
Under The Grim Dark Sky

He commanded a revered status among the denizens of the seventh realm, his presence akin to that of a deity within their realm. Despite his physical attractiveness, there was a deliberate air of unattractiveness that emanated from his personality, an intentional choice that added an enigmatic allure to his character. He bore an uncanny resemblance to a nefarious figure, a malevolent being who had taken lives and committed heinous acts. His demeanor and disposition were undeniably villainous, leaving an indelible impression on those who encountered him. It was amidst Felix's insatiable curiosity that he found himself inexorably drawn towards a city that held an enigmatic allure - "Cluster Dome." This urban expanse seemed to be shrouded in a perpetual nightmare, born from the very essence of the gods themselves. The city's ethereal and unsettling nature was a manifestation of its unique origin and character, entwined intricately with the enigmatic forces that governed its existence. What was particularly intriguing about Cluster Dome was its conspicuous absence of conventional deities. Unlike other cities in the realm, where gods held sway over the lives of mortals, this city stood as a stark deviation from the norm. It was a place where divine influence took on an unconventional form, and the absence of traditional gods sparked a sense of wonder and curiosity within Felix. Under The Grim Dark Sky (This story is written in English)

natsukiii · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The 47th Gathering of the Gods - Beginning

The day in the Cluster Dome was brighter than in the Brisk City.

Felix couldn't help but be captivated by the sight before him. The city resembled a cyber metropolis, but with a unique twist that set it apart. The grandeur of the dome structure itself left him in awe.

Accompanied by his two loyal servants, Lin and the human guard, Felix had no choice but to accept Sole's invitation to the gathering.

It seemed important enough to warrant their attendance, even if the Cluster Dome was known for its disdain towards gods.

As they ventured further into the dome, Felix's curiosity grew. He marveled at the magnificent fountain that stood as a centerpiece, its water cascading down in graceful streams. The presence of such a grand display of wealth and opulence was a stark contrast to the poverty-stricken Brisk City.

His gaze then shifted to a towering tree, lush and vibrant, standing proudly amidst the cityscape.

Such a sight was a rare sight in the desolate landscapes of Brisk City. The stark differences between the two cities only intensified Felix's intrigue about the Cluster Dome and its inhabitants.

The gathering held the promise of intrigue, alliances, and perhaps even the opportunity to assert his godly influence in an unconventional setting.

Felix prepared himself mentally, ready to dive headfirst into the world of the Cluster Dome, where gods were both revered and despised.

"Master, we should leave now. I understand that you're fascinated by this place, but the gathering is about to start in a minute," the human guard, Rustin, urged.

"Why so soon? I haven't even had a chance to explore this dome properly," Felix pouted, his brows furrowing. He had no idea what the gathering entailed or why they needed to hurry.

"But, Master..." Rustin began, his tone growing frustrated. Meanwhile, Lin pondered the situation carefully.

What could this important gathering be? Without any details mentioned in the invitation, it could potentially be a trap.

"Very well, where is this gathering taking place?" Felix sighed, reluctantly agreeing to leave.

"Master, regarding our discussion yesterday, I believe we should exercise more caution," Lin finally spoke, avoiding direct eye contact with Felix. His mind was consumed by thoughts that refused to find common ground.

"If trouble arises, I can swiftly strike at their hearts with my lance, Lin," Felix replied with a mischievous tone, clearly ready for any challenge.

Despite their concerns, they continued walking towards the gathering.

As they approached, they found themselves in an expansive garden adorned with bushes, lavender, and roses. Only ten chairs were set up, each one bearing a carved name.

"What in the world is this place?" Felix grumbled, his disdain evident in his voice. The only thing he seemed to appreciate was the presence of his beloved lavender.

As they made their way down the aisle, Felix's attention was captivated by a beautiful girl playing the piano. Her eyes shimmered like diamonds, reflecting the sunlight and adding to her enchanting aura.

A sudden realization struck Felix, reminding him of the girl he had killed the previous day. A sinister grin crept across his lips.

"Lin, what do you think? Should I take care of that girl?" Felix asked, a touch of madness in his voice.

Lin stared at him with a mixture of anger and confusion, his brows furrowed deeply. He struggled to comprehend the nature of the gathering and found his master's behavior unsettling in this moment.

"Hmph, where is that kid Sole?" Felix grumbled in annoyance. Rustin had mentioned the gathering would start in a minute, yet there was no sign of anyone present except for the oblivious girl lost in her piano playing.

"Master Sole will join us shortly," Rustin reassured nonchalantly, though Lin couldn't help but feel suspicious of their connection.

Lin's gaze shifted towards the girl, observing her from a distance. Suddenly, he noticed a bug crawling on her leg, yet she remained unfazed by its presence. This discovery confused Lin, raising questions about her true nature. Perhaps she wasn't human but...

Before Lin could complete his thought, the sudden blast of drums and guitars filled the air, interrupting his musings.

Sole materialized out of nowhere, extending a warm welcome to Felix with a grin. Sole's eyes then shifted towards Lin, accompanied by a smirk.

"Well, well, you're still alive?" Sole remarked, his tone filled with an underlying meaning.

"Please, make yourself welcome, Master Felix, and take a seat over there," Rustin said, his voice laced with a mischievous tone. Lin locked eyes with Rustin, sensing something amiss.

However, Felix, appearing disinterested in the gathering, failed to notice any abnormalities in the situation.

"Fine, I want to impale my lance through the girl's throat already," Felix said lazily, strolling towards the aisle to take his seat. The chairs, each bearing their carved names, awaited them.

Rustin gasped, taken aback by his master's disturbing statement. He glanced at Lin, who shot him an intense and furious gaze. To Rustin's surprise, instead of being alarmed or concerned, he found himself smirking in response.

Lin's longing to eliminate Rustin grew stronger, fueled by the betrayal he had just witnessed.

However, he soon realized that the magical barrier surrounding the gathering was considerably stronger than the one in the prison cell. His mana remained depleted, unable to regenerate on its own, and he was unable to tap into its power unless someone provided him with assistance. Lin felt a mix of frustration and helplessness.

Lin chose to sit beside Felix, paying no mind to Rustin's presence. His impatience grew as he questioned the purpose of the gathering. He noticed the absence of unfamiliar faces, further fueling his suspicion.

"Tell me, human, what is the meaning of this gathering?" Felix demanded, his gaze fixed on Rustin.

"Patience, Master," Rustin replied, his smile displaying a mixture of warmth and an unsettling sense of kindness.

As the brightness of the garden abruptly shifted to darkness, five individuals materialized out of thin air. Sole, who had disappeared earlier, reappeared wearing a black tuxedo instead of his previous brown coat.

Felix recognized the familiar faces before him—it was Sole's sister, the 3rd deity, the 4th deity who had served as a deputy in the past, and the 5th deity, who lazily indulged in eating a piece of candy.

Lin's curiosity piqued as he noticed that there were 10 chairs despite the presence of five deity. He observed the gods as they took their seats in the assigned chairs.

"I see, the 1st and 6th deities are not here," Felix commented with an amused tone. Lin's expression grew cold as he shifted his gaze towards Felix, wondering why his master found the situation so amusing.

As Sole and the other gods sat in the left aisle, grinning and exchanging glances, Lin's anxiety heightened.

He stole a quick glance at Felix, who remained utterly unfazed by the situation. Lin couldn't help but slap his forehead in frustration, questioning why his master seemed so nonchalant and indifferent towards their eerie surroundings.

The girl playing the piano abruptly ceased her music, standing up and offering a warm greeting and smile to the assembled group.

"Welcome to our 47th gathering, including the newly arrived god who has previously declined our invitations 20 times," the girl announced, her gaze fixed on Felix.

A smile crept across Felix's face as he joined the other gods in applause. It finally dawned on him that he had been invited to this gathering all along.

Unbeknownst to him, his lack of curiosity regarding the Cluster Dome had inadvertently led to his repeated rejections of the invitation, unaware that it was, in fact, the gathering itself.

"Master, you truly..." Lin sighed, feeling a mix of exasperation and regret as he recalled the times he had actually responded to the invitation for this gathering, only to be ordered by Felix to disregard it.

"I know, right?" Felix replied, his tone filled with amusement.

"Master, it's Sole's plan to capture Lin," Rustin spoke abruptly, his eyes fixed on the stage with a glimmer and shine that suggested he was under the influence of mind manipulation.

"He is? I had no idea," Felix responded, his voice feigning innocence.

Felix had spared the boy's life, the one he had forcefully slammed against the wall, because he was already aware of Sole's intentions. After teleporting to the shadow he had cast, Felix caught sight of Sole's clan logo—a golden feather emblem with two lances crossed over each other.

"Master, I believe we should escape this ceremony immediately," Lin suddenly spoke with a nervous tone, sensing the malevolent intentions of the other gods present.

However, Felix seemed unfazed by Lin's concerns, his gaze fixated on the girl before them, his eyes harboring a dark intensity.

"Not yet... I'm here to watch the show, not to leave because of them," Felix stated, his optimism prevailing as he remained fixated on the girl and her speech.

Lin let out a defeated sigh, recognizing that something had indeed been amiss since the events of yesterday.

"The 1st God must be away, preoccupied with endeavors to bring about liberation," the girl on the stage announced.

"And now, I invite the 2nd God, Cornela, to join us on the stage for a brief speech," she continued. Cornela, the 2nd god, exuded a captivating charm as she gracefully made her way to the stage.

"It is a pleasure to be gathered here with all of you, especially our newest member," Cornela addressed the audience, her words catching Felix's attention as his eyebrow arched in curiosity.

"Hmm," Felix maintained his nonchalant demeanor as he continued to listen to the proceedings.

The speaker then shifted the focus to the next god, announcing, "Next, we have the 3rd god, Sorelene." As Sorelene stepped onto the stage, a palpable heaviness descended upon the garden, casting an ominous atmosphere.

"Unlike her brother, she's rather cool," Felix remarked, his laughter ringing out as he remained unaffected by the unsettling atmosphere surrounding them.

However, Sole, upon hearing Felix's comment, fixed his gaze upon him with a menacing intent. Through a mental attack, he pierced into Felix's, threatening to rip his heart out and cause a torrent of bloodshed. It was a clear warning of the danger lurking within Sole's thoughts.

Felix hair in his arms suddenly goes up because of the suddenly chill he get.

Felix's hair stood on end, a shiver running down his spine as he sensed the sudden chill in the air. He turned to Lin, his expression serious.

"Did you feel that too, Lin? It seems like someone is threatening me through their thoughts," Felix whispered.

"I stand before you today on behalf of my brother, expressing our deep gratitude for choosing this city as the venue for our gathering. I must also inform you that our plans to liberate this city are nearing completion," the 3rd God declared, her voice resonating with determination and emanating a dark aura that sent chills down  to Lin.

Rustin's smile widened with a chaotic delight, relishing every word of the speech as if he were an integral part of the plan.

The once loyal recruit of Lin had transformed into a chaotic individual who no longer cared about his Master or their relationship.

"Hmm, liberation? Sounds like a rather lazy idea," Felix's words echoed in Rustin's mind. Rustin's gaze shifted towards his Master, a look of madness in his eyes. Lin, noticing the intense gaze, realized he was powerless to intervene as Rustin's actions were no longer bound by Lin's control, due to his lack of mana.

Felix, seemingly reveling in the intense atmosphere, decided to voice his thoughts aloud for Rustin to hear.

Knowing the depth of Rustin's loyalty and trust towards Sole, Felix realized that Rustin's allegiance remained firmly with his original master. As the first servant of Sole, Rustin's bond with him ran deep, which explained his unwavering commitment and trust in Sole's plans.

"As the 4th and 5th deities have chosen not to give speeches, our gathering is nearing its conclusion. However, we have one final speaker, Rustin," the girl announced, her smile taking on a sinister edge.

Rustin rose from his seat and made his way to the stage, a wide, unsettling grin stretching across his face.

Felix's expression darkened, a mixture of annoyance and mischievousness crossing his features in response to Rustin.