
Under Her Skirt

Nie Linzhi's childhood sweetheart proposed marriage to another girl and tried to kill her multiple times. She faked her own death despite almost married to the family's enemy and would do anything to get revenge on the ex. With one goal in mind, she dived into the palace intrigue; from currying favor to pocketing ministers under her skirt, she'll do anything to make him lose the power struggle.

cdyxli · History
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11 Chs

04. Ma Zifeng

Any unmarried girl was well aware of the danger of riding on the same carriage with male stranger. Women's entire life was defined by their reputation and the fact the man opposite of her was Ma Zifeng, heightened the threat.

Nie Linzhi didn't prepare the wedding personally and spent her time researching Han Junjie instead. She knew about the grudge between her future husband and Ma Zifeng, it was obvious Ma Zifeng wanted to smear Han Junjie's reputation through her.

She avoided his outstretched hand and stared at him cooly, "General Ma is a big man, I'm afraid it's not appropriate for you to sit with me."

"Oh? Why not?"

"I'm more useful alive than dead. If you cross the line, I have no other choice but to kill myself."

A beauty with a backbone, Ma Zifeng threw his coat and mounted his horse back. He wasn't in a hurry. He'll get both the woman and his revenge.

When Han Ji caught up there, the ruts of the carriage had been covered up by the snow. He could deduce the outline of what happened a moment ago, the carriage was surrounded by dozens of horses while two other horses went the opposite direction. A passerby had delivered news to him, saying that someone had asked to tell him that the young lady had fallen into the hands of Hua county's Ma Zifeng.

He has sent people to report the news to Han Junjie and it should be received within a few days. He blamed himself and looked into the distance anxiously. The people sent out to collect information about Ma Zifeng's carriage and horses gradually came back.

Han Ji concluded Ma Zifeng took Nie Linzhi to Hanli - the city fortress closest to the river across from Han Junjie's territory. His maternal uncle - Chen Xiang's large army was stationed there.

In the noon of the next day, Han Ji rushed to Hanli and quarreled under the city gate, his voice reaching to the top of the city.

Unlike the infamous jade hell, the current governor of Hanli Chen Xiang had a good reputation and was loved by the people under his rule.

During early years of Han Junjie's father career, he was also vigorous and had set his eyes on Hanli. The city was the first target for the Hans to spread their influence across the river. The Hans never had the chance to cross the river as their influence declined when the late duke, his son, and the eldest grandson died. Leaving only Han Junjie with the widows in his family.

Who knows the ex duchess was as fierce as her husband and assisted her only grandson to defend their city and gradually swallowed the entire southern region.

The Chens knew they were next and no matter how their in-laws up north told them they would help, their survival was dependent on Han Junjie' mercy.

Chen Xiang just beat up his nephew after he bragged that he had Han Junjie's bride with him. The Hanli's Governor sent his wife to take care of the bride and before he could think of a solution, his men told him Han Ji was in front of the city gate.

Han Ji was a fierce general under Han Junjie, he was responsible for conquering three to five cities in the south. Chen Xiang was not sure how much Han Ji knew about his nephew's action so he had a conversation on top of the city fortress.

His playing dumb act irritated Han Ji and he sneered, took his bow and shot a roll of silk at the top of the city. With a sharp whine piercing the air, Han Ji nailed the arrow straight into the flagpole.

Chen Xiang's soldier took the letter from the arrow shaft. The governor unfurled the letter and his entire demeanor changed.

Ma Zifeng didn't expect that Han Ji would catch up with him so quickly. He was stunned when his uncle slammed his door again and grabbed him by the collar. Amidst his uncle's rage, he still refuses to send the beauty back not to mention he had a grudge against Han Junjie!

"I snatched his wife, so what? If Han Junjie has the ability, he can take her back from me!"

Chen Xiang threw him across the room, "Are you stupid?! I've worked hard to manage Hanli to maintain today's situation. You just give him an excuse to attack me!"

Ma Zifeng was startled, then said nonchalantly; "Let him come when he comes, I'm not afraid of him. It's my chance to spar with him."

Chen Xiang's hands were shaking with anger.

"Uncle, I've sent a letter to my father. His cronies in the south already took over two nearest cities, we can defeat him, and swallow the south."

"Are you sure your father's men had taken over the cities?"

"I'm certain, Uncle. Han Junjie will be outnumbered and trapped in your terrain."

Before he found out the woman with his nephew was the newly married wife of Han Junjie, he thought it was just a random woman he snatched somewhere and knowing his temperament he would be bored in a few weeks.

Chen Xiang already confirmed the woman's safety with his wife and put a restraining order on the courtyard. Treating her with courtesy might bring them some grace.

"No matter how I think of it, we can't fight Han Junjie heads on. I'll sent his wife's out and have this matter over with an apo-"

He was dead on his track when a dozen of armored warriors ran behind him and put their knives on Chen Xiang's neck.

Chen Xiang was furious and scolded Ma Zifeng for being impudent and ignorant, with tears streaming down his face he knew his family's banner in Hanli ended with him: "I know my sister's indulgence would cause this! You are a black star of my Chen family and you make me lose the land of my ancestors for a random woman! You are worst than a bea-"

One stab on the heart and the Governor of Hanli lost his life, with his nephew's resolute voice as the last thing he heard.

"She is my woman, Uncle."

The woman on the cusp of the storm was also anxious. Zhang Siyuan wasn't just trying to sabotage this wedding, he tried to have her killed and proving his worth to the queen.

Imagine the rumor if it spread that she was running away from the wedding procession! No matter what kind of agreement the families had, carrying this infamy would guarantee her miserable life in her in-law house. As if her identity wasn't complicated enough.

No man could stand being cuckold and even if Han Junjie stayed silent, the Fengs would be too scared and eventually turned to the Second Prince's camp because he was the only camp strong enough to protect them from Duke Li.

Zhang Siyuan.. Zhang Siyuan.. She didn't intend to talk about the past, but since he played her so dirty, she wouldn't be polite anymore. She didn't intend to be close to the duke, but now he was her only saving rope.

Ma Zifeng spread a rumor that the governor was assassinated by Han Junjie and he would be the leader for now. He ordered a military law despite the officials and soldiers confusion, but they couldn't refuse anything the young man ordered because he was a general with good military exploits and used to be favored by Chen Xiang during his time in Hanli.

Ma Zifeng's depression from being rejected by Nie Linzhi multiple times was gone when he saw how respectful the officers and soldiers were to him.

Hanli had 30.000 defenders, all who were elite soldiers. Its terrain also adds to the city's advantage, making it easy to defend but difficult to attack.

He was now waiting for Han Junjie to come. As long as he defeated Han Junjie, Ma Zifeng could get the south and be proud in front of the beauty.

Han Ji was aware of the changes in the city, his spies back empty handed as the city's guards visibly multiplied.

Ma Zifeng was full of heroism and personally led a foot of archers to climb the city wall. He smirked when he saw Han Ji and his men, he ordered the archers to shoot arrows together to force Han Ji back.

He leaned to the city wall, shouting: "Go tell Han Junjie that after I get married to the beauty, he and I can have a hundred rounds of fight!"

Han Ji and his men deflected the arrows and were forced to retreat. He didn't know how the lady was doing, but he was very anxious. Judging by the way Ma Zifeng laughed wildly, he certainly had controlled the city. After pondering for a moment, he ordered the sergeant to stay and continue spying on what's going on in the city. He mounted his horse and turned his back.

He was full of guilt and self blame and didn't stop for a minute and met Han Junjie and his army in the outskirts of Junyu's province next to Hanli.

Han Ji hung his badge in the air and entered the empty city unobstructed.

The captains saw his anxious expression and immediately reported to Han Junjie.

He dismounted and knelt on the ground.

"Please grant me the death penalty. My Lord entrusted the important task of escorting the Lady to me, but I failed and put the Lady in danger. After My Lord captured Hanli and rescuing the Lady, this general will commit suicide to apologize!"

The marriage alliance with the Nie family was to plant Han Junjie's army in this border and help him capture Hanli. His fleet was on the other side of the river from Han City, while he and his men attacked Hanli from the land. Surrounded the city fortress with nowhere to go.

No matter how unattached he was with the Nie bride, if he did not respond then people's hearts would be chilled.

Han Junjie helped Han Ji to get up, "How is she?"

The arguably tallest man in the Han army was hesitant, but being stared at by his superior made him hang his head low. He finally whispered; "Ma Zifeng controlled the city, he said he'll marry the lady first and fight you for a hundred rounds after."

The winter air suddenly seemed to freeze.

This wasn't just about appeasing the people or allies, his pride as a man was on the line. His bride not only snatched, but directly married by the enemy amidst a power struggle? His name would be a joke even if he won the city and conquered the north!

Han Junjie mounted his horse, cutting the blizzard and shouted word by word: "Send them the order, double the fleet's speed. Attack and seize Hanli now. Kill without mercy and whoever captures Ma Zifeng will be rewarded heavily!"