
Original undertail AU

Once upon a time humans and monsters got along but humans were starting to get jealous of the monsters power because The only way monsters could level up their power is by a human soul because humans have determination and determination is the most powerful thing in the human realm but because of the humans and humans lot The monsters underground on Mount Everest but one day A human fail but the human survive the fall into the underground Little did the kid know they were in the ruins of the underground The Queen of the underground found the kid laying in a bed of flowers tory picked up the kid and set them up and he was the kid from all her injuries with green magic when the kid woke up she seen a goat like human with a kind smile The kids felt safe tori told the kid to follow her The kids struggle to stand up but once they go on their feet tori ask them what is your name The kids said nothing and shrugged their shoulders so Tori gave them a name she said with a kind voice frisk chapter 2 Undertail Fell au coming soon