
Disaster (Part 2).

The girl who wear plain dress walk as the rain shower in the surrounding, Earl keeps looking at the window as he saw the girl. The girl suddenly found a kitten that has been abandon near the traffic light, that time many people pass by and nobody even tried to help the kitten, so Earl would be the one who will try to adopt the kitten.

Then he found Mira and carrying the kitten without minding her uniform to have dirt and soaked. That time Earl realize, there is still people like her. The beauty that Mira's make made him become fall in love for the first time.

And that's how he fall in love in first sight, it's slightly plain and common but full of colors.

Earl: "Well that's how it is, so I request to my butler to look for that girl name, address, age, and also the school where you go."

Mira smile a bit, but that smile not because of the story and how Earl beautify the story. But the disgusting way for looking at her personal info.

Mira: "You know your not just disgusting and gross… but also a creepy pervert stalker."

Earl: "… why the heck are you branding me with that?"

Mira: "Because you are that kind of person!"

The two of them stare to each other but less than minute Earl avert his eye and continue.

Earl: "Well love at first sight aside, I am here to ask you about the marriage."

Earl still insist the marriage as he force Mira to say a "Yes" word, but nothing less Mira's eye become swallow and it show her disgust to Earl. Earl just laugh softly as he look at Mira and then he say.

Earl: "No matter what you did, you are still cute."

Mira: "I won't fall with that cheeky word of yours."

Suddenly the butler murmur in his back, nobody couldn't hear it but only the two of them. As the butler finish talking Earl Millennium change expression and said.

Earl: "Then why not make contract with me?"

Mother: "What kind of contract is that?"

Earl: "Don't worry it is simple contract."

Earl explain the contract, the inside the contract "If the person fall in love the contract is finish, if the contract did not go with the plan the rules should be abide".


1.) If the person are using any means of forcing, bribing, or terrifying. The contract will be nullify. And Earl Millennium must abide to the last rules.

2.) If the person follow the contract and fall in love the contract is finish and the set rules would be ignore.

3.) The contract would last for a month.

4.) If the person did not fall in love, after the contract is finish. Earl Millennium itself would never show up in that person's eye.

Mira look at the contract for a moment and keep reading it if there is some hole in that contract. But she did not found some hole, it smell fishy on how prepared he is. But she don't have any choice, if she did not accept this contract he will keep insisting to marry him and he will become bothersome in the near future… so in the end she would be abiding this rules to prevent that marriage.

She refuse to marry that guy, so she will do anything to make this guy regret his choice.

Mira: "Then add this to the last of the contract…"

Earl: "And what it is?"

Mira: "I want a permanent work in your company."

If she would won in this contract why not take advantage this contract and look for some permanent work, it said in the contract that he itself would never show up in her front so it just means that there would never be any bothersome in that company, cause in the first place he would never show up in her front from the start.

It's a little bit cheeky moves, but everything goes according to plan. Mira smug smile as she found some hole in the contract. 'All I need to do is to convince this guy right?'…

Earl: "Oh sure I have no problem with that."

Right after she said her words, Earl accept it right away and right it in the contract without minding the consequence he would get. Mira write her name in the contract and sign it. Then after signing Earl place some small bag like sock and said.

Earl: "Then accept this, our contract would last for month so after this we will see each other again tomorrow so look for some beautiful outfit… because tomorrow is our first date."

Mira: "E-eh?"

'What the heck is this guy talking about?' she then look at the contract and found "The person must abide the rules and follow the daily schedule in the back". The schedule in the back has been pack of date, and date, and date, and date. 'I-I've been scammed!'

Earl: "Well Let's get along Mira."

Earl Smile radiantly but all Mira's could see in that smile is full of evilness and scum. 'W-What the heck did I do' she look at the contract and found her sign, regrets and stupidity run through her mind, as if she did something that would make her entire life crumble. Earl look at Mira's parent and said.

Earl: "then I would like to excuse myself, see you again Mira."

Earl Millennium leave in the house with his limousine, before leaving he look at the house again and smile then the limousine leave.

Mother: "Are you really okay with that?"

Mira: "Yes, probably… I think."

Sometimes opportunity is the biggest choice of mistake you could get in your entire life, and that's how Mira's regret it for a moment. However, that mistake lies the reward so called "Permanent Work" so she must endure this for entire month to get that reward.

Mira's family is poor they barely spend their money to travel around and family outing. So they never experience the family bonding, but they are still satisfied to their life.

Howeverm Mira still long for money to makes her family become happy that's why she become like this, genius and bitter to human.

Mira: "I will just endure it for a month."

Mira smile to her parents, bright without any malice.

Earl: "This is why I fall in love to her."

Far in the outside of the window Earl Millennium is there gazing to that beautiful smile without knowing by Mira.

And so the third chapter is finish, please comment down your thoughts, violent reaction, or just simply about my error in writing.

Quote for the day.

The greatest regret when you are in love, is sometimes being ignorant itself.

Pandoras_Zerocreators' thoughts