

Aizawa's POV

The level of fear I felt at seeing One and Two was by far more than I have ever felt fighting a villain, ever. I held the door open for them, anything not to be in their way. I don't know what happened but even I feel sorry for the guy despite knowing everything he has ever done to us. Almost like we were all silently called to gather, all of my students and even Three gathered there at the entrance.

I looked at the young boy dressed like a teenage girl and squared off not caring that we were still in the League's hideout, "What the hell happened?" All of my students turned to look at Three and watched her gulp and try to clear her throat but ultimately failed. "What happened?" I asked again, not leaving any room for argument as I glared at him.

"Kurogiri fucked up," he finally whimpered, shuddering under my gaze.

"No fucking duh, but how?" It was Kaminari who spoke but his cover was Yellow or Six.

"Six let me handle this," I growled, we have started referring to the numbers because to be honest it was just easier. I turned my attention back to Three. "Three?"

"He teleported into their room while they were busy," Three was starting to hyperventilate at this point.

"Why in the fuck would anyone teleport into the hornest guy's on the planet bedroom!?" That one was Ashido or Nine.

"Nine," I groaned, turning my glare at her and she just made hand motions at Three.

"No listen to me, have YOU ever walked in on them? Hmm? I have and I swear to all that there is in the world that I was almost on their table! And I knocked!" I raised an eyebrow when she almost swore to All Might but she fixed it so that not even I would have noticed if I didn't know her.

I don't even care that Spinner had run up and frozen at the sight of all of us together, and I decided to make the most of the situation.

"We need to get everything ready for when they get back. We all know the drill Four, Five get the candles. Six, Seven and Eight the creams. Nine through Thirteen go clean their room. The rest of you clear the way for when they return, do I make myself absolutely clear?" I barked the orders as if I were their boss and they all jumped into action.

"Yes, Twenty-Two!" They chorused, even Three jumped into action following directions.

"We have guard duty in an hour," I turn to see Seventeen and Nineteen and nod before I wave them off to go get ready. At least I didn't need to reassign anyone.

"You," I glared at Spinner who was standing around looking shocked at the whole thing. "You're taking me to your room and you're going to explain why One and Two are on a murderous rampage because I'm sure that Three doesn't know the whole story." I see him shrink back a little but nod all the same. Fuck I just outed myself as the second in command, or third? Whatever, now isn't the time to worry about that.


"Kurogiri was sent to get them for a meeting with the big boss, All-For-One. He was attending by a video call so he saw the whole thing. I told Kurogiri they were probably in their room. Their shift should have been over a few hours before and instead of walking and knocking on their door like a normal person he used his quirk." Spinner finally finished explaining the situation to me.

"So you're saying that he teleported directly into their bedroom while they were having sex? I was told you knew about their condition?" I groaned looking at him through my fingers at this point. I was of course referring to their literal addiction to each other. How am I supposed to fix this kind of situation?

Spinner started defending himself again this time going into further detail, "I did not tell him to do that! Plus the whole purpose of the meeting was to find out how strong they were so we had a bunch of our strongest guys in there and all of a sudden they came in actually breaking the door and Two only had eyes for Kurogiri. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what happened. But while Two was going after him, One took out everyone else in the room as if they were made out of wet origami paper. It was crazy! I mean I knew they were strong but damn it all, One knocked a Nomu out without really trying. They were so high on adrenaline that I don't think they would have flinched if they killed someone."

"Of course, how many actually died?" I groaned again, unsure how this will affect the plan in the least.

"From what I could see, maybe the Nomu but the rest should have survived. It kind of looked like that, even as mad as he was, he was still holding back. Which is even scarier." I nod while listening before looking down at my watch.

"How much pain tolerance do you think he has?" I asked next, trying to judge how long before they would be finished.

"I have no idea," he looked back at me with his eyes wide and on his scaly face it just looked wrong, completely wrong.

I pull out my phone, the one only for this mission and try to remember who was not at the League today. "Was Sixteen here today?" I asked, while scrolling down to his name in my phone.

"No, why?"

I shushed him, hitting the call button and waited for him to pick up. "Sixteen," It's all he said and I can't help nodding approvingly to myself.

"One and Two are on a rampage, I need you to go to the base and find out if they need help disposing of the body, I'm fairly sure this one won't survive if we can't distract them."

"Understood, consider me there." I heard a click letting me know he hung up and I scrolled to 'god' and looked at Spinner, I texted anyway. I can't ask him to leave or he might figure out that we have a boss. I will have to be very careful with this. I explained the situation as best as I could including where I got the information.

God: I see, go to the base and determine what needs to be done. One already knows a plan that still works for this situation.

Sandman: I understand.

My face is as grave as it can be. "They are probably going to kill him." I mean it was completely possible and there was more than a little possibility to what I was saying. I called Five and when he answered I relayed the instructions with Spinner still standing next to me.

"Five I need you and Four to meet Sixteen at the base and help him pry One and Two away from Kurogiri. We can't let him die today."

The speaker was not loud and the boy on the other end of the line did not raise his voice but all the same even Spinner heard him clearly. "Sir, are you trying to kill us? You realize what happened the last time we tried to take a target away from them?" I shuddered remembering vividly just what they could do to a person.

"Don't try and take the target, just try to distract them and maybe try and calm them down? We don't need another Endeavor, never another Endeavor." My words were weak and even Spinner could see my hands trembling at the memories, there were so many. I can't forget the screams of the boy who turned out to be an elderly man with an illusion quirk. That did nothing but hurt him when he tried to mask himself as One once. It only took once and when Two turned to kiss him he froze knowing immediately it wasn't One. I still don't know how they do that.

"I texted his mother. She said that the only way to calm him down was to use Two. I will not say what needs to be done," I sigh, letting him figure it out and I hear his shaky breath on the other end.

"We'll try."

"I'm sorry Five but we all know they can't kill this one. It's not like he is some low level grunt like the others. I don't understand how Toga kept getting away from them when this guy can actually teleport but still couldn't." I looked at Spinner who seemed to shrink. I hung up and gave him my full attention now.

"I'm sure it goes without saying that no one finds out about One's mother?" I raised an eyebrow at him waiting for him to answer but he quickly nodded and his face remained expressionless. "Good, because I can't afford to go on their table again. Those that do don't wake up the second time." I let that sink in before walking away and back to the front door just in time to see Four and Five walking in with what seemed like bags of red and green different scented candles.

I resist the urge to roll my eyes when I take the bags. Kirishima slapped his own cheeks and looked at Todoroki who nodded and then slapped his own as well before turning like the dead men they would be if they fucked this up.

I groaned out loud, "you two are the least likely to die in this please stop with the drama," I begged them.

"Least likely does not mean it's not going to happen. Last time I was actually strapped to their table, SANDMAN. Can you say that?" The way he emphasized my code name made me flinch a little as I rubbed at my side. For the mission they put us all on the table in order to put their mark on us. They didn't actually torture us but it certainly didn't feel good. I can't help thinking about how Two volunteered that first time so that everyone could see what was in store for them. One then used his quirk to stimulate our healing and the fact that that was the part that Two had screamed at and not the rest should have told us all what we were in for. I have never felt pain like that before. Of course that was in the classroom and not at the base.

"I know but Kurogiri is just too important," I tried to reason but Five, Kirishima, just shook his head.

"That won't stop them from killing him, it really depends how 'busy' they were. Was it foreplay? Because foreplay is forgivable they will make him regret being born but it's still forgivable." I shake my head and look at Spinner hoping for an answer.

"It wasn't foreplay, he came back begging one of us to get holy water for his eyes. That or bleach," I groan at Spinner's words.

"He's dead already then. Just go and help Sixteen dispose of his body. I'll work on putting these around their room and maybe when they get back they won't put us on the table for trying to interfere." I watch them nod before taking off, relief clearly flooding their faces knowing they didn't have to try and interfere after all.

"So you've been on their table and remember it?" Spinner asked curiously.

I give him the answer that we were all supposed to, "No one gets their trust otherwise. But no, I just have nightmares, very, very vivid nightmares, and a lot of scars." I turned away going to the basement and to the boy's room. Of course we had a key but only one and when I walked into their room I saw that it was spotless.

"Help me set up," I hold out one of the bags and they take it and we start setting candles all over the place. It's not until I feel my phone vibrate that I stop. I pull it out and read the message.

Four: He is alive and they have no intention of killing him. They are however getting more information from him than anyone else I have ever seen.

Sandman: Good, at least something good came out of this.

Several more messages were sent and received and it was maybe three hours since all this began that I got a message that they were on their way back. They were not done but they had decided to take a break and go to bed.

"Ten minutes everyone!" I called out and we even vacuumed the floor. When we were done the room was probably the cleanest it has ever been.