
Ch 16: These Newfangled Machines Got me all Confounded!

Authors note: A wise man once said if you are on Webnovel and you have over 200 hours read, but not a single comment, I am sorry, but you're an NPC.

Jokes aside, enjoy the early chapter


"Well… At least they are inside now." I try to look at the bright side.

"You know, it will probably just be easier if I clear out an area down here." I realize, looking around for a good place.

I smile. "Why not the same place as in canon?"

I grabbed the same broomstick as I did last time and started clearing out.

I sigh as I start to finish up. "When I get that computer up and running, I need to get some garbage bags to get all of this out of here."

While saying that, my Septagram jumped in front of me.

"H-huh?" I say, surprised. Then I realized, 'Right! I should write it on the list!'

As I add that, though, I can't help but think. 'I didn't tell it to do that. Are they partially sentient? Fully sentient? Concerning, but I have things to do that are of higher priority.'

After the Septagram got out of my face, I started to rip open the first box. Inside… was a table.

"… I mean, yeah, I needed a place to put it, but that could have waited, Asgore…"

'At least it isn't like that IKEA bed and won't take that long.'


I spin around at the sudden sound, having my Septagram drop the clipboard and pencil, turning white.

There was nothing there.

"What was-"


'It's… My stomach.'

"I need to get my PC together to get my G, though." I start to think of whether I should go out to eat or work first. "But I also still have some G remaining, and I haven't eaten in a while… What time is it?"

I have my Septagram grab the clipboard and pencil again as I walk upstairs.


I continue to walk, heading back downstairs.

"I mean, I would still have plenty of time to work after I eat, but I also would set a weird precedent that my body would not enjoy breaking out of. Should I just wait for dinner, work while I wait, and get a nice dinner instead of just a greasy burger?"

'I think… I am going to wait until dinner.' I think to myself, not exactly interested in having that greasy burger again.

*Growl*! My stomach continues to complain.

I put aside the unfinished table and grab the second box. I only need the PC/ATM to get my money, after all.

Its… quite unique.

It looks like a classic PC box, except there is a screen on one of the sides. Seems like an efficient build. If this was in the real world, it likely wouldn't sell, but I still like it a lot due to me not having to spend extra money on a monitor.

I look in the box again. There is a power cord, and something that looks like a card reader with a slot.

"How… in the blue fuck does this work?" I think aloud as I look at what I can only assume is my "ATM". "This has to be a joke right? Magic can't be THAT developed, right?"

I plug in my pc, and turn it on. While it boots up, I plug in the 'ATM'.

"No fucking way this works, right?" I think aloud as I pull out the old letter holding the cards. I pulled out the one that read "PERSONAL" on it in big bold letters.

The PC boots up. Apparently, it runs on an operation program called "Aperture".

'Hopefully it runs like Windows' I think to myself as I quickly create an account so I can use the ATM.

I pretend to put on a pair of sunglasses. "I'm in."

I laugh for a moment, then look skeptically at the card.

I then try to insert it into the slot.

A prompt comes onto the screen.

"How much would you like to withdraw? Max: 70G"

'No fucking way.' I think in disbelief, typing 19G.

It comes out of the slot.

I sit there, stunned.

"It… works." I couldn't believe it. "Well, no time to waste, I'm hungry!"

I throw the G into my status window, drop the clipboard, and take one last look at my clock before leaving.


"It really doesn't look any different from canon."

As I was standing in River Persons cave, I summoned another Septagram to stand on while the other fixed my hair.

For some reason, though, the hand has trouble.

I check the hand. Through the fingers, the exact place where it ran through my hair, lay a bunch of tiny particles. I smell them, trying to identify what they are.

I grimace. "When we get back to the lab, add buying a shower, a washer and a dryer to the list."

'Actually, can't I just order a pizza? Alphys did that in canon right? Otherwise you would never have gotten the call in Snowdin of Alphys getting the wrong number while ordering a pizza.'

I look down the river while thinking.

"Let's just order a pizza.' I turn back around.

'Is there a search bar I can use?' I think to myself as my two Septagrams begin writing down the things I need to buy.

I begin clicking on all the icons on the desktop; one called 'Thumble' seemed to be… a dating app? Why is this standard protocol for the pc to install? Another was called 'Campus', but when I opened it, it said "Log in to the amazing security system site!".

"Later, I'm looking for a search engine.

When I found it, I both smiled and frowned.

It was bing.


Name: Victor

Alias: Glyph

EXP: 7

LOVE: 39

Useable G: 30

Total G: 81

"Waiting so long to do basic hygene fills you with Patience."

💙 Continue. Give up.


1030 words

Authors note: I looked at what yall said you would do if I wrote a novel, and now I got some tags for the novel. I am not gonna tell you the story though, cause its unique enough that I don't want the story stolen. Tell me if ya would read that

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