
Underrated Exorcist : The Legacy of The Supreme's will

Impurities, spirits, ghosts, ghouls, hollows, corrupted beings, cursed beings, phantoms, monsters, demons, devils, and many more: They exist differently and are called by many names. They feed on dark energy and negative emotions to grow stronger. They are unknown to the world and unseen by the human eye, ever-lurking in the shadows of humanity. But there are few people with mystical power & spiritual energy flowing through their veins, giving them the ability to see things that normal humans cannot perceive; they are—Exorcists. 18 years ago, there was a demon apocalypse. All the exorcists in the world united in confronting the enemies of humanity. In the end, the battle was won, but the cost of their lives. Around the same time, Luka Aldini, a powerless boy, was born with no magic. He grew up hearing all those stories about monsters and demons, believing in them despite not knowing any truth behind the world, the powers, and its creation. Follow Luka Aldini on his journey as he overcomes his past traumas and unravels every secret of the cruel world he lives in to fulfill the legacy of the supreme's will.

NoWoRRyMaN · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
46 Chs

Tero Urek

It was almost lunch break, and Luka was still trying to figure out why Ana and Liz were ignoring him. Ana was in another classroom, so that it couldn't be helped, but Liz was in the same classroom as Luka. Actually, her seat was next to him. Every time Luka glanced at Liz, he got ignored.

'I don't know what I did, but they seem pretty angry, and what is this feeling I get every time Liz ignores me?' Luka was pondering on what he had done to get ignored like this.

As Luka was lost in his thoughts, the headteacher of the school walked into the classroom and said, "Okay then, I know this is late, but there will be new student joining us" The new student entered the class,

"No way" "Really" The girls started chattering as soon as the boy entered the room.

"New student? At this time of the year," Boys were being noisy too.

'Who is this guy? It seems that I have seen him before,' Luka thought as he gazed at the new transfer student.

"Ahem!" The teacher coughed. "Listen to me" As soon as the teacher did that, everyone stopped chattering.

"This guy," He pointed his hand at the transfer student and said, "I mean Tero Urek used to study in this school; he was in the second year before, but due to some circumstances, he couldn't finish his second year, so he will be joining you, first-years from today."

"Wow" "Awesome" The girls were making a ruckus.

'What are these girls excited about? And where have I seen him before?' Luka had a feeling that he had seen the new transfer student before. As Luka was a first-year, it should have been nearly impossible for Luka to see him somewhere before. But still, he couldn't shake this feeling.

"Can't believe there are 2 hot boys in our class now," The girl who was sitting in front of Luka whispered to the girl next to her.

'Hot guy? He is a hot guy?' Luka was puzzled. His eyes then widened as he remembered. 'Wait… now I remember it… this guy is…'

Around two weeks ago, Luka found out that girls did secret voting on 'who is the hottest guy in school' with the help of Seig. According to the poll results, Luka was second hottest in school, and first was, "Tero Urek."

'I don't really care about that.' Luka didn't seem to care about it that much as long as Ana is with him.

"Liz Earl. Raise your hand," The teacher said.

'Huh?' Luka was surprised when he heard Liz's name being called.

"Okay then, Tero, the seat behind her is empty; sit there."

'Wait? Why? The seat behind me is also empty, so why can't he sit behind me rather than…' Das clenched his chest with his hand. 'What is this feeling in my chest?'

Tero glanced around the room as if he was memorizing everyone's face. His gaze then fell on Luka, and he kept staring at him.

"Tero? Do you have any problem with your seat?" The teacher asked. Tero shook his head and walked to the seat behind Liz and sat there.

"Hello, nice to meet you. My name is Tero Urek. I will be in your care." The moment Tero sat there, he talked with Liz.

"Hello, my name is Liz Earl, nice to mee--" Liz Tried to introduce herself, but Luka quipped. "Hello, my name is Luka Aldini, and I will take good care of you" His words and facial expressions weren't matching.

'Crap, my body moved on its own, but when I saw him talking to Liz, I had this sudden urge to butt in

"Yeah, likewise," Tero replied.

'Dammit!' Luka glanced at Liz. She was staring at him, completely shocked and surprised.

"Hey Liz, it's almost lunch break. How about we--" Luka tried to invite Liz to eat lunch with him during the lunch break. But Liz turned her face away.

'I got ignored again, and what the hell is this feeling again?!'