
Chapter 39

He must be angry because I interfered when it wasn't my place.

Maxi's entire body shook. Enraged men frightened her, and she felt faint at the thought of such an immense man admonishing her.

Violence was not the only thing she feared. Seeing the man who had been so kind to her suddenly turn so cold made her heart ache. Suppressing the urge to beg him not to hate her, she clutched his cloak.

They soon reached the castle. Riftan dismounted before helping Maxi down.

"Take my hand."

She hesitantly placed her hand in his, and he lifted her off the horse. But instead of setting her down, he continued to carry her across the garden, ignoring the servants who had rushed out to greet them.

"Send Talon to the stables," he ordered in an icy voice.

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