

(emma pov)

"Ahhh choo…!!! " ya that's me I have cold and my nose is like a water pipe . unlike any other waterpipe my nose gives out ….. u know what I mean right heheh…


And ya that's my mom who is yelling at me … and also who is worried about me all the time. let me tell u something I guess u guys already know this but still let me tell u this even if ur aged and u r about to die your parents will always treat u as a kid and they never stop nagging… ok let me introduce my self – my name is emma williams and I'm the only child if anyone's asking and im 25 y/o I always wanted to become a doctor since I was a kid and when I was a teenager I was attracted to what not singing, dancing, acting, fashion designing , etc.. And sometimes I wanted to just leave everything and go somewhere far and live on my own. 🤷🏻‍♀️What can I say I guess all the teenagers can understand what I mean and because of all that stress i developed this love for music which I can't even explain. I found this kpop genre where amazing songs are produced. my first kpop song was ' whalien 52' by 'BTS' , the lyrics and the melody hit me hard and that's the day I became an 'ARMY'💜(official fandom name for BTS) and after this I just jumped into anything that's related to Korea I got to know everything about their reality shows ,dramas ,actors ,movies ,singers and all other fandoms . its magical u know all the music and the world of kpop . I just love it and I will always love it. I really wanted to work in Korea so I learned their language and ya I'm perfect at it I even know how to read Korean.

So that was how my teenage days went by and I studied very hard to get into college and I graduated as a doctor. Opps I forgot to introduce my best friend ' katy ' . katy and I are childhood friends we both were in same school but got into different colleges . katy is a fashion designer I envy her though . she is the same as me who is crazy about kpop and everything . so we promised eachother that we would go to korea and live together and enjoy our lives to fullest seeing all the kpop idols . katy wants to do designing in korea. So we both decided to go to korea.

In order to work in Korea I have to write an entrance exam and I have to pass that to become a doctor in Korea . so we booked our tickets .

[ the day before our flight ]

Lets contitue this in our next part KHAMSAMIDA….

'I Dream and reality became more indifferent but also more desperate' – SUGA (BTS)