
Under the Oak Tree

The official English translation is finally here! A flawless love story of the flawed. Stuttering lady Maximilian is forced into a marriage with Sir Riftan, but he leaves on a campaign after their wedding night. 3 years later, he triumphantly returns, ready to cherish her. As life with her husband finally begins, she only has one question — does she deserve this love and happiness? [The first season's spin-off and the second season of "Under the Oak Tree" will resume in the last week of August. Thank you for your support and patience in the meanwhile.]

Suji Kim · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
451 Chs

Side Story Chapter 4

The smithy was bustling with activity despite the early hour. Riftan was baffled; the place seemed much busier than usual. One of the blacksmiths looked up from the slab he was hammering as Riftan walked in.

"Finally decided to show up, have you?" The man gave him a once-over with his beady eyes and scowled disapprovingly. "You look fine for someone who was bedridden."

"I only came right this morning."

The blacksmith snorted loudly. "We've no use for weaklings."

Riftan swallowed the retort that was on the tip of his tongue. Though he was out of the sickbed, he had only just recovered. He did not want to be hit in the head while it was still throbbing. The blacksmith glared at him before pointing to a mountain of sacks piled against the wall.

"We've got our hands full, what with the royal knights arriving last night. I'm letting you off the hook this time. But make no mistake, if we weren't so shorthanded, I'd be kicking you out right now."

How generous of you.