
Underground Kingdom

Many circumstances lead to Klein’s Ascension of the throne. Of the most significant was his own death. Watch as Klein obliterates enemy nations, in the name of his own.

Schmeaticus · Fantasy
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1 Chs


Klein Rooswald lived through his early life as a farm hand on a major lords plantation. Working with other teenagers from anywhere between fifteen and sixteen, Klein felt comfortable in his life. Things were going so well for him in fact, he even managed to woo a fellow farm hand to be his girlfriend. Klein was an average human, average looks, tall but not giant, and average strength. With a light complexion, hazel eyes, and darkened brown hair, average was the best way to describe him. However, what he lacked in attributes, he overshadowed with his overwhelmingly positive attitude.

His unique personality sparked controversy among the teenage farm hands, many clinging to his side, while others avoided him, viewing him as an annoyance. Only to make matters worse, his girlfriend was the farm belle, who was being targeted by many hormonal boys.

Having had enough of Klein's antics, the farm hands banded together to eliminate Klein from the picture.

It was the dead of night, the band of hooligans took to the shadows approaching the boys dorm, where all the boys stayed. They snuck up on the unaware Klein, tying a sock around his mouth so he could not make noise to alert the guards. They proceeded to bind the rest of his body while the other boys held him down. A few of the boys were awake in their beds nearby, but dared not make a sound, should it happen to them too. After binding his hands, feet, and mouth, the boys each contributed holding one of his appendages up, carrying Klein into the unknown.

A little further from the farm and the boys were all laughs, each proud of their successful heist. All the while Klein struggled his mightiest to undue his bonds.

The laughing continued until one of the boys remarked,

"So... what do we do with him?"

It seemed as though the boys had not planned this far ahead, with each having a more dumbfounded face than the last.

"Yeah, what do we do Michael?" One boy remarked towards a slender kid, with blonde curly hair.

"You came up with this plan, tell us what to do." Another boy remarked, clearly labeling the slender boy as the orchestrator of this plan.

Hearing these words sent Klein in a rage, he knew that boy, Michael lumpruch, the privileged farm owners son. He had always had this obvious crush on Klein's girlfriend, however his feelings were unrequited.

"Why are you asking me! I never thought we would actually do it!" The frightened Michael exclaimed.

"Let's take him to the abandoned city, he'll be so scared shitless he will never come back to the farm." A rather chubby boy added.

"Good thinking Tian, that outa scare him off." another agreed.

Klein also knew him, it was one of his closest friends. It seemed as though Klein had fallen victim to a classic case of betrayal. Klein's blood went hot, his face flush with anger. He had been friends with Tian for well over two years now, so the scar ran deep.

Life at the farm as Klein knew it was over.