
Under the Alpha King's Gaze

The tides of change are upon the Kingdom, Alpha King Zeus is a cruel man who is bitter over not finding his mate. What will happen when Ariel returns from overseas to pay her respects to her families new alpha at the seasonal banquet? Ariel has just returned from living in Europe for the last 5 years studying medicine and surgery. She returns to the states with her knowledge in medicine and plans to settle down in her parent's pack for a while (the Moon River pack). Upon her return she comes home to celebrate her brother Johnathan taking over the pack. Will everything go as planned?

Daoist109282 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 5

Zeus -pov

"Zeus wake up, today is the day of the banquet. You have to get ready". Said Beta Hephaestus. I could feel him looming over me, how dare he. I growled in irritation, he flinched ever so slightly and took a few steps back. "Please your highness you need to wake up. I will come back in a few minutes with something for you to eat and drink". he said as he left the room.

I didn't want to go to the banquet, every year I hope that I would find my mate but it never happens. I watch as people from around the Americas find their mate and I am left alone over and over again. My heart aches every year and my wolf Hades becomes more and more angry. This year will be no different, just be another disappointment.

I could feel Hades getting restless and he request for us to go for a run. I got out of bed and went to my balcony. The sun had just risen and the forest looked so inviting. I jumped off the balcony my bones cracked and my body quickly moved into place to form my midnight black wolf as I landed perfectly on the damp grass.

Hades is massive, 3 times the size of a full grown male wolf. Our eyes are navy blue with flecks of gold in my wolf form. I allowed him to take over and run as he pleased. We ran fast across our land, feeling the wind ruffle our fur, the damp ground beneath our paws, the feeling was invigorating. Hades sniffed the air with delight. "I can sense her Zeus, she is coming. We will find our mate tomorrow". He said with such confidence that it left me silent. A moment later we turned around to head back before my cousin, Beta Hephaestus started to nag at me again about getting ready. I was kinda rough with him earlier but I am not a morning person and I wasn't looking forward to the banquet until just now.

I returned to my room in my wolf form to find my dear cousin with his arms folded across his broad chest and tapping his foot. He stood at 6'1 with dark chocolate skin, blue eyes, and neat dreadlocks that went down to the top of his shoulders. "Zeus, I was hoping that you had showered, not gone for a run". He said with his eyebrow raised, Hades was still in control so he growled and showed his teeth.

Hephaestus whimpered, lowered his head and knelt on one knee in respect. "Forgive me Hades, please my Liege we must prepare for tonight". He said in a low and respectful tone. Hades nodded his head and allowed me to take control, I shifted to my human form. My bones cracked and moved to reshape my body, my long fluffy black hair seemed to disappear as my body grew to a standing potion.

As I stood there naked Hephaestus looked away, stood up and handed me some shorts, I took them and walked to the bathroom instead of putting them on. "Meet me in my office in 15 minutes, with a sandwich Haffy". I said walking into the bathroom and closing the door. I walked into the shower and washed myself clean. I thought about what Hades said earlier about us finding our mate tonight. I pondered the thought and wondered what our mate would look like, smell like, would she be strong, and from a good bloodline. The more I thought, the more excited I felt, deep in my heart I wished that Hades was right and we would meet her tonight. I could feel Hades smile inside my head while he settled in a corner to rest.

After taking a shower I went to my office where I found Haffy waiting for me with the sandwich I had asked for and a cup of apple juice. I took a seat behind my desk and gestured for him to also take a seat as well. "Haffy, I am sorry about this morning my friend. I woke up in a fowl mood, you know I don't like going to the Winter Banquet". I apologized, he nodded his head with understanding. "However, this year will be different; Hades swears that he could feel our mate on her way to our grounds" I stated plainly.

Hephaestus immediately stood up "What, did he really? How could he feel her from so far away"? he asked the very same questions that I had asked myself. I gave him a serious look and he returned to his seat. "I don't know but I trust Hades completely and if he said that he could feel her, then I believe him". I replied with no hesitation. "How do we proceed Sire?" He asked, I smile appreciating him for being ready to do anything for me and for being my best friend. "Nothing Haffy, we will just have to wait and see how the night plays out" I replied.

For the rest of the afternoon I worked to double checking everything was ready for tonight and after that I went to workout for a bit. Soon it was time to shower, get dressed and gather with the rest of my family. When I was ready to leave my room I decided to take one more look at myself just to make sure.

In the mirror I looked over my black tux, golden tie, crimson red shirt to represent our pack (Crimson Moon Pack) and dress shoes. My hair was slicked back perfectly "Your Highness, it is time to go". Hephaestus said standing at the door holding my royal broach. This broach had been passed down in our family from King to King. It is the seal of the royal family and it must be worn at special events.

Hephaestus pinned the broach on the right side of my chest. After it was placed perfectly he smiled and took a step back "Perfect, your Majesty". I smiled back, nodded my head and walked out of my room. He followed behind me and after passing a few corridors we reached a long hall which lead to a small room with a special entrance to the banquet hall stage.

Waiting for me in the small room was my family; Apollo my father (former King), Diana my mother (former Queen), Athena, and Rhea my sisters who were fraternal twins (22 years old) and lastly the youngest and most spoiled my little brother Heracles (17 years). When I entered the room they all greeted me with big smiles, hugs, and warm pride. I was honored to have such a wonderful and loving family by my side.

It was finally time for us to be presented to our guest; our names were announced one by one. With each name the applause got louder and I could sense the adoration, and respect coming from everyone. As my name was called, I stepped forward into the light and was greeted by a sea of bowing heads. Using my Alpha voice I told everyone to be seated, as everyone took their seats I sniffed the air and looked around at the vast crowd. When I sniffed I caught the faint smell of vanilla and cinnamon, Hades howled and clawed his way to the surface. I took a seat in my throne chair "Our mate is here, I can feel her and now smell her" he roared at me. "Hades, I know our mate is here, I promise that I wont let her get away, but I need you to calm down and wait until the new Alphas and Lunas have been presented to us at least." Hades roared again while pacing back and forth in my mind.

I looked up to see that there were only 10 couples and I was relieved to know that this would a be short exchange. Two by two each couple approached me bowed, pledged their allegiance, and explained which pack they were from, then returned to their seats. When all ten couples had presented themselves I stood up to address my people " I thank all of you who have come to honor me and my family. We also would like to honor all of you. It is now time to mingle and approach your mate".

The room quickly turned into a loud frenzy. People that smelled their mate when they first got here are now allowed to approach them. I walked down from the stage and Hephaestus met me at the bottom "Do you smell her Sire?" he asked. I just nodded my head and kept moving forward, I let Hades have partial control so we could use his sense of smell which was more powerful than mine. We sniffed the air and once again the heavenly sent of vanilla and cinnamon hit our nose, it was stronger this time. I moved towards the right and continued to pass table after table, the scent getting stronger with each step, I picked up the pace. People parted wherever I walked, clearing the way for me to pass, as they should I thought to my self.

I found her, there she was the most beautiful thing I had ever laid eyes on. Hades came rushing to the surface demanding to be set free. I pushed him back and growled low, he would have his chance but right now, I was in control. Everyone around us stopped talk, moving, and even breathing after hearing me growl. I quickly stepped closer to my mate as she stood there looking at the floor, motionless. I stopped right in front of her, my gaze carefully and slowly taking her in, this stunning creature was the mate. I could feel my body fill with excitement as Hades and I declared out load that we had found our mate "Mate, Mine"!

I noticed my mate had started to tremble at my presence, I reach out with my right hand placed it under her chin and brought her face to look at mine. Sparks went through my body from the contact, I looked into her mesmerizing light green eyes. I had never seen such a beautiful shade of light green and my heart felt crystalized in that moment. "Alpha Kind Zeus" I hear her soothing voice whisper. "Yes, that is my name but please tell me what I can call you other than gorgeous"? I asked almost breathless. I felt her knees get weak, so I wrapped my left arm around her waist while smiling on the inside knowing that I had such an effect of my mate. Her breath hitched and I could tell she was struggling to form words. "Ariel" she managed to say. "Ariel" I repeated in a low voice, it was as if we were in a dream and everyone in the room had disappeared and we were here alone. I could tell she was thinking the same thing I was "This is no dream Princess, I am really here and you are my mate" I said softly to her as I caressed her smooth cheek with my right thumb, feeling sparks once again. "There must be a mistake..." I faintly heard. Hades and I roared with anger and everyone in the room fell to their knees and lowered their necks. Ariel started to tremble and tried to take a step back but I wouldn't let her.