
Under His Control

Simone has been in that dark place for so long that she's lost all hope of ever escaping. will things ever change for her or will the strange man never let her go.

ksims · Urban
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2 Chs


It wasn't always like this. I would usually be described as a gloomy kid during school. I did not talk much at all but even when I was alone, I was still happy. After I graduated college, I released so many popular books that I made a fortune out of it. And I was living exactly how I wanted to, in my house with only me. But somehow, I still ended up in this dark room chained to a bed. I still haven't seen his face, but I know that he is always watching me. I can feel his eyes on me, staring at me every day. I've tried to ask him why I was brought here and what his purpose was but instead of answering he'd always come to touch me. rubbing on places that have never been touched and bring me pleasure that I have never felt before. I felt disgusted but nothing could be done considering that it was impossible to escape. Although I was fed decently nothing could hide my dry cracked lips and creaking body. I don't know where I am or who took me away from my home. All I know is that I am scared, and I don't want to stay here.

Today was the same as every other day. The man would come into the room and look at me in the dark while I would beg him to set me free. I thought he would leave after repeating the same daily routine until I heard a click from the chains binding me. Is this it? s this man really letting me leave here? but then I found out that I was mistaken. the man was changing the chains around my limbs to one big round chain around my neck. " Why... why are you changing the chain."

The man rubbed my head and said while chuckling "It's a reward for your good behavior".

Good behavior? Is this some sick game to him? Why the hell is he doing this? I need to get out of here. while I was thinking this the man's hands started traveling lower and lower.

I hated everything he was doing but I figured that if I played along then I'd finally get a chance to escape. "More" I moaned, even though doing this made me stick to my stomach, I still have no choice but to make this man lower his guard.

Hi Everyone!!! this is my first story so thank you very much for reading :) I do plan on making the chapters longer soon but for now im just thinking about doing a litle world building. Thank you and i hope your read the next chapter!!!!!

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