
Under the Shadows...

Nerissa.. a single 25 year old maiden of earth was born into the world of Magic as a descendant of Ishtar's, the supreme family on the Luna continent. Unfortunately for her, she was born without a speck of mana inside her! They tried to forcefully awaken her mana, for ten years, only to fail miserably! Infuriated by this disgrace of a child, her parent sent her to the continent of Lars, the synonym of Chaos! ... Will she be able to rise alone? Or, fall like others? Join Risa on her journey to reclaim her position!

Sage_Verse · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Night Shade!

In the East side of the forest outside of the Klein city, A psychopathic man dragged a woman in rags by grabbing her hairs and placed her on the tusk of the tree of sorrow.

The one piece rag covering the woman was tattering into pieces thin threads due to the rough ground, leaving minor wounds on the back of the woman.

And yet, the woman neither screamed for help nor showed any reactions to being tortured.

She was aware of her situation. As a slave, she has to bear the torture of this freak. More so, inside this wilderness.

If it was the city, she would have been sullied, forced and beaten, but she will be left alive after the deed. However, in this place, her hope of living had long since evaporated into thin air.

To save herself from the upcoming trauma, her body has stopped her flow of emotions i.e. killed her emotionally. Leaving behind a husk of a body with no sign of life aside from her low-breathing and flow of blood.


"Hehe! What a good bitch I got!" The psychopath took his blades as he sliced the air before he looked at the middle-aged woman with a smile, looking extremely wretched despite his good looking face.

"Hey Woman~ Say something~ It's not fun if you don't react right?~" Saying these words, He moved his half a meter long blade beside her wrist intending to make a small cut.

A thing loved by psychopaths to give their prey the worst experience they could!


However, when the blade of the psychopath was about to touch her skin, an arrow flew into the air which was targeting the back of the man!


Almost immediately, The Psychopath turned around to parry the attack! His previous smile has distorted into an ugly expression, causing many of my readers to puke. (Only if you look at him)

Despite the sudden attack, the psychopath didn't shout like a madman to call out the attacker. Rather he swiftly took a cover behind the tree, leaving behind the woman without thinking twice.

It clearly showed his professionalism, unlike some third grade villains who just love to shout for no reason. Since, in this forest filled with the undead, Vengeful spirits and other criminals, shouting is the worst mistake one could make. More than once, resulting in the gruesome death of the fool.

Unless you don't value your life, you can try shouting in this peaceful* forest of Wails.



Two more arrows flew towards the psychopath from two different directions, who was trying to find the attacker. This time, he dodged the attacks and confirmed one fact, there is only one attacker!

If not, the other party would never let him know about the exact number of attackers, which will come handy in dire situations.

Furthermore, the attacker wasn't an Archer. If he was, The psychopath wouldn't be standing on his feast. A single stealth arrow is needed by an Archer to kill him.



This time, the psychopath is ready for the attack. As soon as the arrow was launched, he captured the place where it came from, the attacker was on the tree of sorrow in the west side!

The psychopath saw a black shadow jumping from one tree to another, finally settling at the fifth tree to the right of his place.

"Find you!" 

He nimbly moved to catch the attacker in one swift motion, He silently reached behind the shadow and tapped on the shoulder of the attacker.



Following his tap, the shadow turned into a floating mass of purple gas, dumbfounding the Psychopath!

Before he could recover from the shock, the gas enveloped him, blocking his vision and affecting his body to turn slightly limp. At the moment he regained his senses and tried to move away, a cold genderless voice rang beside his ears, "It's over."

Following which, his world turned upside down. His faintly recovered senses gradually went away, his eyelids turned heavy and before his eyelids were completely shut, He saw a silhouette of a woman covered in a black assassin outfit showing nothing except her cold blue pupils gazing at his head falling down to the ground.

The sharp glint of the knife in her hand placed on the place where his head once was, along with the fountain of his own blood, glorified the figure even more.

Coinciding with a figure, he once saw...

Under the dark sky,

Dressed in a black,

A lady you will find,

The Synonym of death...

Casted away by the light,

Grown under the shadows... 

That reaper's name is...



It was the last name that crossed through his mind, before he died.


Unlike others, going on their way to death...

Those who died on Lars,

Will always come back...


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