BEAUTY! YAHOO!!" The merchant celebrated the moment both of them left the room.

The two of them left the place as they headed for the market, perhaps to buy some proper clothing. While they were walking, the boy had something to say. 

"You're ripping off people in this world I see?" The boy slyly commented on Zikito's trade.

"I think watches shouldn't exist until the 1800s, but you do have a point." Zikito expressed, agreeing with the boy. 

"Fair enough." The boy responded.

They both then saw a small stand of some sort of clothing, it doesn't look cheap- but it looks like they could bargain.

"High quality silk clothing only found from the high beasts of the snowy mountain! You all don't get to see this deal everyday!" The young girl about 24 years old shouted, trying to grab anyone's attention to this product. 

Zikito approached the stand.

"Well, hello-?" Zikito greeted with a small voice, he's not experienced enough.

The girl saw Zikito and looked at him. Zikito really looked like some sort of monk in a white robe.

"You must be some sort of priest, what do you want?" The girl greeted with a salesman's smile, the customer service we'd all be looking for.

"Wait no-, I'm not a priest or anything-." Zikito clarified, trying to prevent misunderstandings.

The girl looked at him from head to toe.

"I'll go along with that, so what are you looking for?" The girl asked, trying to help Zikito look for his type of clothing.

"Perhaps anything simple, but not too cheap." Zikito responded with a faint smile.

The girl thought about it a little bit, and found something- a few sets of black pants and a few sets of shirts. Zikito thought about it for a few seconds, and then decided to try on the long-sleeved white top and standard brown pants, he looked like one of the locals! But nothing similar to peasants, it costed about 100,000 yen 

[heyyo readers! In case someone wanted to know about the world's currency, here y'all go!]

0. 1 brilliant gold = 10 million yen

1. 1 white gold = 1 million yen

2. 1 rose gold = 500,000 yen

2.5 1 shiny gold = 300,000 yen

3. 1 gold = 200,000 yen

4. 1 white silver = 100,000 yen

4.5 1 rose silver = 50,000 yen

5. 1 shiny silver = 20,000 yen

6. 1 silver = 10,000 yen

7. 1 white copper = 5,000 yen

8. 1 rose copper = 2,000 yen

9. 1 shiny copper = 1,000 yen

10. 1 copper = 500 yen

11. 1 black copper = 200 yen

12. 1 dull copper = 100 yen

13. 1 half copper = 30 yen

[I'm feeling sleepy so anything after this is after I woke up, just figured I should tell y'all XD.]

"Umu! That really fits you well sir!" The girl agreed.

"It'll cost ya a sum of one white silver hm!" The girl happily gave the price, this was not cheap.

"What the hell-? Gold is more valuable than this white silver, so I'll give it a try…" Zikito thought to himself, thinking for a moment.

Zikito took his gold coin and put it in his hands. The girl's expression changed, into a more standard happy face everyone makes on a sale.

"Hehehee, enjoy your day :3." The girl happily smiled, giving Zikito a white silver in return.

"You too." Zikito smiled back.

Zikito and the child went out, they were hungry.

"Yo, you should eat something from here." The child(THE TURTLE) expressed.

"I-. Let's try looking for something to eat here-." Zikito responded.

They continued their walk, finally seeing a restaurant. Zikito realized something.

"Do we even have enough money for these?" Zikito spoke to the child.

"I'm pretty sure a white silver could feed you enough meals, at least one fancy, I suppose." The child explained.

"Well, let's eat then." Zikito added.

They both went inside some standard looking restaurant, yet clean. A waiter approached the two of them.

"Table for two, I suppose?" The waiter asked.

Zikito nodded, unable to respond or think about what he should say. 

"Follow me." The waiter led them to their table.

They both walked towards the table and sat down.

"I'd like your best steak!" The child stated, even standing to express his demands.

"I guess… I'll take the same." Zikito too, wanted a steak.

"Mhm, in a few minutes." The waiter nodded and left, they were both waiting.

It was filled with the ambience of a restaurant, filled with people yet not too noisy.

"How are you feeling so far?" The child broke the silence between them.

"I guess I'm learning.." Zikito responded, still couldn't deny his anxiety.

"Let's take it slow, you'll learn along the way." The child smiled at Zikito, reassuring he isn't alone in this adventure.

"Thanks." Zikito smiled back.

In just a few minutes, their steak, so beautiful and delicious! Arrived! The aroma was so tempting, the looks was eye-catching, they had to dig in.

"This is beautiful-. Thank you for the food." Zikito was shocked, looking at the food, and finally taking a bite.

The child ate, even using his hands to eat it, quite unrefined. Zikito just sat there and ate in peace. 

"So delicious…" Zikito thought to himself, he could taste the near perfection of this steak, it was beautiful.

They both finished their meals, and finally saw the bill.

"That'll cost you all a shiny silver." The waiter approached, seeking payment.

Zikito obliged, giving the waiter one white silver. The waiter took it and gave one silver and one rose silver to Zikito. 

"I'm really impressed by this world's cooking, although it's not like I could even afford one nice meal back there…" Zikito spoke, satisfied yet missing something.

"It's really delicious! So what do you say?" The child agreed, and asked.

"It's a really nice world, however, I shouldn't forget I have work." Zikito snapped back, and gave the child a smile.

"Oh yeah, let's get going." The child looked at Zikito, and realized it.

They both headed inside the inn, and opened the door that led back to his bathroom.

"They'd be surprised if you brought in a child, I'll return back to my stuffed toy form, good luck." The child transformed back into a stuffed toy.

"I should keep these souvenirs too.." Zikito thought to himself, changing back into his work clothes.

Zikito went outside his room, they're all still sleeping.

"I'm surprised, the food is still warm…" Zikito remarked.

Zikito prepared a plate for all of them, quite a nice gesture. It's about time Mr. Haruto woke up.

"oH- Zikihh tohhh- you're up early…" Mr. Haruto just woke up, he'll get winding in a few minutes.

"I've prepared breakfast." Zikito pulled the chair for Mr. Haruto to sit in.

"Ahno- thhhankkss forr the foodddd-!" Mr. Haruto then ate.

Mr. Haruto happily ate the breakfast Zikito prepared. Renzo followed suit, and woke up. He saw Zikito and Mr. Haruto was on the table, so he joined in.

"It's 7am-." Renzo sat down and ate.

"Thanks for the food." He added.

"I'll drive us all to the office, let's all go together." Mr. Haruto suggested while eating his ramen.

After they all finished their meals, they cleaned a little bit and prepared for work. They saw Ryoma in his school uniform, all three of them were headed to work and school.

"Oh! You're quite early today, Zikito!" Mr. Kenta greeted with a smile.

"We're all going to work now, we had a few drinks last night, and it shouldn't stop us from work, heh-." Zikito too, greeted with a smile.

"I'm Haruto, and the person beside me is Renzo." Mr. Haruto introduced Renzo to the neighbors.

"Nice to meet you." Renzo happily reached out his hand, and Mr. Kenta shook his hand.

"I hope all of us will be on good terms, me and my son can't afford to be late, we'll get going, goodbye." Mr. Kenta happily gave his farewell, taking Ryoma with him.

"What nice neighbors you have, Zikito." Mr. Haruto commented, looking at the happy greetings and vibe they gave.

"Well now, let's get going." Mr. Haruto added, they all took the stairs.

They all went inside Mr. Haruto's car and headed to work.

"Well, good morning, Mr. Haruto, Renzo-san, and Zikito-san! You're all early today." Miss Takumi happily greeted them at the front desk.

"It's because Zikito is a great cook, he awakened me!" Mr. Haruto teased Zikito, somehow as a way to express his gratitude.

"I agree." Renzo added.

Zikito just smiled.

"I'm glad you're all on good terms now." Miss Takumi smiled at them, looking at the friendship that was repaired.

"I've logged you all in now, have a nice day at work." Miss Takumi added.

"Thank you." Mr. Haruto proceeded to walk towards the elevator. They all then arrived at their office.

"Good morning, everyone." Mr. Haruto greeted after the elevator opened.

As usual, the early workers Kiyoshi and Kaijiro are both already in the office.

"Good morning, Mr. Haruto." The earlybirds greeted, both drinking coffee to start the day.

"Zikito, here are your papers, this should be done by at least 10 am, but knowing you, you shouldn't take more than afternoon." Mr. Haruto handed the papers, it was even thicker than your face.

"Certainly, Mr. Haruto." Zikito proceeded to his desk.

"These are a lot-... I should get going…" Zikito thought to himself.

8:43am - Hapoziku Company

–1 hour and 28 minutes elapsed-

The papers were soon seemingly endless, however, you could say that there's progress. It was now as thick as your fingers. Zikito's brain was almost fried.

"Good morning, everyone." Yuto greeted.

Of course, it's almost 9am, and being late is bad. The stations were now busier and more coworkers were arriving.

"No, no, no. Geez, this is just too much." Zikito struggled, his mind was in a mess.

"Good morning, Zikito-senpai. You're really working extra hard today." Shogo approached, greeting Zikito.

"Y-yeah." Zikito just laid his head on the table.

"I don't know… I feel a bit tired today…" Zikito muttered.

"I see… gambare! Zikito-senpai!" Shogo then returned to his desk. 

The corporate air was evident, it was no longer lively, people were more busy, but still not hell.

"Yes.. yeSS. YESSS!" Zikito celebrated, finishing his last paper.

His coworkers gave a slight look, then returned, they were too busy to even pause.

"It should be around 1-." Zikito paused, he saw on his watch, it was still 9am, it didn't take two hours.

"What… this is odd… I swear-." Mr. Haruto approached Zikito, cousin him to pause.

"I managed to come by and monitor how you all are doing, and I'm surprised, you're already finished Zikito." Mr. Haruto took one of Zikito's papers, and reviewed it.

"This is it, come with me." Mr. Haruto was a bit more serious.

"Okay-...." Zikito reluctantly accepted.

Their elevator ride was silent, they were heading up.

"Fix your suit, Zikito. I'm introducing you to the supervisor." Mr. Haruto hurried Zikito.

"I was supposed to tell you yesterday, but I forgot. Just make do with what little time we have." Mr. Haruto added.

The elevator stopped, they have now arrived. The supervisor's office feels cooler than theirs, or is this just the ambience?

"Good morning, sir Kambe." Zikito and Mr. Haruto greeted.

The office seems nice, patented with some sort of dark grayish blue walls, with some sort of business design, and also plants. 

"You must be Zikito." Sir Daiki greeted with a smile. 

It's not everyday Zikito sees sir Daiki, he looks young despite him being in his 50s, his posture and hairstyle speaks of it.

"Yes-. I am." Zikito responded, trying to suppress his anxiety.

"Very well, I'll commence the interview for your promotion, I've invited Mr. Nozomi and Mrs. Rina, all of us four will be evaluating you, and at the same time, an interview." 

Mrs. Rina seems young for her position, the IT chief at the age of 29, and Mr. Nozomi, he's been here for a while Mr. Nozomi seems fine, he's 38 years old. 

"Heck… I wasn't informed about this…" Zikito thought to himself, thinking and thinking.

So many minutes passed..,. The questions get more difficult.. Their voices play like noises inside Zikito's head, but he's doing well so far… He answered question by question, tricks and truths alike. Finally, it came to an end.

– 11:53 am, Hapoziku Company –

Sir Daiki reached out his hand, and the rest of the office chiefs and managers stood up with a smile.

"Congratulations, you're promoted, and it is effective NOW." Mr. Daiki happily extended his hand, and reached Zikito's.

The rest of the staff clapped their hands, Zikito exchanged handshakes one by one.

"Congratulations, Accountancy Team Leader, Zikito!" Mrs. Rina cheered.

"Congratulations!" Everyone happily welcomed Zikito, to the man who just successfully got promoted.

"CSS-XIV, Zikito, I think I can't just call you Zikito, you're classified as a manager now." Mr. Haruto chuckled, a faint sense of humility.

"Yeah, but I will still call you Mr. Haruto." Zikito smiled at Mr. Haruto.

"Heheh- It's finally nice to have someone like you, have my back." Mr. Haruto expressed, giving a sigh of relief.

"Always will be, Mr. Haruto." Zikito responded, all while they were returning to their respective offices.

The moment Zikito and Mr. Haruto arrived back at their office, everyone congratulated Zikito for his promotion.

"Congratulations, Zikito-senpai!" Shogo happily greeted,

"Congratulations!" Everyone greeted;

"Since Zikito kindly did all our tax documentations, financial reports, accountancy, audit, payroll records, expense reports, and contracts, and also to celebrate his promotion, I'm treating everyone to lunch!" Mr. Haruto enthusiastically welcomed his entire office to join in.

"I've doubted you a little bit, but you did it, congrats, senpai." Renjiro extended his remarks to Zikito.

Zikito chuckled, they were now all headed to a small restaurant.

The day went by so fast, just so too fast. After they all finished lunch, they did nothing in particular during the afternoon, they were having a break time.

Zikito's desk was now just near to Mr. Haruto's. The day ended, and he finally got to use the elevator first along with the other company managers.

"First time, Zikito-san?" Mr. Haruto asked before waiting for the elevator.

"I'm still getting used to it, Mr. Haruto." Zikito humbly answered.

The elevator arrived, it wasn't really full, everyone there was at least an office manager or above.

"You're the new manager, right? Congrats by the way." Shimizu complimented.

"Yeah, it is my first time.." Zikito could be seen, slightly nervous.

"Yo! I'm Akihiko, nice to meet you." Akihiko expressed.

"Why… nice to meet you too!" Zikito responded.

They all talked inside the elevator for a while, and then it stopped. Everyone welcomed Zikito into the manager life.

"Congrats, Zikito-san." Miss Takumi congratulated Zikito.

"I've logged you all out, have a nice evening." Miss Takumi's smile never fades or gets any less, it's the same warm and cute smile.

The managers nodded at her.

"You too." Zikito smiled back.

"I'll be going first, Zikito, take care." Mr. Haruto said his farewell, going home first.

Zikito also walked home, since managers are allowed to go home earlier than normal employees, their neighbors haven't arrived yet. Zikito went inside, and laid unto his bed.

"This day couldn't get even weirder…." Zikito thought to himself.

Zikito was exhausted, he even forgot about dinner. After Zikito slept, the turtle gave him a blanket, and gently smiled at him.

"Have a great night." The turtle then went inside the bathroom, to go to the other world.


Everyone! Feel free to ask your questions in the comment if I haven't made anything clear!

If someone comments, I might perhaps directly like the entire staff team of the Hapoziku company.

Your support is greatly appreciated :D!


Stoichiometrycreators' thoughts