

Aizawa's POV

Classes are getting harder to cover, of course my students are doing amazing as they have been all year long. Since the incident. But Vlad won't leave us the fuck alone! What is it going to take? I mean really?

It has gotten so bad that I now secure the room the moment class begins instead of just when we need to cover mission details. But Momo brought up the fact that it would be a perfect excuse for them to study material that they actually needed for the mission and so now class covers torture techniques and the different pros and cons to each style, the girls have even taken to psychology as an added bonus while the boys split up to work on different poisons and acids...

What has my class actually come to? I mean really? Nezu finally let me know that my 'girls' had contacted him and that they needed recovery time and that Todoroki would be back the following day.

My new side kick Phoenix, would start on the first, just in time to cover the big announcement. Phoenix, that is going to take getting some used to. The boy never deserved what he got in life and now he has to pretend that he was never hurt at all? Of course officially Phoenix is still under review but it was basically a done deal. Thanks to the videos that One and Two sent, the Hero Association are in the middle of pardoning all of his crimes altogether but he will probably never be fully trusted. His saving grace? His only real crimes were property damage, trespassing on school grounds and kidnapping Bakugo.

Not the best rap sheet by any means but he never killed anyone and his target was always in relation to Endeavor. To some how attack his villain so that the world could know just what kind of piece of shit he actually was.

I let out a sigh. We had already went through all the material for general classes this morning and right now I had a video on how narcotics affected the body, getting both the boy's and girl's attention.

Deku and Dynamight... They are addicted to each other and after the video they had several questions about if there was possibly a treatment available for them or not. Thankfully I already knew this was coming and the boys had already agreed to allow me to answer all of their questions, regardless of how personal they got.

Should I be concerned with their level of trust in me? Or the fact that they trust all of their classmates with this kind of information? This is really something they should keep to themselves because honestly it would be terrible if a villain found out and tried to use it against them. They could actually die just from being away from each other for too long. But when I told them this their answer was simple.

"We trust you, or we would never have died for you." I repeated this now to my students.

"They..." I looked up to see all of their teary eyes watching me, I have no idea who had spoken but the looks on my student's faces just tore my heart to pieces. Not that I would tell them that, but I guess at this point I don't actually need to. They already know.

"Yes, that is what they told me when I advised against telling any of you about this. I certainly can't argue with it, can any of you?" I looked around and I could easily see their determination skyrocketing. Yes, my problem children have created a small army and I for one? I would follow them into the gates of hell and still expect to win. And if we didn't? Well then I must have fucked up something because Deku and Dynamight sure as fuck didn't.

Classes went on and before I knew it the final bell had rang, once everyone had their supplies put away they started gathering into their groups. If memory serves Kaminari and Shinso have guard duty in an hour so they were quick to leave to go and get ready while my other students stayed back and asked some general questions about todays class assignments. It was just a facade of course, they had already turned in their homework before we had started with mission prepping but as always it took less than 30 seconds for Vlad King to appear and try to talk to me or my students.

He went ignored while I answered mundane math, history or ethics questions and when my students had stuck around for an appropriate amount of time they all left still ignoring the "hero" teacher of class 3B.

"Aizawa, don't you think that you are being a little petty? I am trying to make amends and you shoot down or ignore me altogether," Vlad asked and to be fair he does sound like he is trying to be sincere but that gut feeling I have developed over the years is screaming at me not to trust him.

"I just don't have anything to say to you," I answered before collecting my things. My papers already graded I just need to go to the teacher's lounge to input grades.

"Please, not just as a colleague but as a friend. Let me try. I'm not saying you should forgive me, you probably never will and I understand that but at least allow me to try to be better. I'm not good with words, and I suck at apologizing but please." I studied him for a long time before picking up my bag and leaving the room. I locked it behind me before turning to the man to tell him my answer.

"It's been nine months, nine months since the suicide that I had to watch live. Yes it turned out to be staged for a mission but it almost wasn't." I ignored his shocked expression and went on. "It was months before we found out about the mission and we were able to put the sting together to bring those boys back and every single day you and your students taunted us, you ridiculed us, you went out of your way to remind us of what we lost." My eyes narrowed as I glared at the suddenly shrinking man before me but I wasn't done yet.

"How could I ever trust you again? Not as a friend or colleague or even just a pro hero. How could I trust a man who used student's deaths as a weapon against their loved ones? You ask me if I think I'm being petty the answer is really simple. No, no I do not. I think the fact that I didn't beat the ever loving hell out of you all those months ago is proof of just how much more of an adult I am than you ever were. So for the last time; leave me and my students alone. Next time, I won't leave it at just words." I turned and left him there, for once I don't feel my blood boiling in rage as I did either. No I feel calm and collected, free.

I opened the teacher's lounge door and find my husband already hard at work before turning on my computer and I started putting in my student's grades. It went by quickly and I even put in their English grades for Hizashi, he could use the extra help. I still finished well before him and just gave him a quick kiss on the forehead while I walked by him.

"I'm going to go pick up the kids, should we cook tonight or order in?" I gave him a small grin and he laughed before telling me he was cooking up a feast tonight. Tonight is going to be my last night off from both hero work and the mission for quiet a while and he knows it so we were looking forward to enjoying tonight.

Usually it would be a candle lit dinner with our favorites and maybe a bottle of wine, a romantic comedy playing in the background after dinner while we slowly made our way from making out to making love, sometimes we made it to our own bed, other times we didn't.

But now we have kids and we have a large dinner planned with sparkling juice, family movies, popcorn and snacks planned. Which considering it is a school night Eri and Koda were excited that we were going to allow them to stay up anyway for.

"Are you sure? We could just order chinese? Or a pizza?" I smirked at him and he pouted before I kissed him again. "Okay, big family feast it is."

It's not much, but this is our life, our family and we love it very much. Come tomorrow, we will refocus on the mission and just getting by but tonight? Tonight we are living and after the kids drop, I plan to show my husband exactly how much I appreciate and love him.