
Undying Warlord

Dilan, 21-years-old, was anything but ordinary. He sought adrenaline wherever he could. Life didn’t feel worth living on the small blue planet he was born on. However, it was a seemingly ordinary night on new year’s eve that everything changed! A raging storm manifested on the mountainside he had climbed on to feel free, to escape the ordinary world that bored him to death. And death was what awaited him eagerly as he was flung through the air, just to be pricked by an old, seemingly ancient tree trunk. Not even a miracle would be enough to save him anymore. But it was just at this moment that something much bigger than a miracle happened. Every single existence on the blue planet got connected to the Log of the Ancient, something most would label as “Status”. The ordinary and mundane world changed forever, turning into a bloody and merciless battlefield as the Primordial Ascension unsealed the shackles that weighed on the planet for millions of years. Mythical mana was unleashed, animals began to mutate, zombies emerged, and monsters known from fairy tales appeared out of Gates. Follow the journey of a man, who seeks adrenaline, who embraces pain, who overcomes death itself …a man, who will become an Undying existence! ** P.S Romance/R.18(any type of love yk) will start 250 earliest.

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Protect or Abandon?

As the Mana slash cut through the Vampires, Dilan's eyes gleamed vibrantly.

"This is something I can enjoy," He merely mumbled, anticipating the decision of the noble Vampires.

None of the plebeian Vampires were able to block his attack because the only Vampires, who were able to fight him to a certain extent were the nobles and the beautiful Vampire behind him.

Dozens of Vampires were mercilessly cut in half by his attack. They were still alive, but Dilan would finish them off in no time especially after witnessing the noble Vampires' reaction.

However, what Dilan didn't expect was that some of the noble Vampires turned into fog, prioritizing their own life. Only one of the noble Vampires was left standing in front of his wife, using all his mana and his racial strength to protect her. He faced the brunt of the Mana slash that blasted toward him.