
Chapter 25

Another cough,this time bringing up a rush of water,and those eyes flew open.Wild and dark,they calmed the moment Tad recognized him.“Dere—”

A fit of coughing cut him off.Derek helped him sit and pounded a hand flat against Tad’s back to help clear his lungs.“It’s all right now,”he murmured,rubbing that hand over Tad’s wet jacket.The breeze licking along his own nude body reminded him Tad needed to get out of those clothes,and now.While Derek’s merrish blood made him impervious to the cold,Tad wasn’t quite as fortunate,and the chills wracking his body frightened Derek.Working the jacket off Tad’s shoulders,Derek cooed,“Let’s warm you up a bit.You doing okay?”

“Fine,”Tad coughed.“Where’s the boat?”