
Undead Zone

Zombies been on top of the food chain. You can get one bit or even as an one scratch, you turn will soon turn into one of them. The outbreak of the virus didn't just kill you but dynamic your corpse and gave it an instinctive need to feed on human flesh. Over the course of the past eight months America was thrown into a state of turmoil, as the leaked government files flooded the internet and news stations around the world. Revealing a level of unprecedented corruption. The current President- despite not having anything to do with the massive conspiracy or the Archangel Program, made the decision to stand down and let the country elect a new leader. Civilization rebuild the rejoice what's lost as the world they used to know for several years now, there being new threat in town. The first appearance of a zombie was laughed by many people finding it a big joke. A warning shot was made to doing the real thing. Witnessed few roam a bit tripping over the bloodied rotren corpse Awaited them to get up to shoot them between the eyes, went down with a thunk and a dash of splat. There was shaking and ground rupture a few ripples beneath the people feet from series of miles distance away. Thousands of people. Hundreds of thousands, maybe a million. A swarm of people like the world had never seen. And the people were all running. They were running as fast as they could go. The swarm of crazed people was rushing toward them. Went radio silence New York becoming a dead city. Everything went empty dead quiet. Leaving one unfortunate rookie injured cop the put a stop to it. Does he have what it takes? To save the human race?

MeowChan0 · Horror
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

The Freak Out

"Where is the staff? "

He wondered. Staff meeting?

Maybe they're doing off-site work that's needed them else where, but here.

An anonymous terroristic threat attack were going to be launched here?

What the government got to say about this!?

Immediately gathered everybody as much as possible, towards the evacuation coordinates-leaving me behind!?

Perhaps didn't had enough time to transfer me.

"I'm rookie at my job anyways, wouldn't be much else worth anything being tagged along then a  left behind civilian to die alone.

Don't say that to yourself, calm down."

His shoulders arise to relax his muscles an wring out his hands.

"There's no way possible way to gather everyone being out of  incoming dangerous threat, before it's being too late.

I can understand that.

If that's the cause, why hasn't it happened yet already?

How am I still alive  here?

There's got the be another survivors here then, around here somewhere.

I ain't going to rest, until I've found someone alive in this weird situation I'm dealing with.

"I'll get my answers by then."

Nick kept walking the same exact direction for a hot minute.

Been more then a minute passed in the mean-time.

The work stations Nick comes across along the way, been disarranged.

It's medical equipment and patient rooms been fueled with alot of distraught in alot of panic.

Nick pauses at every disaster he passes.

Getting worser each new room he reaches near.

Reaches more to the end of the hallway.

Quick glance on to the next aside the left.

Every single room doesn't set right with Nick.

It worries him.

From the looks of it, it wasn't terroristic threat.

Nothing made any sense.

Nick was out cold for long period of time.

Looked as much to be good as dead.

"The smell of dripping blood..."

Nick collected himself, before he snaps out losing his mind.

Held in a full deep breath.

Could hear his heartbeat, so quiet he can hear every heart  thump against his chest.

The huge placed digital clocks blinked, begging to be reseted.

He needed more water.

Runs to took back the coffee mug back to his bathroom, perhaps back to the patient room of his.

Shaft of flickering light filtered in from the windowa as he attempted to turn on the faucet.

It sputtered and spit out some dark bloody sludge water before finally settling on a copper drip.

He glanced up at the mirror and gasped.

His chest tightened, and he could feel his heart in his throat.

He shifted in the mirror and leaned forward until his face was about two inches from the glass.

Has coming in frisk grey beads hairs sticking up under his chin.

Bags under his eyes were big enough to be considered checked luggage, and deep wrinkles were etched into his skin.

Nick breathed heavy at his appearance.

Blinked his eyes in such briskly motion, as he couldn't comprehend what his vision are sighting.

Didn't even think twice about gulping down that liquid inside it overflowing the mug.

How long have I've seriously been out here?"

Asked Nick, acting anxious.

This is what I look like?

You've got to be kidding me!

"I got to get out of this place!"

He snatched his gown off.

Such in a barbarian way- it completely torn to pieces.

His rib cage shown the have symptoms of a strained intercoastal muscle.

Driping blood against his skin; as if were ripped through.

He ran from out the bathroom abandoning the mug in the sink constantly still overflowing.

Going no particular direction- dashing past the hallways and through the double doors...down another long light flickering hallway until he hit the hexagon staircase.

His shoulder bashed the door open and raced down floor after, after floor, with only an flashing red emergency  blaring alarm light guiding his way..

His mind was racing.

Looked nearly a decade older.

More mature then before.

He ceased at the last floor-stair case, gasping for air.

His  legs quivered to stand still, eyes cutting-edge off the tear ducks steamed to a sizzle.

"Get it together, Nick," he chastised.

His forehead pressed against the glossy painted brick  walls, on the left hand side standing before him.

Within his escape  to the outside world.

Collected himself.

Panicking would do him no good.

"Just get outside," he told himself, perhaps hoping the hospital were trapped in some sort of twilight zone and that everything would be back to normal as soon as he made it out of those double doors.

He climbed down the remaining four floors to the lobby.

Paused before pushing the door open, wondering if whatever was waiting out there would be worse than whatever was in here.

Nick pushed the door open just enough to get a glimpse, without being seen.

The setting sun illuminated the room through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Everything seemed normal.

A slow walk in pace turned into a quick sprint as his nervousness built up..

Nick flying through the bricky door and felt the warm sun hit his face.

The breeze tousled his hair, but it didn't have that deep-dish-pizza-and-Blommer-chocolate scent he anticipated it to be.

None other then, expired taste of milk.

It was fresher than any air he ever inhaled on these streets of Chicago.

Perhaps it was the sharp contrast between the dank, dark hospital and the sunny street, but everything seemed so saturated with color.

The trees were exceptionally green and overgrown, as was the grass, and the sky was a bright, cloudless robin's egg blue without a hint of the smog that sometimes hung over the city.