
Undertale: The Scientist

"Hey, your majesty, I have a question." "Yes, Victor?" Asgore calmly replied. "Why do you have dead corpses of children in your basement, perfectly preserved, and not buried?" ... ----------- Will be updated frequently, but no set schedule, don't feel like forcing myself into a schedule that'll likely turn this into a hiatus book.

BoredMansDream · Video Games
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23 Chs

Ch15: It’s… Clean?


Thats all I heard.

I bolt upright, trying to find the source, feeling a sense of danger.

It was the alarm clock.


I sweat drop. 'Did it really take me that long to wake up?' I think groggily.

I groan. 'Fuck, there's so much I need. I don't have a coffee maker!'

"Is there a clipboard around here? No, there probably isn't, I didn't find one while looking around the first two times, looking again is just stupid.

"Lets look in the true lab."

I leave the main doors locked and head over to the elevator with my keys.

I groggily enter the elevator and turn around.

Squinting, I see two buttons and a key hole. I try to insert the key, fail, then tried again.


Finally succeeding at putting the square shape in the square hole, I hit the bottom button.




The doors opened to… white tiles. They were all covered in a layer of dust, but other than that, were pretty clean.

"What happened in the original Undertale that they would let such clean tiles turn green?" I shudder, thinking of all of the filth that was likely on those walls.

'Let's not dwell on that.' I shudder again. 'At least we probably know that the accident happened upstairs. Either that, or the lab was looted when there wasn't anyone there, which could very well be a possibility, considering the door just opened for me for no reason.'

I started whistling "Here we are!" and moved forward.

'There sure is a lot of equipment in this hallway.' I think to myself, seeing 10's of those metal carts you see in hospitals, full of things such as syringes, pliers, restraints, anything that could be useful in a lab without moral restrictions.

One cart even had a bucket of tar and a blowtorch.

'Where did they put all of this equipment in the original Undertale? I doubt they just threw it all away, this could be very expensive…'

'Is it sterilized? Is the equipment clean? Because if not, that would make sense… If this was the 'Original' Undertale timeline before I came along, then it could be very likely that Alphys didn't come along until much later, especially considering her personality, which can't handle fear well. It would easily make her not want to come here until later. That could cause the walls to dirty up turning green and the equipment becoming unusable.

I sigh.

"I guess add sterilizing the equipment to the list." I continue looking for my clipboard. "And it probably would be best to set up an inventory system so I know what we have."

Soon, a pristine white door stood before me, opening now that it has detected I am here.

I ignore it, continuing to look for my clipboard.

A cart directly next to the door has my treasure.

"Yes!" I laugh. "I have been needing this for a while now. But now…"

"Wheres a pencil?"

It didn't take long to find a box of pencils in the next hallway.

"Alright, first things first, I need to make a list if things I need to do.

1, repair upstairs.

2, buy a pillow, blanket, and coffee machine.

3, sterilize equipment.

4, hire someone to keep down here clean. (I can handle the upstairs by myself.)

5, search the whole true lab for things that need to be done and to get familiar with my workplace.


As I say that, a *Ding Dong*! Sound rings out, with a robotic voice following.

"Intercom announcement: Asgore is calling, Dr.*BZZZT*."

'An intercom system? Where is it based in? There isn't a intercom room in the original…'

'Whatever, lets go see Asgore…'

I start my way back to the elevator.

'Wonder what he wants this time…' I think to myself as I reach the elevator.





I take the key out of the slot and exit the elevator. The phone is ringing.

'Well, I don't know what I was expecting, that's exactly what the intercom was telling me.


"Hello?" I answer.

"Getting straight to work, eh Victor? I didn't expect you to go straight to the main lab first thing!"

"I just needed a clipboard so I could start to count out the thibgs I need to do. I didn't see any cameras down there, is there a system I should know about?"

"You'll find a room down there that controls the intercom and the cameras when you do your "full inventory system" that you were talking to yourself about, hahaha!"

I sweat drop. "Well thank you for that, but I have to ask, why did you call?"

"There's a package waiting for you."

"Again? Where is it this time?"

"Although you didn't ask, it is your conputer. It also functions as your ATM for your cards, which I am sure you would appreciate as you have not eaten yet."

I sweat drop again. "Can we just not have any caneras functioning that are looking directly at where I am sleeping?"

"You haven't left the lab and there hardly is any edible food, its a fair assumption."

"You haven't denied the fact that there are cameras watching me as I sleep." I give the clipboard to a Septagram. (Authors note: thank you Falling_Wealth and Cpt_Starz for the idea)

He stayed silent for a moment, then said "Fine, but unlock the doors, there are still people passing through this area."

I sigh. "Right, I really need to lock down my room area if people are passing. Is there anything else?"

"No, thats it, although I wouldn't mind another game of chess!"

"I have quite a bit of work here to do before I can play games, your majesty."

He chuckled. "Fair, thats why you are here after all."

He hung up.

I immediately go upstairs and unlock the doors to let people in and to go get my package.

"How… in the blue fuck… am I going to do this?" I say to myself looking at the two packages that are both half my size.


Name: Victor

Alias: Glyph

EXP: 7

LOVE: 39

Useable G: 11

Total G: 81

"Wondering how long you will have to wait to eat fills you with Patience."

💙 Continue. Give up.


Words 1045

Authors note: just wanted to say thank yall for reading

updated ch: spelling mistakes