
Under Black Scales

a Gamer doing Soldier work dies and finds him self in World of Azeroth a land of constend wars dangers adventures and Glory. Join aur protagonist in story of his battle not to return to lands of the dead. The story takes place in the universe of the World of Warcraft,(I Claim no ownership and all rites of WoW title places and most of hero of story are all belonging to Blizzard entertaiment) I will do my best to research and come with an enjoyable story of what could happen in lore and explore one of my favorite lore universes please bear in mind that this will be my 1 big story so it may be a bit bloody so to say.

Madaremius · Video Games
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16 Chs

First Hunt

siting on top of a tree i decaided to put that new hunting skill to use after all if i am to even make it to any artefact i will need strength to make all the dungeon crawlers so time to lv up a bit. Turns aut hunting helped me not so much as tell me right away wher food happens to be it's more like it's focusing me on tracks on the ground or smells in the air i maneged to pick up tracks on ground 4 clawed scrach mark as if a dog went this way maybe it was a wolf?

Walking after tracks i found my target it was no wolf O NO.it wos a rat it looked like buff as hell and it was size of a mid size dog. Looking at it's 2 big long fang like front teeth i really felt like i understood why so many people back on earth would scream when seeing one coming ther way even when on smaller scale.


NAME: The Rat




The Rat(yes i am calling him that) sow me and rather then try run FROM A DRAGON have went on to charge me. Having been given no time to stay in my shock i instinctively jump to battle stance and let rodent shorten the distance , taiking a good look on thos theeth's up close i decaide i dont want to teak that on my scales thinking fast i recall mother and siblings bone like mace on tails end,turning my body around at last moment i managed to SMACK the rodent face with my tail only to realise something i dont have a bone mace not even a bit of bone ther so a smack wos far less mighty then i hoped for.

The Rat recollected him self form the hit and bite and grab on to my tail and with that i have felt both pain and got massage like a ping in my Brain.



what happend next was about as expected a good old cartoony run around in circle trying to get the dem roddent off from my tail to roddents credit he hold tight. Having finally hade it with The rat i decaided to test my other new skill. teaking in a deep breath i feelt it the lava, Books had lied to me. Breathing lava wasn't anything like exhaling angrily, or clenching some napalm filled organ. Rather, it felt more like... well, there was a constant, unending, painful pressure in my chest, and drowning the rodent in molten lava relieved just a bit of that pressure.

The Rat have only hade time to make big eye's on the mouth full of lava that came his way and with one loud EEEPPP!!!. was cooked whole as well send flying off my tail.looking on him now i hade only one think to tell to my first true foe.




having lv up 2 times was a suprise but it was likle coming from the baby murder and rodent slaing i i should not be suprised that it happend.let's see i took 5 dmg from a rat bite to the tail sure it was a big rat but in this world it is just a rat i gona need to be a lot more durable if i want to make it in any future battles after all i am a dragon ther aint gona be any bigger juicer target for the attacks. but at same time if i have more Str if could just squishe anyone in my way ther should be no fear of dmg after all. Hmm nahhh i got more Vitality then str let's go with what we are good at first i will smack some more to rest after this.

Puting 10 stat points into Vitality got unexpected results.

Passive Skill Gained

Name: Tough Scales lv1

Prerequisite: Vitality 20

Description: Reduces physical damage incurred by 10%

Passive Skill Gained!

Name: Regeneration lv1

Prerequisite: Vitality 20

Description: Heals 10 HP every hour.

0-0 seeing this 10% reduction i knew form that moment i NEED "More" looking down on rodent i wos about to move on when


looking down on rat again smelling it deep fried meat "no it's a rat i aint eating th..."BRRREEE"

my defiance of the idea to eat the suprisingly nice smelling rodent meat was stoped by my stomachs mighty grumble.... -_- " okey fine"

diging in ir turns aut Fantasy giga rodents are tasty + this one hade extra crispy touch to it.Havin eaten the rat i looked around with happy full stomach and intent that even good food cant stop after all that dmg reduction aint gona stack it self.

Over the next several hours I would spend out hunting. Most of my prey were rodents, mainly rats, squirrels, voles, and shrews. each and every time i leveled up having felt hungry again and proceeded to eat my kills all teasting great.Normally I would have thought that eating that big rat would last me for the day but it turned aut it wouldn't for this body had voracious appetite,the vermin here are much larger than normal, the average rat was the size of a small to mid size dog. But since this is Warcraft world i should expect anything after all a dem Spider can be a raid boss the size of bulding hir,

now let's have a look at the progress "Status"





HP:217/250 ( thos dem rats keep biting my poor tail T_T)



STATUS EFFECTS: Bleeding(mild),Exhaustion(Extreme)







Active Skills:Identify LV1,Magma Breath lv1.

Passive Skills:Human Racial Bonus – Fast Learner(SOUL BOUND) Dragon Racial Bonus ageless might,Tough Scales lv1,Regeneration lv1,draconic language lv10,hunting lv1

being satisfied with day worth of hunting till sun went down i decaided to return to the nest,.for some rest after all i should not hunt down all food around at one day, (totally not because 23 stamina makes me feel like a walking dead). As i returned i sow suprise looks on all of my siblings when they sow me first i wos thinking they all most be suprised to see me after whole day maybe they took me for a dead man somewher in woods beaten by mighty rats , but a look on them give me diffrent idea, you see i wos not looking at them on even ground anymore i was looking down on them.

We all were no longer a pudgy new-born, nut my proportions now more closely resembled a drake. I wasn't a drake yet, though. It took a hundred years for a whelp to grow into a drake. I was still fairly small compared to my mother, but to my siblings i was a giant all of a sudden , looking on i still lacked bone mace on tail but noticed that i look far more sturdy then a half way drake should be thick well developed scales are present all over my body hiding densely packed muscle giveing me looks of somone far more powerfull and older that i really was,



Name: Boss of the brood

Prerequisite: Gaine Fear or Respect of your brood

Description: YOUR Brood Fears/Respect You To a Point Of Obeing Your Orders With In Reason some among them may want to challenging you for supremacy.

0-0 Giving my siblings just as suprised look as they give me a moment ago having decaided that i am to tired for this i went on to a walled of corner i sleeped in last time to teak my rest,teaking one last look before sleep teaks me i sow that only onyxia still hade the bravery to sleep anywher close Nefarion seemed to come closer but it was far more of him trying to act all mighty in front rest of brood, resting my head on rock i let sleep teak me away.