1 Chapter 1

I was once a girl who have everything. A nice body that boys admired the most. A gorgeous face whom other girls adore but also hated. A luxurious life -- A girl who were born with a silver spoon on her mouth. I have friends --most are plastics. But I don't mind since I'm used to it already. Lastly, A life with full of parties, alcohol but never with boys.

I don't know how I'm on a situation right now , where I'll get to choose over a certain boy and my life. Hell, I've said earlier. I'm not into boys, well you can call me a "man hater" or shits but yeah' I don't know when or how I've Get to hate boys and that I always see them as a dog who are thirsty with those shitty' hormones of them towards girls who are also like a cat that would easily take the bait. Sorry for the term but I've seen those girls as whores no matter how good their reputation's are. Well my family is one of the good examples of a good reputation-- note the sarcasm please.

That one whole day, made my life different from the usual. I can't tell that I'm lucky because of my status but I never wanted to be and act like one . Act like a well- behaved gurl or a prim and proper one. I have a great life but no one knows how cruel it is on the inside. They see my family as a lovable one. However, I see our family as the worst one. We may look happy in front of other people but when were inside our mansion --who've also being admired by others, not a mantion to me tho-- more like a prison or cell. A devils den to be exact. Well I'm just being honest. That's how perfect in front of others but imperfect infront of me, my life was. I started to make some changes-- I'm eager to do so. I've started to became worst and fucked my life up.

But when I've met that Hot Jerk. I know I fucked up more. I've had my greatest nightmare-- a sweetest nightmare to be exact. Well, who can't resist a playboy jerk like Mateo Zeus Vanzscotch. A hotty jerk, who like to pissed me off and well hell comes to me when he became my classmate. And I'm in a situation right now on where I'll get to choose whether, I'll hide so that this jerk can't captured my heart that was full of hatred towards his fellow men or I should faced him and show to him that A Vanzcotch can't bring a Zavala whose know for being a man hater, down.

He became my Knight, my shoulder to lean on, but my worst and sweetest nightmare.

I'm Mayumi Aphrodite Zavala. A well known "Man Hater" whose unexpectedly fall and captured by a total Hot Greek-God like Jerk.
