
Ch 17: The Temmies are actually making something?

Authors note: proud to announce my first ever Original novel is out, by the name of "I Am Your Clock!". If you are interested in a story without a harem, with a unique system, and a brand new storyline completely different from any story, go check it out!


"Whatever! I don't fucking care that it's Bing! Just get me a goddamn pizza!"

I continued clicking on the keyboard and mouse that was hidden inside the pc box and searched for "Pizza to deliver."


It thankfully didn't take long until I found a place called "Fazbears". The alternatives just didn't look that appetizing.

"What is their number?" I click on their website, looking for the info I needed.

"xxx-xxx-xxxx, alright."

I repeat the number sequence over and over in my head, trying not to forget it as I head upstairs to the phone.

'xxx-xxx-xxxx' I repeat to myself one last time as I reach the phone, inputting the numbers. One of the Septograms following behind me was snapping what seemed to be randomly, the other was just holding the clipboard calmly.




"Hello, this is Fazbears pizza, how can I help you today?"

"Do you deliver to Hotland?"


"I'll take a large meatlovers pizza to the Royal Laboratory."

"I.. I'm sorry, where did you say to take the pizza? I think I heard it wrong."

'Ohhh right.' I realize. 'The people still don't know that I have been hired yet. Eh, whatever, Asgore's problem.' "No, you heard me correctly, I said to the Royal Laboratory, although I do appreciate that you double checked, because it does seem a little strange. Can I also get a large soda with that? Surprise me with the soda."

"Uhhh, alright, that will be 15G."

"I have the money here, do I pay the delivery man?"

"That should work. Your order will arrive in thirty minutes! Fazbear pizza wishes you a great day!"

"Thanks." I reply simply and hang up. I look at the time.


"Let's start buying things I need for the lab in this time…"

I head back down to the pc and type "Online Supermarket".

First thing that comes up is a website called "Sahara". It looks like this world's version of Amazon.

I quickly bring the clipboard over, Septogram in tow.

"Pillow, blanket, coffee machine, and garbage bags. Garbage bags are definitely going on the budget card, though, that shit ain't coming out my paycheck!"

I laughed a little when I found a body pillow of a fat nerd character in a fedora and a little more when I found a blanket called "The Cum Rag", but at the end of the day, I found a really nice looking simple pillow and thick blanket.

'Next, the coffee machine.'

The coffee machines…

They call them "Tea makers".


The actual fuck.

Whatever, they sell coffee pods, I'll take it!

It all came out to 60G.

I groan a little as I hit the buy button, all of that money straight in the drain.

Wait, what?

Oh, I need to connect my account to Sahara to buy things. Makes sense.

Can I just input my card into the slot when it asks for it?

Now its asking what I should call this account. Lets just call it "Personal", simple enough.

There we go. 60G, gone, reduced to atoms.

"Now the garbage bags, any old bags will do."

The only thing that took me time while getting garbage bags was doing the add a bank account thing, since I didn't want to use my personal card for this.

I shiver. "It's not even telling me how much is on this card. How much does Asgore invest into the Royal Scientists? Is that how they are able to afford projects like the DT Extractor and the CORE?"


I turn to look at where the soft noise was. The door. Of course! I ordered pizza! Finally!

I pull 16G out of the menu and yell "It's unlocked! Come on in."

I buy the garbage bags as he enters.

"Uhh, you order this pizza?"

"Yes, thank you."

"This place is a bit of a mess, don't you think?"

"Yes, I know, I'm working on it."

"Are you saying you work here?"

"Yes, his majesty has yet to announce it."

"Huh. Weird."

"Here you go." I pay him and tip him.

"Thanks for the tip!" He yells as he hands me a bag with a bottle and a box, then walks out. I head upstairs. It's a lot cleaner up there and far more fit to eat than down here.

I simply sit on the floor. I don't have a washing machine yet, I can't eat on the bed, that would be fucking stupid!

I take my first bite.

I moan a little. "Delicious. Much better than that greasy burger…"

The first slice is gone within seconds.

I reach into the box and didn't even look at the label and just started chugging.

It tastes like… Dr. Pibb.

It's good.

What is it called?


Temmie juice?

What the fuck did those little creatures do?


Name: Victor

Alias: Glyph

EXP: 7

LOVE: 39

Useable G: 0

Total G: 5

"Waiting for your next paycheck fills you with Patience"

💙 Continue. Give up.


Authors note: today alone, I wrote 7 chapters. I am exhausted. Goodnight, yall.

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