
Why is he here

'The roaring bike engine sounds familiar.... almost too familiar' Ann thought to herself.

Re turned around with annoyed face to look who disturbed his peace.

A certain dirt bike and a tailing car came into view.

'Please don't be what I think please don't....' Ann reluctantly turned around 'Why is this happening? Is heaven mad at me? why is he here?'

Arison got off the bike and removed his helmet grinning ear to ear. Thank to heavens he listened to his heart and came to watch fireflies or else he would have missed this wonderful sight. His eyes were glued to beautiful figure in front of him totally ignoring annoyed Re.

Ann only glanced at him before trying to ignore him again. Only one thought going through her mind 'Why is he here?'

When Arison saw the angelic looking Ann standing there he was so mesmerized that he thought he was dreaming. It surely was a dream as he had reached this place following a single firefly that flied at incredible high speed. But even if it was a dream he didn't wanted to wake up.

The moon light hit Ann's face at right angles. The lazily hanging coat on her shoulder was unable to block her perfect body from shining. Some strands of her silk like hairs danced beautifully with the wind. The beautiful view of fluttering fireflies was no match for her beauty.

Ari didn't even know why he felt a certain way about her. He has always been a flirt and had conquered and crushed lots of hearts but this time he found the heart that he wanted to conquer and hide her away from the world where only he could see.

Why was just one meeting with her enough for him to go crazy? Like he could chase her to world's end. She made a special and deep place in his heart but this feeling of possessiveness was still strange to him.

Girls come and go he never stopped to think about them or even get jealous. But seeing (Re)other guy so close to her made him angry.

Re was angry too because a certain idiot barged in destroying their peace and staring at his beloved sister with stupid twinkling eyes. He protectively stepped in between Ann and Arison and held Ann's arm looking at her with pleading eyes.

Ann was taken back at his sudden protective actions but happy at the same time that he cared about her.

"Sis can we please leave? This guy looks suspicious and he also have men on his sides." He whispered in her ears.

Seeing how close he was getting to Ann, Ari balled his fists tightly till knuckles turned white. 'Why is she not pushing him away?Why did she let him be this close to her?.'

All this jealousy made his brain muddled he was unable to think of another possibility 'Is he her boyfriend? Why did she have to choose him? Such a poor choice. Are they here on a date? Why didn't she tell me she had a boyfriend when we first met?' Completely ignoring the possibility that the guy can be her brother as she was here for her cousin's wedding.

Ann replied to worried Re"He won't hurt us, I know him."

Instead of being calmed by her words Re became more worried 'Why does sis know him?' His sister's complex started acting.'I should have brought Max along he would have been helpful now...god why did I leave him with Aunt?'

Finally breaking the silence Ann turned towards Ari(She forgot to remember his full name, she didn't even pay attention to him when he introduced himself so it was oblivious to happen.)

"Yet another unexpected encounter Mr.Ari" Ann said almost robotically. She thought that she would never see him ever again.

Arison was happy that she called him Ari but also sad because she wasn't happy to see him again. She was the only one allowed to call him Ari not even his parents called him that.

"Nice to meet you too." He replied totally ignoring Re's glare.

"Why are you here?" The next thing he heard made Arison's heart weep. 'Why is she acting so cold and rude towards me but all sweet and candy towards that guy?' Growing more jealous with every passing second.

'I am definitely taller and more handsome than that guy. What made her choose him instead of me? I should have met her earlier.' Ari was regretting not being from same country as Ann.

"To watch the fireflies as everyone else." Arison replied controlling his anger.

" There is literally no one here aside from us so who exactly is that everyone?." Re asked frustrated.

"Oh and who are you?"

Re was so angry that he turned red. What was with that tone he used? Thankfully Ann replied for him and the next words that came out of her mouth were like melody to Arison's ears.