
Unconventional Mage

One day, 100,000 random people around the world were awakened into monster hunters. Of these 100,000 one of them, our MC Daniel, awakens as a mage. This story covers his journey as he makes decisions no normal person would make as a mage, such as raising physical stats. Or taking mostly useless skills and combining them in ways no one would think about. Most mages specialize but Daniel tries a little bit of everything. Most get equipment based on its raw stats, but Daniel also takes into account it’s practicality as well. A casting ring that is small and fits on your finger with 0 benefit other than you can cast upwards of 10 spell at a time with 10 of these rings, is better to him than on giant staff that reduce all negative attributes like Mana cost and casting time, and increase positive ones, like range, it’s AOE, and damage.

Notanegg · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Quest complete

[Name: GoblinStomper




HP-8, MP-41, DEF-4, STR-4, DEX-4, AGI-4 STA-5

Avg:9.2/10 - F

Equipment: Merlins Prototype(>), Casters Robe(>)

Skills: lightning bolt, knock over, Stomp out, triple cast, preparation, flight, Telekinesis, Earth molding, Improved analysis, Monster study

Quests: {Monster Culling} (>)]

"Hmm, I can't really level up any time soon, and there won't be many things to spend my gold on as an upgrade, for now I'm kinda stuck."

While thinking about my issues I check my phone and scroll through the internet, using various generic sites that'd all have whacky names in novels, I see a few news articles about monsters showing up and a how hunters are slaughtering them.

There are a few different views, at first, the hunters were just doing there job, then some animal activists took notice and called them the real monsters for killing harmless animals. And literally everyone is drilling into them for their stance.

Firstly, all of the monsters are technically invasive and can only be relocated places were similar animals already exist, but monsters are far stronger than a regular animal of similar build.

Secondly certain monsters are pre destined to be walking disasters if they are allowed to live, fire spitting lizards, and snakes which spit acid strong enough to kill with prolonged exposure have both been regular occurrences.

Thirdly, it'd be irresponsible to not kill them, as hunters get stronger from doing so, and eventually stronger ones will show up no matter what we do, better to slaughter them now while we can still do so, so humanity isn't wiped out.

All in all, the exchange was pretty funny.

There are articles about health potions going around, people claiming there is no possible way for it to possibly work, it is just red liquid not toxic to anything really, that will simply pass through your body, the doctors getting grilled by anyone who has tried one.

Collectors are looking for things like the teeth of various beasts and others are looking for anything really. Most of them rich enough to buy a portion of the moon from America. Of course the value of a dropped item is expected to drop over time as more and more become available and better stuff also becomes available.

The real fun was the memes, various hunters on the internet were joking about having fire aspect on their weapons, others were memeing about weebs who didn't awaken knowing full well they'd still be in their room since the first quest. Along with a bunch of other stuff.

Sometime later, I received a notification on my phone saying a monster was reported spawning in nearby, the description is that of a Deer mixed with a fairy, while not very aggressive, it has made its home on the side of a sidewalk inside of some bushes and keeps hypnotizing anyone who comes near. Of course the location was added rather stupidly for any hunters to come and find, but now more people were just gonna get in the way.

Once I arrived, there was already a small crowd, there were some familiar blue shirts with a white rabbit made of letters towards the front trying to stop anyone from getting closer. Not for the safety of the people mind you, the safety of the monster that is actively trying to lure people into its den to do whatever to them.

I pushed my way to the front after equipping all of my gear and I am instantly recognized as a hunter. "Hey kid, back off, we won't let you hurt this innocent creature." I was pretty mad already these guys weren't going to let go, so I couldn't fight them on this without wasting time "don't worry, I won't it hurt at all, it'll be over in the time it takes lightning to strike, poof, just like that 0 HP." As I said this I activated flight, the guys face contorted that into one of rage and horror as a flew over him, when he tried to grab me I used knock over, and he went flying


The crowd clearly eating it up, multiple people whipped out their various mobile devices and started recording the incident. Another ""activist"" came up to me phone in hand "are you aware you just assaulted some one?" "That is where you are wrong, he went for me first, I reacted in self defense, that guy is fine, according to basic analysis, he still has 38 HP left. That is two whole points of damage, falling off of a bike and does more damage than what I did to him." "No you hit him first with no reason, he wasn't attacking you he was protecting that innocent creature that would never hurt anyone." "That's because it can't, it's level three, with some advanced analysis, this thing is called a brush deer, a type of fairy monster, it hypnotizes humans and brings them to its den, to steal the persons sense pf self, and use the person left as a slave, and gives that sense of self to itself and eats it. But as of right now, it's simply to weak to capture anyone, but give I'd say a week before it gets it's fifth gopher, used to attract predators, before it hits level four and can basically get anything on earth that isn't another monster or a hunter."

At this point Looking at its health it had 30 health so I did one double cast and a lightning bolt, poof it was gone.

[you killed a level 3 brush deer

Rewarded: 150 XP 250 gold 1x brush horn]

Everyone was shocked with how fast it went, barely a second passed before it just kinda exploded into light which entered my body.

A similar scene happened for the next few days and my face was everywhere, There was an acidic cobra and a steal winged eagle. Both just directly dangerous, while the cobra was an excellent purple and the eagle dazzling in the sun light, unfortunately all I ended up with was a fang, a feather, 300 more XP, and 500 more gold.

[Quest completed: {Monster culling (E)}


-Access to E rank quests

-1,000 gold]

"Show me the quest board"

[Quest board:

System quest: {minor world alteration preparation} (accept to gain more details)

"Accept quest, {minor world alteration preparation}"

[{minor world alteration preparation}

Description: the world is slowly being invaded by monsters and needs to be prepared for anything, this quest is simple, gather the supplies needed. As a mage, you will strengthen the natural MP flow in the air which will be absorbed into the ground making it sturdier and into the life making more capable physically including other worldy senses that come from feeling the mana in the air shift.

Quest Requirements: have several multiple rudimentary items that will work as mana conduits, such as stones, branches, a container filled with water.

Reward: Mage exclusive skill: infuse MP.]

'Nice, this should be easy, rocks are easy to come by, and with my skills, there shouldn't be a single problem.'

Hey, if you were reading this book and you are getting frustrated with inconsistent uploading, expect that forever. I’ll make it a goal to get at least one chapter out every week, and will aim for four a week hopefully constantly, but I fall in and out of motivation faster than Daniel finds field monsters to kill. But make the numbers on the daily reports go up and leave lots of comments, I’ll try my best to reply to and see as many as I can. I love just seeing things happening in my notifs.

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