
Chapter 98

With hundreds of their comrades dying in droves, the soldiers charging up the hill began to falter. Those that made it close to the wall must have deemed it too late to turn back; they extended the ladders and began to climb.

Armored monsters began scaling the outer walls, paying no mind to the coalition's arrows directed back at them. Leaning out of the battlement, they bashed their iron maces against the soldiers who managed to get close. It was such a gruesome sight that Maxi had to look away.

After a few hours, the Arexian army began retreating. Arrows rained down on the fleeing soldiers, killing additional hundreds in the process.

Maxi tried to count the bodies scattered on the hill but gave up after passing five hundred. Her rough estimate of the total was three times that number. The whole situation was simply too disastrous to be the result of one man's reckless actions.

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