
Run for your life

H.. Hel.. She tried opening her eyes, hey calm down said Russell, you've been in an accident, oh my God, what happened, where I'm I, who are u, calm dowm, calm down, my name is Russell, you are in a hospital, where weren't looking and I hit you with my car, but you are better now.

Isabella started crying, I'm so sorry I had a lot on my mind, please I want to go home, I can't afford a hospital bill. Hold on he holds his hands, and immediately it felt like there was an electric wave, she looked at him and he said don't worry I'll take care of you, I need to call the doctor.

He left the hospital room so fast, it felt like he was being chased by something, what is happening to me, how can I be so attracted to a total stranger, I need to reset my brain.

She was surprise, where did he come from, he looked so handsome, the perfect figure, it felt like she was in the presence of a mini god, and when he held her hand, she felt something she have never felt before. Oh my gosh, I need to run for my life

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