
UNDECIDED (Unordinary Fanfiction)

In a world where your ability is everything, there was bound to be drama. Especially when an organization goes hunting you down, and that's exactly what Crystal's been through most of her life. But what happens when one day Crystal's mom suggests she attend Wellston Highschool, the most prestigious school in the country. And decides to enroll as a low-tier. Will more drama happen? Will her past finally be uncovered? Would she find love along the way? But one thing's for sure, everything is still...Undecided Read to find out!!~ Enjoy!~ ~~••~~••~~••~~••~~••~~••~~••~~••~~•• (Disclaimer: Credits to uru-chan for the storyline and the other characters. I only own Crystal and some parts of the plot. Credits to the artist of the cover) (Expect some grammar errors and late updates) ~~••~~••~~••~~••~~••~~••~~••~~••~~•• Highest Ranks Reached #1 johndoe - 2021 #1 abilities - 28/4/2021 #1 webtoon - 28/4/2021 #1 blyke - 18/5/2021 #1 undecided - 22/5/2021 ~~••~~••~~••~~••~~••~~••~~••~~••~~•• Started: 8/13/20 Ended: ???

LittleCuteCloud · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 34: Don't stop running

DISCLAIMER!! Mention of kidnapping or anything related to it in this chapter. So if any of this disturbs you guys, don't hesitate to skip this chapter. But for those who are fine about it, then happy reading! And don't forget to vote and comment, I would really appreciate it if you do :D

~LittleCuteCloud out 👊 ( ͡> ͜ʖ ͡<)




The loud screams of helpless children echoed the empty white halls of the abandoned hospital. It was dark, the floor was ice cold and there was no one else in the room but the little girl. Little Christy just gripped her jacket closer to her small figure, as she just silently sobbed to herself, feeling her throat dry up from all the crying she has been doing.

The feeling of confusion, anger and fear consumed her as the girl just stared down at her curled-up feet. She felt confused, helpless, and angry with herself for the decisions she made, causing her to be in such a situation.

"If only I didn't leave the house. If only I didn't trust Sam. If only I just asked my parents to bring me with them. I wouldn't be here." She muttered to me as tears started flowing down the side of her face, gritting her teeth as she recalled earlier's events.

She glanced over to the large metal door in front of her as she just narrowed her eyes at this.

The door was just a few inches in front of the girl, so close to freedom but yet still so far away.

After waking up earlier, the girl tried going out through the door, however, as soon as she placed her hand over the door handle she was electrocuted, leaving a burning sting on the little girl's hand.

Assuming that the entire door was covered with electricity, she couldn't get through it without getting hurt.

But if she were to do anything fishy, one of the guards guarding her room threatened to hurt her parents and because of that, the little girl didn't dare try anything if it means her parents would be in danger.

And from the little information she gathered from some guards talking outside her door earlier, this was supposedly a testing area, but for what exactly? More and more questions began going through her head, and yet none have been answered yet.

The poor girl just wanted to leave the mysterious place and see her parents, was that too much to ask?

Little Christy just hung her head low, closing her eyes as she placed her hand over her neck. A frown making its way up to her face as she let out a sad sigh.

When she woke up earlier she was already lying in the darkroom, and if that wasn't bad enough, her necklace was gone too. The guys who brought me here must've taken it when she was still unconscious.

As she just sat there by herself, she couldn't help but think about what her parents would say to her, see they saw her in such a situation.

"I didn't raise my daughter to give up so easily, the Christy I know won't just give up just like that"

"Where's my stubborn daughter who never gives up without a fight?"

A tear rolled down the side of her face as she just wiped it away, letting out a small chuckle. That's right, why parents wouldn't want to see me like this. Even if their lives were on the line, they would still want their daughter to fight back, no matter how tough life gets.

A smirk made its way up to the girls face as she took a deep breath

"I...have...to...escape!" The girl muttered to herself, as she got ready to hoist herself up.

The girl gathered all her strength, gripping the walls beside her as she slowly stood up. Her tired legs visibly shaking as she leaned on the wall, little Christy took a deep breath before her eyes started glowing a bright gold color, as walls standing in the way of her escape were being covered in ice.

She knew her parents would definitely scold her for giving up so easily, so she'll just have to fight her way through before they could even lay a hand on them.



??? POV

I stared down at the body of Experiment #9 as it just laid on the metal inclined chair, lifeless.

"Another failed experiment" I muttered in frustration as I rubbed my temples. Failures, not one of my test subjects were able to handle the power our serum had, resulting in another failure. If only we had that girl in our grasp, it was sure to work. I glanced at one of the guards in the room as I raised my hand.

"Take it away, place it with the rest of the other failures"

"Yes sir"

The guard said as he proceeded to carry the child out of the room, leaving only me in the room. Turning my heel, I slowly walked over to the window overviewing the whole city as I just crossed my arms with a smirk on my face.

"It's only a matter of time before our experiment is completed, then we will finally achieve our goal, just you wait and see...Damon."


I turned my attention to the knock on the door, as I leaned on one of the tables.

"Come in" I stated as I watched my assistant walk through the door.

"Sir, we got the girl. She is currently in testing room 1 as we speak"

I narrowed my eyes at this as a grin made its way up to my face.

"Thank you, please inform Doctor Larry to get ready. Were about to conduct Experiment #10."

"Will do sir"

Without any more hesitation, I walked out of the room and into the hallways, making my way over to the said testing room. Let's just see how strong the girl really is, it would be a shame if she were to die just because of my serum now wouldn't it.

I let out a chuckle as I continued walking. But just as I was about to turn around a corner a loud BANG echoed through the hall's way followed by a sudden cool breeze.

"Oh? It seems this one is feisty. Well, I suppose a short warm-up wouldn't hurt before the experiment."

I said with a smirk on my face as I continued walking with a wider grin spread across my face.


"I-It worked!?" The girl exclaimed in shock as her eyes stared at the now shattered wall in front of her. She let out a relieved sigh. From the looks of it, the whole building must've heard the crash too, and guards will be rushing over to this area in no time.

Without a second thought, the girl started to dash through the halls. From a few feet behind her, she could hear the distant shouts of the guards chasing after her.

"She's over there!!"

"Don't let her escape!"

The girl felt her lungs burning up and her legs growing tired by the second, but she knew she couldn't stop running, because if she did she knew she wouldn't be able to get the chance to escape like this ever again.

Running faster than she ever did in her whole life, she finally saw the end of the hallway.


She read above the door, relief instantly washing over her as tears started rolling down her face. She was finally able to escape. Just a few more steps and I'll be able to see Mom and Dad again.

"Ah-Ha! Got you!"

The girl stopped in her tracks to see one of the guards in front of her, with his arms wide open, blocking the girl's only way to escape.

"If you obediently walk back to your room, we won't harm you."

The man said walking closer to the little girl as she clenched her fist in anger.

"No! I won't! I want to go home!" She shouted to the man startling him, but in a flash, his face turned dark and serious.

"You don't want your parents to get hurt, don't you? So if you will kindly follow me back to your room-SHIT!"

The girl had enough of his fake attitude and kicked him "down there" making the man fall on his knees clutching his crotch.

"You little bitch! Come back here!"

The girl just stuck her tongue out at the man in a mocking way as she just went on ahead towards the exit.

"Sorry, not sorry!"

To the girl's relief and joy, she finally made it outside. It was still nighttime, with the only source of light coming from the street lights. She glanced around at her surroundings and noticed she was in a parking lot. Finally, I can go back home. But before the girl could even take one more step away from the place, someone shouted out to her.

"Aren't you forgetting something...Christy?"

The girl snapped her head around at the sound of her name being called. How did they know my name? As she turned around, her eyes met a pair of blue eyes.

"You are indeed the spitting image of Damon." The man muttered as his hands were in his pocket.

"Who are you! And how do you know my father?" The little girl shouted out as the man just let out a "tsk"

"Don't worry my dear, I'll be happy to answer your questions..." The man said happily before his mood darkened instantly.

"...if you come back inside..."

The girl gritted her teeth, trying to hold her anger in as she just glared at the smirking man a few feet away from her.

"And what if I don't want to?"

She just narrowed her eyes at him as the older man let out a chuckle.

"Well, I guess I'll just have to destroy this then," He said, pulling a familiar golden heart-shaped locket out of his pocket, dangling it on the tip of his finger.

"Wait! Stop! Don't break it!" The girl pleaded as a worried expression was plastered on her face.

The man just hummed at the girl, tilting his head in the process. The man knew the girl wouldn't just leave the place unless he threatens to do something that would make her stay, and luckily he grabbed the necklace from the girl earlier.

The girl looked down at her hands as she felt tears well up. She didn't know what to do, she didn't want her precious locket to be destroyed, but she also wanted to leave the place so bad.

As the girl contemplated, the man on the other hand grew impatient and began walking closer to the girl.

"So what will it be dear? Come back inside and your locket is safe? or leave and your little locket is destroyed?"

The girl couldn't hold it in anymore as her tears started to pour once again as she just clenched the hem of her shirt.

"I-I...I will..."

"LEAVE. She'll leave!"

The girl's eyes widened in disbelief as she turned around. She didn't even hesitate and ran immediately up to them.


The girl sobbed so much, letting her tears flow as she clutched the man's neck, who was embracing the little girl back. The little Christy didn't have the words to express how relieved and happy she was to see her father again.

However, their little reunion was soon interrupted by a fireball heading straight towards them. Out of reflex, the girl hid her face into the crook of her father's neck. Ready for the impact to come, but it never came


Little Christy took a peek, and her eyes widened in awe as a giant ice barrier appeared out from the ground, shielding the two from the attack.

The man on the other hand just glared in our direction as the ice soon disappeared into frost particles.

"Hand over the girl Damon!"

Ignoring the man's demand, Damon turned to his daughter and soon picked her up, carrying her in his hands before turning back to the man.

"If you apologize now, I will let it slide" Her father calmly said as the girl just gripped her father's arm. The man just gritted his teeth and narrowed his eyes.

"I said hand her over Damon!" In a full-on sprint, the man started rushing over to us ready to attack. But before he could lay a hand on the two, in just a snap of the fingers they were both enveloped in a transparent dome made of ice. The dome then started to shake as the man started attacking the dome, Damon then turned to his daughter and slowly placed her on the ground.

"Christy, I need you to run as fast as you can, away from here as soon as I remove the dome. Understood?"

The girl immediately shook her head and clenched her fist.

"No! What if that bad guy gets you? I can help you fight him off!" Little Christy pleaded to her father as he shook his head, and giving her a soft smile.

"Don't worry Angel, I'll be fine. The bad guy won't be able to get me." He reassured her daughter as she wiped a tear off her face.

"Promise you'll come back safe ad sound?" The man just hugged her daughter tightly as she hugged him back.

"Yes, I promise. Now get ready, your Mom will be waiting for you at the end of the street. So whatever happens, don't stop running"

After a few more seconds like that, they soon both pulled apart as the daughter saluted to her father, a tear slowly rolling down her face.

"Roger that!"

And as soon as she said that, the dome immediately dispersed,

"Now Christy!"

Without a single glance back Christy speed off away from her father and the mysterious man. She clenched her fist as she picked up her pace, sprinting all the way to the end of the street where her mother was supposed to be.