
Under The Full Moon - The Werewolf Detective Finds A Mate

A werewolf and a human have to figure out their feelings for one another while a killer is on the loose. Up until four years ago, Nick was known for being a reckless thrill seeker, always out in the field and breathing down the necks of the most notorious criminals New York had to offer. Then he was turned into a werewolf and everything changed. Now he's forced to avoid any situation that could cause a spike in adrenaline until he stumbles upon a case he needs to investigate himself: it looks like the killer might be a werewolf. Someone is already on the case, however, and it's none other than Kate, the most beautiful woman Nick's ever met. While they're working together, secrets are revealed. But can Nick expect Kate to accept everything about him, even his best kept secret, if he struggles to accept it himself? - She had no right to toy with his feelings like that. But seeing her on the brink of crying.. his gaze softened. "I'm sorry, Kate." She blinked and a tear ran down hear cheek. She quickly wiped it away. "No, you have nothing to be sorry for, Nick. I'm sorry." He didn't know when it happened, exactly, but suddenly, they stood so close to each other their bodies were almost touching. Kate's breath softly brushed his skin. The scent of the perfume she was wearing reached his nostrils. Sandalwood, burnt sugar and vanilla. Time stood still for a while. Could she want him looking like this, his wolf side exposed? Kate got up on her tippy-toes. Her chest was touching his. The warm feeling from before was basically searing a hole in Nick's body. The animal in him wanted to jump her right then and there, but he stood still. Then, after what felt like eternity, Kate's lips collided with his. At first, the kiss was a bit awkward. Nick was afraid he'd poke her with his teeth, which were still long and sharp, but they figured it out pretty quickly and there was no going back from then on. → cover by @chhvjhwr (you can find her on Wattpad)

fennecfox321 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

A Wolf In The Kitchen

"Lewis Perez? Open the door, please."

Kate and Nick had arrived at the house of their newest suspect, the founder of an animal shelter for stray dogs.

Kate assumed that one of the dogs might be responsible, or at least, maybe he'd refer them to someone else who was.

[author's note: i don't actually think dogs could kill people, i love dogs, but i needed a reason for her to suspect him haha]

The door was opened and a man with blonde, long hair tied back into a ponytail was leaning casually against the doorframe. He had skin the colour of caramel.

"Can I help you with something?" he asked. His voice was deep and rough.

Kate glanced at Nick, who looked like he'd just smelled something horrible, but tried to play it cool.

Frowning, Kate automatically sniffed the air, but couldn't smell anything out of the ordinary. Did she have a cold or did Nick have a really sensitive nose?

Dismissing his strange behaviour for now, she turned back to the man in the doorway.

"I'm Detective Kate Hill and this is Detective Nick Smith. We're investigating a double-homicide that might involve one of your dogs. May we come in?"

"Happy to help."

Perez smiled, showing off his teeth. What should have been a kind gesture only gave Kate a weird, uncomfortable feeling in her stomach.

She stepped inside first, Nick following suit right behind her. He still looked like he'd just been sick.

She briefly considered asking him about it, but decided that it could wait until after they were done questioning Perez, who led them to a table in his kitchen and motioned for them to take a seat.

She asked all the questions while Nick was busy trying not to puke.

"The victims have been ripped apart. It was obviously an animal attack, and we believe it was orchestrated."

Perez thought about it. "You know," he said, "I really don't think our dogs are capable of killing people, but I get that you need to check it out."

"Do you have an alibi for the twenty-first of march at around two o'clock at night, Mr. Perez?"

"I was asleep." Perez cracked his knuckles nervously before he continued: "Maybe you should talk to Doug. He's responsible for everyone who wants to get their dogs here."

Kate nodded.

"He's downstairs. You can go find him and your partner can stay here with me."

Perez smiled that strange, anxiety-inducing smile of his again, this time aimed at Nick. "If that's alright with you, Detective Smith?"

Nick just shrugged, avoiding eye-contact. He was getting paler by the minute.

"I'll hurry," Kate told him before she went to find Doug.


"Have you never smelled another werewolf before?" Perez asked once Kate was out of the door, sounding amused.

Nick only managed to stare at him, his mouth dropping open.

Did he really just say that? Maybe the stench that wafted off Perez was making Nick hallucinate.

He didn't understand how Kate was able to act like everything was fine, questioning him like a normal-smelling suspect.

When it became clear Nick wasn't going to say anything in response, Perez scratched his chin pensively.

Then he said: "The more you're around us, the less you notice, don't worry. Also, I'm old, so that's also a reason why, to you, I might have a.. potent smell."

Nick frowned, his pulse picking up speed. Maybe he wasn't imagining this. Maybe Perez was a werewolf. And if that was the case..

He could be the killer.

A wave of anxiety turned Nick's stomach upside down. His wolf was up on its feet in an instant and suddenly *this* close to the surface.

He quickly rose from his seat, scrambling away from the table and pressing his eyes closed in a desperate attempt to regain control over his body.

The familiar adrenaline-induced buzzing was back, stronger than ever, threatening to drown out his thoughts.

From somewhere far away, Perez was saying: "I know what you're thinking, but I didn't do this. Until today, I've never even heard of those lawyers before. I swear, cub."

Suddenly, he was at Nick's side, gently grabbing him by the shoulders.

"Open your eyes. Look at me."

If Perez really was the killer, Nick was dead.

If he wasn't.. why not do what he asked?

When Nick slowly opened his eyes, his vision was a lot better. His irises had changed colour, from dark-brown to an animalistic yellow.

His mouth was beginning to hurt, canines threatening to break out of his gums.

What if Kate came back and saw him like this?

He forcefully tried pushing his wolf-side down, but nothing changed.

"Hey, cub. I'm not trying to hurt you. Stop fighting the change and it'll stop."

Nick's hands started to shake because of all the adrenaline coursing through his veins.

"Stop fighting it?" he asked incredulously, and a little louder than he'd wanted.

Clenching his fists, he found himself instinctively baring his teeth, and suddenly, his canines were out, gently poking his lower lip.

"Shit!" Nick tried to back away, but Perez still held him tightly by the shoulders.

"Okay, listen to me. It's alright, okay? Stop fighting it, you're making it worse."

"But if I can't fight it, what am I supposed to do?!" Nick shouted, desperation shining in his gaze.

He was pushing his wolf back with all the willpower he could muster, but it wasn't backing down. On the contrary, it seemed to push back, and suddenly Nick was doubled over and on the floor.

Grimacing in pain, he could only watch as his fingers changed into claws before his eyes and fur sprouted on his arms. His bones started to crack, realigning themselves.

Perez seemed to say something, but Nick didn't hear him anymore.

Everything went black.

When Nick came to again, just a fraction of a second later, he was a full-blown wolf.

His fur was the same light-brown color as his hair and his eyes were amber and sparkling with anticipation.

He could smell her long before she appeared in the doorframe.



What did you think?

Do you like Perez? Do you think he's a bit creepy?

Do you believe him or do you think he's lying?