

Seems like I'm living in a roller coaster.

My life have ups and down, each have their own bitter sweet moments, and unimaginable moments that made me forget about the reality for a second.

Then there was him, Li Jun.

A man who I don't have any relationship with, just a stranger that will fade away in moments time. But in his case, he became more intertwined with my life, causing chaos and different events that made me experience new things.

It was a double edge sword, thankfully, someone like me have friends to turn into, in laws to guide and care for me. Without them, I would already given up.

I am weak and I admit it.

I maybe a woman who is following her heart more than her brain, but at least when I die, I won't have any regrets.

"What are you thinking?' His voice traveled up to me, making the hairs on my skin rose up in an instant.


With a smirk, he was about to kiss me when I pushed his face making him sulk.

"I mean you...you didn't told me of your arrival while everyone knew" I said with a sad tone, still angry and disappointed at him.


"Well?" Tapping my feet in both anticipation and nervousness, I await for his answer.

"Well my wife has waited long enough for me.....so I thought, maybe plan for a surprise?"

Brows raised on his face while a smirk accompanied his mouth, I fought the urge to tackle him and scratch his face. Meanwhile, while I was glaring, I didn't knew that his face was already pasted on mine and before I knew it, fireworks alighted in my head as his lips descended once more on mine.

The warmth of our bodies were the same, as well as our heart beats. No longer the rational woman I am, I took the first move and held him with me.

Embracing him was one of my wish, an action I would never thought I would do.

"I'm sorry"

Stiffening from his hold, I look sideways only to see his hair obstructing his eyes. It was my first time hearing it from him, his words were clear but it blurred my eyes, made me teared up for no reason.

But every word he said gave me a reason to hope for tomorrow.

"I'm sorry too"

Smiling down from ear to ear, he kissed my nose, and then my cheeks all the way down to my lips. It was sweet, it still has the taste of a first kiss, so innocent and pure.

We were both hesitating, still unsure about our future but whether something might occur, with each others side, everything would be fine.

At least it is what I wish for.