
Chapter 2 - Party politics

Xie Yuhao stood in front of his closet, staring at his limited selection of clothing. Casual wear wasn't something he prioritized, given his usual schedule of classes, study sessions, and the occasional family dinner. He settled on a simple outfit: a plain white shirt and jeans. It was unassuming and comfortable, which suited him just fine.

He checked his phone again. Xiao Chen had sent the party's address with a cheerful reminder to "bring your smile." Yuhao sighed and tucked his phone away, determined to approach this evening with an open mind.

The party was held at a sprawling apartment near campus, and as Yuhao approached, he could hear the music thumping through the walls. He hesitated at the door, reconsidering his decision, but before he could turn back, the door swung open, and a boisterous voice greeted him.

"Yuhao! You made it!" Xiao Chen exclaimed, pulling him inside with a firm grip on his arm.

Yuhao's senses were immediately overwhelmed. The living room was packed with students, all talking, laughing, and dancing. The air was thick with the smell of popcorn, beer, and a hint of something more pungent that Yuhao couldn't quite place.

"Chen, this place is... lively," Yuhao managed, scanning the crowd for a familiar face and finding none.

"That's the spirit! Come on, let me introduce you to some people," Chen said, steering him toward a group gathered around a large bowl of punch.

Chen was a natural in this environment, effortlessly weaving through the crowd, greeting everyone with high fives, hugs, and inside jokes. Yuhao felt like a fish out of water but did his best to keep up.

"Hey, everyone, this is my project partner, Xie Yuhao," Chen announced to the group, who welcomed him with varying degrees of enthusiasm.

Yuhao nodded politely, feeling more awkward by the minute. Chen, sensing his discomfort, handed him a cup of punch. "Here, this will help you relax."

Yuhao eyed the drink warily but took a small sip. It was sweeter than he expected, with a strong aftertaste of alcohol. He decided to nurse it slowly.

"So, Yuhao, what's your major?" one of the girls asked, trying to make conversation.

"Computer science," he replied, feeling the familiar sense of pride and comfort in discussing his academic life.

"Wow, that sounds intense. How do you keep up with all the work?" she asked.

Yuhao shrugged. "I just stay organized and focused."

"Unlike Chen here," another guy chimed in with a laugh. "He's always all over the place."

Chen grinned and put an arm around Yuhao's shoulders. "That's why we're the perfect team. Yuhao keeps me on track, and I make sure he has some fun."

Yuhao tried to smile, but the gesture felt foreign on his face. He was about to make an excuse to leave when Chen pulled him aside.

"Hey, I know this isn't your scene, but I appreciate you coming," Chen said, his voice more sincere than Yuhao had ever heard it. "It means a lot."

Yuhao was taken aback. He hadn't expected Chen to care about his presence at all. "Well, you did insist."

Chen laughed. "True, but still, thanks. Let's get some air."

They stepped out onto the balcony, where the music was a dull thud, and the cool night air was refreshing. Yuhao took a deep breath, feeling some of the tension leave his body.

"Not a fan of parties, huh?" Chen asked, leaning against the railing.

"Not really. I prefer quieter environments," Yuhao admitted.

"I get that. But sometimes, it's good to step out of your comfort zone. You never know what you might find," Chen said, looking out at the city lights.

Yuhao followed his gaze, feeling a strange sense of camaraderie. "I suppose."

They stood in silence for a while, the noise of the party fading into the background. Yuhao found himself relaxing, the initial awkwardness giving way to a tentative sense of ease.

"So, what do you do for fun, Yuhao?" Chen asked, breaking the silence.

"Fun? I read, sometimes play chess. I like puzzles," Yuhao said, realizing how dull it sounded compared to Chen's vibrant lifestyle.

Chen nodded thoughtfully. "You know, I've never really been good at chess. Maybe you could teach me sometime."

Yuhao glanced at him, surprised. "You want to learn chess?"

"Why not? It's never too late to pick up a new skill," Chen said with a shrug.

Yuhao couldn't help but smile a little. "Sure, I could do that."

Just then, someone from the party called out to Chen, and he excused himself, leaving Yuhao alone on the balcony. Yuhao watched him go, feeling a mix of relief and something else he couldn't quite identify.

He stayed outside for a while longer, enjoying the quiet, before deciding it was time to leave. He found Chen inside, engaged in an animated conversation with a group of friends.

"I'm heading out," Yuhao said, tapping Chen on the shoulder.

Chen turned and gave him a thumbs-up. "Thanks for coming, Yuhao. See you at the library?"

"Yeah, see you," Yuhao replied.

As he walked back to his dorm, Yuhao reflected on the evening. It hadn't been as terrible as he'd feared. In fact.