
Chapter 5: Leaving his bed

The specks of light shined its way through the small gaps that has rustled from the harsh cold wind. Between the sheets lay a man and a woman, their bare skin touching each other as they continued to be lulled by sleep.

After a minute or so, the woman opened her eyes, slightly flinching from the harsh light of the sun, she cowered into the bed and divulge into the smooth tough skin she has nestled her own body too.

Then she opened her eyes.


"No.....wha..what happened?" Clutching my head in pain, I tried to remember the things that happened before I came in this situation.

But before that...who is this man?

I was suddenly gripped by fear as I watch his back raised repeatedly as he breathe deeply and snored softly on his sleep.

My eyes went back to his back and I grew horrified by the marks that is ingrained into his smooth wheat skin back. My hands trembled from fear as I immediately look at my body, the red marks were clearly visible from the white pale skin I have. The pain in my lower back and waist made me bite my lips in pain.


I almost shout in shock when I heard his husky groan, the grip I have on the sheets turned white in fright as I immediately leaped out of the bed in careful steps. Legs wobbling from the fear and the pain I experienced. I was like a doll who was bitten and thrown repeatedly.

My body turned in sideways as I look for my clothes, the fear in my heart still intact as I watch the man laying on the bed in confirmation. Fortunately, he was still sleeping after I clothed myself and have turned decent. The marks were still seen but I tried to look for a coat and have finally found some but it looks familiar.

Who is the owner of this coat?

"Argh....cough...cough....." The man laying in the bed continued to groan in pain as I panicked.

I was still panicking and was unaware that the man has already turned towards me. My eyes met his cold ones and for a second, I don't know if I wanted to cry out in delight or be hurt by the disgusted look on his eyes.

That's right, the man I have lay on was my husband.

For the past five years, we have not done much where the thing that a husband and wife should have done. The deed where we became one and created a family. It wasn't like I was afraid of him, I wasn't a virgin anymore but I know some things that are left unsaid.

I have read books and became informed, plus, my other friend beside Alisha, Xin Xue is a beauty with a dirty mind. I have learned some from her and was always left blushing at the thought of me finally becoming his wife again.

But alas, I was disappointed.

Seems like I was the only one who was left wishing for his love, longing for his touch and wanting his kiss.

"What did you do?" His silent rage woke me up from my daze.

"What do you mean? NoIan I--I didn't do any-"

"Shut up! You disgust me! Do you really want to bed me that much?Seems like our wedding night wasn't enough huh? You're that desperate?"

His words stung me as I feel the dripping tears on my eyes landing from my cheek. I couldn't refute him. I really wish to become his wife inside and out but I didn't really did it.

"I didn't do anything! I don't know how it happened too! Nolan please believe me!" I cried in front of him but he remained cold and unflinching towards my tears.

I was about to held his hand when he slaps it away, the pain made its way into my heart and stayed there for some time. He raised himself out of the bed, his body was clearly seen from the room.

In my blurred misty eyes, I could see him taking his clothes and turning away from me. I could hear his voice barking instructions towards his poor assistant. I stay looking at his back awkwardly until he turned to me and said.

"Don't show your face to me ever again"

He left me after that and never look back.

Only the bright red color from the bed silently screams of the deed we did, but it remains as it is and perhaps, it has turned worse.

Hello guys and girls of course. Well I do hope who have read my book would leave some comments and rate it.

Anyways, I am not uploading everyday, only in my free day but I'll try to upload every week maybe 2 to 3 chapters? I dunno.

I am graduating in a months time from high school and therefore, have a lot of things to do.

Hope you understand also please understand me if I have a lot of grammatical errors, English is not my language.

Alex0024creators' thoughts