
chapter four contracted workers

" hello mr Dennis,you may be wondering where you are . this is your new apartment fully sponsored by government. you have quite a talent I hope you master it quickly. "

"sir i didnt get your name" Dennis drovil said. " im franken duch ,the government shall give you daily allowance of $5000 , your library is stocked with books to improve your ability . report to head office tomorow and you will be posted to your place of work. be more careful around shiny things and avoid another accident. I shall take my leave now " franken duch immediately disappeared.

"a teleporting ability that's cool. may I get all stat information"

immediately a hologram came out of his tab with information.

* * * * *

"lord deh ,the rate at which hummans awake is great, I just got update that 5 humman reawoke today and among them one caught my eyes, upload the dennis file"

immediately a hologram came up with the details.

| Name:Dennis drovil

| Race:humman

|Ability: disaster





"that is quite a strong talent but he poses no treat yet, never the less get rid of him before he levels up we don't want to be defeated in the coming war ,do we?" lord deh demanded "of course not"

* * * * *

a portal opened in the sitting room of Dennis new apartment. lycans and khalix came out of it

"what do they need" Dennis wondered.