

“Was she sick when she got pregnant?”

“Yes. Although, I doubt James even realized it. She had tremors in her hands, and at that point, she wasn’t comfortable driving because every once in a while, she’d get turned around. However, most of her symptoms were easily masked as fatigue or clumsiness. And she wasn’t around James much before he left town. The disease didn’t progress drastically until Legend was about three.”

“How could she have ever thought she could raise a child alone?” The part of me that had been grateful to Chelsea for the gift she’d given us had turned to rage. “I can’t imagine being so selfish knowing she was going to die and that child would have no one.”

“He had me. The same way she always had. And in her eyes, that was a great life.”

“Explain that to me. How did my dad go from knocking up her mom to you being the grandmother to her that you never were to me?”

“Would you like some more coffee, dear?”