
Unconventional Contract Marriage

Meet Alise, a down-to-earth girl who’s all about chasing her dreams, keeping it real, and taking life head-on. She firmly believes in going after what she wants, no matter what!”But her world crumbles when she stumbles upon her boyfriend and best friend’s betrayal,Alise (heartbroken) “I can’t believe they did this to me as she runs towards them “Whack Whack”……… And in the midst of all that, To add to her difficulties her modeling career had been failing adding more to her emotional burden. so In search of a fresh start, she embraces her Grandfather’s Contract for an arranged marriage that benefits her in her time of need. Which led her with a man named Auston Myers. “She never thought she'd consider something like this, but she ponders, “Maybe it’s what I need.” Auston Myers is a man people assume is bad solely based on his height and muscular physique. They think he's some brutal man but Auston Let them think what they want Because in reality, not only is he a Ceo underneath he’s a laid-back guy who values solitude and is deeply immersed in anime, gaming, manga, and relaxation. He always thought “I'm more than what you perceive” Alise is often perceived as Stuck-up and self-willed, Nonchalant cause she doesn't let others control her, while she may appear unbreakable, she is in fact, just as human as anyone else. she (reflects) “I’ve got my flaws and vulnerabilities too But Confidence is key, right?” She’s a mix of clumsiness and rationality, with a playful, goofy side and a sense of dark humor. she loves to (laugh) as she thinks “Life’s too short not to have a little fun, even in the worst moments. Watch as they both reveal their true selves to each other, just as there is more to each of them than what everyone assumes.” Join them on this journey as they navigate this unconventional marriage arrangement, driven by self-interest. It may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but for those that like it, I hope you enjoy this story. you can support my book with anything I’m grateful, honestly much love guys. Also, I understand that Web Novel can be costly, so I'm here to make it more accessible for my supportive fans. I'll be sharing my raw content and updating frequently, perhaps even more frequently than on here. You'll have access to any locked episodes from WebNovel here through a convenient subscription on https://patreon.com/ImDove?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=join_link

ImDove · Urban
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49 Chs

Hidden Complexities

He nodded as he agreed Emily didn't know who she would be messing with. With a stern expression, he sighed, clearly frustrated by the situation.

"She could have cost Malcolm reputation if I hadn't fired her," he stated, emphasizing the potential consequences of Emily's actions.

He nodded as he agreed Emily didn't know who she would be messing with. With a stern expression, he sighed, clearly frustrated by the situation.

"She could have cost Malcolm reputation if I hadn't fired her," he stated, emphasizing the potential consequences of Emily's actions.

He sighed as He told her to get all hands on deck to finish that dress by tomorrow so it could be there in time for the wedding.

He contemplated in silence, aware of the need to inform Mr. Malcolm. However, his boss's notorious temper made him hesitate. Just as he was about to dial Mr. Malcolm's number, the door swung open, revealing Alise and her mother.

Their footsteps echoed in the tense silence of the hallway as they exchanged polite greetings.

While they walked away, their eyes scanned the surroundings, searching for any sign of Neva. To their astonishment, Neva was nowhere in sight. Perplexed, they approached the lady at the front desk and inquired about the girl they had entered with.

She pointed outside, confirming that Neva was there. Without hesitation, they made their way out the door.

Upon reaching their waiting car, they cautiously opened the doors, hoping to find Neva inside. To their relief, they spotted her in the backseat, lying down with a bag of chips in her hands, fast asleep. Crumbs were around her, evidence of her impromptu nap.

As they settled into the car, the sound of the door closing stirred Neva from her slumber. She groggily wiped sleep from her eyes and slowly sat up.

Her mother sighed, "Neva if you hadn't left, you could've defended your sister against that unpleasant girl." Her tone carried the frustration she had experienced during her encounter with Emily at the bridal shop.

Neva's eyes widened in surprise as Alise recounted the encounter, sharing the snide remarks and the sudden dismissal of the troublesome employee. She had missed quite a dramatic scene.

Alise pondered, "It seems like her dad has some connections."

Neva's frustration was palpable, and she couldn't help but express it with a touch of sass, saying, "Damn, all the good stuff happens when I'm not around, doesn't it?"

As for Emily, she shrugged it off, adding, "Who cares about that... uhm, lady?" Neva caught herself mid-cuss word, almost forgetting her mom was there as she continued, "If we ever run into her again, and she's got something to say, we'll put her in her place, right in front of her dad."

The car echoed with laughter as they shared a moment of camaraderie over the recent situation. Despite her sassy remarks, Neva's frustration about missing the wedding dress was evident.

She let out an exasperated sigh. "I should've never left. Seriously, now I have to wait."

"Neva rolled her eyes playfully, adding, 'Yeah, yeah, I know. Lesson learned, I guess.' The car filled with laughter.

But beneath the laughter, Neva's heart ached with a heavy apprehension. Her little sister, Alise, had just returned home after years apart, and they were only beginning to rebuild their bond. But Now, Alise was on the verge of an arranged marriage, set to happen in just one day.

Neva had always envisioned Alise finding love, not entering an arranged marriage. She couldn't help but wonder what had led Alise to consider this path. She knew it must have been a difficult decision, one that likely caused her sister considerable pain.

In the quiet moments that followed, this wasn't the future she had envisioned for her sister. She could only hope and pray that Alise would find happiness and fulfillment in this marriage.

Alise looked up at Neva, her chestnut hair partially obscuring her face as her hazel eyes appeared lost in thought. She had no idea what was going through her mind, and her expression remained a puzzle of emotions. It was as if she was in a silent struggle with the complexities within her thoughts.

Turning to their mother, Alise left Neva alone with contemplation. Alise leaned in and asked for a recent picture of Auston Myers, the man she was about to marry.

Her curiosity stemmed from a desire to see the man behind the formal facade. She held a glimmer of hope that their mother might have one, eager for a glimpse of Auston in a more relaxed and genuine moment.

Their mother, typically reserved and rarely playful, had A subtle, mischievous smile as she paused from scrolling on her phone.

Alise's eyes lit up with curiosity as she reached eagerly for the phone. Their mother, enjoying this newfound playfulness, teasingly pulled it back slightly, a playful twinkle in her eye.

Neva, momentarily drawn from her thoughts during the chaos, couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and surprise. It was a delightful change from her mother's usual demeanor, one she had rarely witnessed. She mused, "This must be old age when they get all mushy."

Meanwhile, Alise was so focused on seeing the photo that she hadn't noticed the transformation in their mother's attitude.

Their mother relented, her playful expression giving way to a soft chuckle. "Alright, alright, I give in," she said, handing her phone to Alise.

Alise eagerly took the phone and began scrolling through the photos. As she examined the image of Auston Myers dressed casually and engrossed in a book, her eyes held a mixture of curiosity. She hadn't expected him to be the bookish type, and the fact that he wore glasses surprised her.

Neva, now equally curious, leaned in to catch a glimpse of the man her sister would be marrying. Staring at the photo, she couldn't help but think, "Damn, his looks are quite compatible with Alise." The notion that they would look good together struck her, and she cleared her throat, a bit surprised by her unspoken observation.

Neva remarked, "Hmph, I guess he's okay," trying not to give him any points until she got to know him. She was maintaining a cautious attitude, aware that appearances could be deceiving, and wanting the best for her sister.

I under stand Neva real bad!! Like it ? Add to library!

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