
Underneath the coldness of my skin

[MATURE THEMES] Never in her life had Celeste thought of waking up in the middle of the night at the horrendous screams of her parents nor finding out the man she had loved to her bone would do the dreadful deed of assisting his dad in killing her parents in the greed of power and wealth.  The grief and heartbreak she had gone through was one of hell and seeing the facade of her ex-partner's father falling before her feet the next night trapped inside the walls of her chamber when he tried to assault her was frighteningly alarming which left her with no way but to flee the Kingdom she grew up in. The palace where she only had the best of memories until that unfortunate night when she unwillingly had to let go of the people who gave birth to her. Who she loved to death.  Then again, never in her life had Celeste thought there will be a moment she will be brought to the kingdom of Elyznh— which she heard about a lot but didn't though one day she will be setting foot there and living a life pretending to be a human when the blood flowing inside her nerves were pure Vampire— living with werewolves nor falling in love with a werewolf. Her secret is her's only, and when she dies it will become mere ashes as she is and rose in the sky, until then no one needs to know.

oceaanblues · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
60 Chs

Lewdly pleasure.


Prince Eylin is in her bed chamber? Why?

He is the last one Celeste is expected to see tonight.

"Why is he here in my chamber?" She asks the woman standing before her. Mehki looks at her with surprise written on her face, her eyes wide, eyebrows propping up.

"Why is he here? Are you out of your mind or something?" Mehki asks incredulously, a humorless laugh pushing past her lips. Her words hang in the air, a mixture of disbelief and frustration evident in her tone. "Don't act innocent, Celeste. You know exactly why the prince is here. You are his mistress, he expects you to pleasure him." Mehki says as if it's the most obvious thing in the whole wide world.