
Undertale: The Scientist

"Hey, your majesty, I have a question." "Yes, Victor?" Asgore calmly replied. "Why do you have dead corpses of children in your basement, perfectly preserved, and not buried?" ... ----------- Will be updated frequently, but no set schedule, don't feel like forcing myself into a schedule that'll likely turn this into a hiatus book.

BoredMansDream · Video Games
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23 Chs

Ch 19: I am bathing less than a Discord Mod

Authors note: I am back from my single day break from this book, which I am pretty sure nobody noticed. Either way, enjoy the new chapter.

I groan as a screeching sound fills my ears like a balloon.

As I finally regain my consciousness, I can't help but smile as I remember the new world I am in.

"Ugh, can you shut up already?" I yell at the alarm clock.

It continued its beeping as I complained.

I got up and slapped the clock, hoping that it would stop. (Authors note: Almost capitalized Clock cause of the other book I'm writing, haha.)

I sit up and swing my feet out of the blanket and onto the cold floor. Rubbing my face with my hands, I try to wake myself up fully. "… Let's get rid of all the debris and bullshit that's downstairs."

Swinging my body up and off from the bed to avoid having to use all my muscles, I unlock the doors and immediately put one of the coffee pods that came with it into the coffee maker.

"No." I can't process how stupid I was.

I didn't buy a coffee cup.

I don't own any cups.

I sigh. "I'll look for paper cups in the true lab. Hopefully I can find a washer and dryer… and… shower…"

I realize. "Fuuuuuckkk, there is a bathtub in true lab."

"Whatever, I am happy I can finally take a bath." I get up and head downstairs, grabbing the key along the way, ready to enter true lab. My Septograms suddenly jumped up from the bookshelf from where they laid and followed me. Still had to go back and grab the clipbord that it almost forgot.

I obviously had difficulty turning the key in the slot again, but when I got it in, it didn't take me long to be back at the main area of true lab.

"The main door is an elevator, right?" I sigh. "I just gotta hope that it leads to other floors that have what I need." I head to the door on the right. Everything seemed unlocked, which was kind of astonishing considering that the lab was destroyed so bad.

I walked slowly, enjoying the quiet buzzing of the lights above me slightly.

Soon, the next open room greeted me. It looked like a classic office.

"I thought that this is where all of the beds should have been? I'm guessing that's why Asgore didn't question why I asked for a bed. Why did I ask for a bed when I thought there were beds here?"

"Eh, I probably just forgot." I push the thought to the side as I look around. A classic desk faced towards me, chair on the other side. The rest of the room was filled with safes, drawers, and the like, all holding what I could only assume were the experiments of the previous scientist. Papers littered the desk, despite the fact that the work that was done with them likely won't be done again. I walk over and grab a folder, looking at the title.


Project Homunculus

Status: Not Started

Goal: Artificial Creation of a Soul.


My eyes widened slightly for a moment, intrigued. I opened the file. It had three papers. I grabbed only the first one and gave the folder to Snappy.

I read as I walked my way to the room with the bathtub.


The room to the right of the DTE will be used as the location for the experiment. Status: Experiment is ready to be conducted. Nothing has started as of yet.

Note: As the Royal Scientist, I can't help but wonder, is this truly the right thing to do? Do I create life only to trap it to free another life? Is that not the same issue as before?


"Fascinating…" I think aloud as I reach the room.

I sigh. "Finally, I can take a bath. I wouldn't mind taking a piss, too, but there isn't a toilet." As I said that, my head knocked into something, which moved.

"Ow, fuck! What was that?" I cursed, eyes closed from having my head wacked, but when I opened them, the open doorframe behind me closed, as if the door was just hiding in the wall. In addition to that, the wall to my right opened up to reveal a full bathroom.

With a washer and dryer.

"You know, as happy as I am that there is the washer and dryer, I can't helo but wonder why the shower isn't also hidden behind this strange mechanism." I wonder as I look up at the apparent switch that my head hit.

"Whatever! I finally have what I need!" I strip quickly and throw them in the washer. Who cares about separating the darks from the lights?

Now that I am naked, however, I finally see my body properly for the first time since I got reincarnated.

It wasn't built, no, it looked like how it did before. Light muscle, as if I've worked out before but became seeded from a sedentary life. Extremely skinny, as if I have starved for my early life, but in contrast, tall, showing that I ate just fine. I look down.

Little brother? Nah, Big brother.

I ignore my own body as nothing changed and I try to turn on the faucet, which thankfully worked as water started to surge from the tap, but it refused to heat, no matter how long I waited.

"I guess I have to find the boiler, huh? Whatever, this is fine for now."

I enter the shower.


Were you expecting a shower scene?



Name: Victor

Alias: Glyph

EXP: 7

LOVE: 39

Useable G: 0

Total G: 40

"Finally taking a shower after so long fills you with Patience"

💙 Continue. Give up.


Words 979