
Unconventional Mage

One day, 100,000 random people around the world were awakened into monster hunters. Of these 100,000 one of them, our MC Daniel, awakens as a mage. This story covers his journey as he makes decisions no normal person would make as a mage, such as raising physical stats. Or taking mostly useless skills and combining them in ways no one would think about. Most mages specialize but Daniel tries a little bit of everything. Most get equipment based on its raw stats, but Daniel also takes into account it’s practicality as well. A casting ring that is small and fits on your finger with 0 benefit other than you can cast upwards of 10 spell at a time with 10 of these rings, is better to him than on giant staff that reduce all negative attributes like Mana cost and casting time, and increase positive ones, like range, it’s AOE, and damage.

Notanegg · Fantasy
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Upgrades people upgrades

It has been about a month now, I have cleared the Small sand worm nest about 10 times now in total I have gotten 1,000 EXP, 3000 gold. I have 10 new crystals of various sizes and after calculating the level ups, I have gotten 5 stat points I am yet to distribute. however after my second run, I remembered to call over Blurry Blade who said he likes the idea of grinding, but only in video games. Sometimes things were just like that.

And since I have been challenged by Joshua a few times, each time I used double cast less and less. Eventually I managed to beat him with only two casts of it. After a series of humiliating losses, he eventually stopped challenging me.

I have also done some shop digging and discovered a shopping cart feature which must have been new or maybe I just missed it. For now inside of my cart I have my heart dead set on some high class gear that is probably a few levels ahead of me, as well as some healing potions of a low grade. Mostly for first aid.

For a total pf 10,000 G I can get my equipment which I plan on buying together at the same time, firstly there is the Rank E staff, Merlin's prototype. Which has a special feature, by spending 50 mana, I can use its skill to increase my spell damage by 10%. And the E rank robe, Casters robe, which is a robe which with 50 mana, I can decrease the amount of physical and magical damage I take by nearly 10% unless of course the magic is dispelled, or they deal so much damage they simply break the mana barrier.

While I hardly need it, personally I believe it's better to be safe than sorry, just incase I end up dealing with a monster that gets one up on me. Plus this equipment is rank E and meant for monster hunters in the same rank, while there is no real level limit the prices seem like you won't get the gold to buy these items before leveling up enough to already be rank E or higher, I guess unless you go crazy selling super rare monster loot.

I instantly had and idea, I can sell most of my crystals from the Small Sand Worm Nest, I only need a few to do things with them, and I can always get more later. It's not like anyone has found a way to use them yet. So they don't really have a use as of now. But once they do have a use I imagine hoarding them like a dragon will be beneficial especially of they can be used by non monster hunters.

After selling the five smallest of them I ended up with an extra 2,250 G. Not quite enough but maybe, just maybe, some one knows of a good monster nest that has a high output of monsters that have a high gold output per monster.

Firstly I bought the flight skill for the (sadly full price) cost of 400 gold. Leaving me with 5,205 gold. My next plan was to announce that I was buying information on monster nests that have high gold output. Lastly I put all five stat points into MP bringing it up to 31 to maximize the time I can fly.

After some testing, I found that the flight skill uses mana continuously at a rate of about 25 mana per minute in flight. Meaning I can last for about 12.4 minutes. At the speed I can move at, I can go about 20 miles before resting. In which I'll need to rest for around 30 minutes to fill my Mana back up. However for a mere 200 gold a pop, I can buy a small low grade mana potion. Which instantly restores 50 Mana, if I buy about 5 I can get a whole 10 minutes of flight instantly. Then there is the reduction buff I get with my staff making the actual amount of time I can get before having to stop is 13.7 minutes. Which os slightly farther, but once I hit my goal, I will be stuck going 20 miles every 30 minutes or so.

- - -

Some time passed and I get a private message from a monster hunter named "Snake Wrangler"

[Snake Wrangler: you said you were looking for monster nests? Well I have a big one taking the space of an entire cave that is so dark even with a flash light you can't see into it. It's filled with bat monsters each one giving you anywhere from 20 - 100 XP and 120 - 500 gold. They come out at night and return in the morning naturally in groups of 2 - 10 of some of their highest level members depending on how recently it was last cleared out. But they return every night with their class filled with dead snakes and other desert creatures. It's somewhere near LA incase it's to far, I can give you the exact location for a flat 500 gold. I don't know if this is true but I'm pretty sure I am the only monster hunter that uses it, as it never seems to clear out except of course for the few unlucky level 2 bats that get caught by a dangerous snake right after a clear. When I don't do it. So I'll be losing a lot if gold if I sell this off. Do we got a deal?"]

[you have been offered a trade.

{location of Giant Bat, nest} for {500 gold}

Do you accept? Y/N]

'That's convenient'

[Goblin stomper: "You sure do have yourself a deal, and if what you say is true I'll throw on an extra 100 for your honesty."]

[trade excepted, depositing gold, condition found: If the given information is true, an extra 100 gold will be transferred.

Transferring information directly to the brain of the recipient.]

Just like that, I had almost memories of a place I have never been to before. Appeared in my mind, I could make it there in about 25 minutes of pure flying with one break that becomes 55 minutes, nearly an hour to get there but it'd be worth it. I can go on weekends and wake up all of the bats and go ham, and come back next week. Since tomorrow was Saturday I'd try it out then

If anyone actually reads this, I think I am going to shorten “Monster hunter” down to just hunter for my sake and the fact that after a month, only the system would still use monster hunters and eventually I may just abbreviate it there as well because [spoilers]

Also I will not be doing power stone, energy stone, or gift goals unless I can get myself to do at the very least a consistent 2 chaps a week. I don’t want to let you guys down with that stuff. But please do reward my book :)

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