
Under The Cliff

I am a victim of rape. From my childhood friend no less. I was told that it would be best to be forgotten, I agree but doing nothing to the rapist? I was angry, disappointed but mostly disgusted. Now, they decided to go back? For what? To celebrate Christmas, of course. They want me to celebrate Christmas? With that guy? I would rather jump off the cliff, and so I did.

Yu_Mira01 · Teen
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2 Chs

Character Profiles:

Main Character (Female Protagonist)

—Pia Canisa Presley: 21 years old

Main Male Lead:

—Zephyr Vale: 27 years old

Supporting Characters:

—Harrison Raine: 25 years old

—Carrie Shein Presley: 18 years old

—Uncle Finnley Raine:

—Auntie Yenesha Raine:

—Mom Thea Denise Presley:

—Dad Venz Larry Presley: