

'This is awkward…' after they leave him here the silent awkwardness makes her annoy. Roman don't mind the atmosphere but for them it's still weird. Therefore, to break the silent Ngami speak first.

Ngami: "Do you love eating ice cream in the morning?"

Roman: "yes, well there is no rules that you can't eat ice cream in the morning."

'What the heck is this boy talking about' think by Ngami, she couldn't understand this person talking about. However, looking at this person… seems like he is empty inside and outside. Mira keeps looking at this person because he is different, she cannot see him gazing with jealous or with lustful gaze, it is just pure emptiness.

Roman: "hmm… do you want to win in his game?"

Mira: "What are you talking about?"

Roman: "I mean I can help you because I am the writer of this story."

Ngami: "what the heck are you saying?"

Mira get the gist of what Roman is talking about but she could not trust him because he is the sibling of that jerk. However, there is nothing he can do if she ask for help right?

Mira: "sure can you do that?"

Roman: "then, you will win in this story but you will regret everything."

Roman stand up after eating the ice cream and leave immediately as if he is not talking to someone. His way of talking is rude and suddenly leaving is rude so it makes Mira somehow anger to his attitude.

Mira: "I don't understand that guy."

After they eat Mira explain everything to Ngami as they walk, of course Ngami was surprise after she know the situation. But what Mira's after in this contract is the permanent work so she said she can endure it somehow.

Ngami: "Are you okay with that?"

Mira: "Yeah, I am just going to prepare to the first date."

Mira smile a bit, is she is serious or not Ngami do not know the answer is she is serious about her plan in the first date.



And tomorrow has come and the first date came, Earl is waiting in the bench. Looking at the time twice makes him become nervous because this is his first date so he prepare many things and do some research with his sibling name Roman.

Earl: "ah, I can't wait… I am so excited."

Earl Millennium came one hour earlier than they plan because he is super excited in this moment that he cannot calm his mind. After waiting for 10 more minutes, the exact time they will meet up start but no Mira Francesca shadow could be found.

Earl: "Strange… I thought she hate becoming late."

Earl Millennium stand in the bench while waiting for Mira Francesca, five minutes has been pass and she is still not here. So Earl Millennium call one of his butler.

Earl: "is she is still there?"

Butler: "Miss Mira just leave few minutes ago."

Earl look at his time again, five minutes has been pass since the time they will meet. 'Well it can't be help' he just think that Mira Francesca is not use in dating and meeting someone after class so he find it cute at him. But 30 minutes has been pass and still there is no Mira Francesca.

Earl: "she is really taking her time…"

Earl Millennium seat in the bench while sweat pour down in his cheek, he did not leave in his place for even a seconds that's why he is sweating slightly. And five more minutes Mira Francesca arrive while talking in her phone.

Earl: "Oh so you came."

Earl Millennium greet him with a big smile but Mira Francesca ignore her and continue to talk to her phone. Few minutes after talking, she place her phone in her pocket. Earl Millennium look at Mira's outfit… it looks like she is stalking someone.

Black bonnet, black glasses, black mask, and black long sleeve. It looks like she also don't have any sense of fashion. Earl Millennium laugh a bit seeing her looking at that.

Earl: "That's no good dressing like that."

Mira: "huh? What are you talking about what if some of our classmate see us?"

Earl: "well you looks more like stalking someone than having a date you know."

Mira: "It's okay, at least I show up right?"

Earl: "w-well that's a good reasoning, then let's get started."

Earl Millennium walk beside Mira Francesca, his face is slightly blushing because this is the first time he will date someone. He look at Mira's face… and she keeps looking around restlessly.

Earl: "Do you want to eat first or watch a movie?"

Mira: "Anything is fine."

She open her phone again and begin surfing in her phone like he is not existing in her side. Minute after walking they arrive in some restaurant. They walk inside the restaurant, Mira look around and found that this restaurant is so beautiful. 'No, no that's no good I should stay hostile to this guy' Mira's plan is to ruin everything from the start so that he will never bother her anymore.

After seating, the waiter like butler give the menu. She look at the menu and found the entire price in the menu is so high… all of them is so expensive that she doubting if it is okay to eat here.

Few minute after the waiter leave, silent engulf in their table. Earl Millennium don't know what kind of talk would be appropriate for a girl like Mira so he don't understand anything. What he speak something, or what if he hurt him without knowing something along those line. Earl Millennium gather his courage and open his mouth to talk… but.

Mira open her phone again without minding the others.

Well, well. I finish the chapter 6 and 7 today so enjoy everyone. And sa i said it before if you found error in my grammars feel free to write in the comment.

Quote for the day.

There's no truth in the eye of the liar.

Pandoras_Zerocreators' thoughts