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Insecurity and survival are synonymous

Sir! If you ask today's young generation about the reason for their anxiety, tension, they usually hear the same sentence with the manipulation of words.

"I don't know what I'm doing with my life.

I don't know what I am doing with my life?

Although I don't tell them immediately, I also enjoy and laugh at their simplicity in thinking that everyone knows what they are doing with their lives.

Hey Mian! Who knows what he is doing with his life? All are engaged.

Thinking you know what you're doing with your life; The basic element of your yeast "curiosity" eliminates curiosity. It quenches the hunger and thirst for knowledge. It lulls your mind into the illusion that your path is laid out before you, and that you no longer have to make a choice. Which in other words is a way of saying that you are no longer responsible for becoming the person you want and need to be.

A hunger for curiosity is essential, those who begin to feel fulfilled begin to stagnate, their journey begins to stop.

You are young, the world beyond the stars is yours. No one knows what he is doing with his life. Apparently people who are looking at you don't even know if they tell you honestly. And that's life.

Cheyenne says that insecurity and being alive are synonymous. The longer you live, the more vulnerable you are. The less alive you are, the less vulnerable you are. Being alive means death is possible at any moment. What can be more precarious than life?

So the important question is not that you don't know what you are doing with your life. The important question is what are you doing today? How much peace and how much love is around you today? Who will you help today? Which broken heart are you ready to comfort today? How much effort are you willing to work to earn a halal livelihood today? How many things today are you going to do just to please your Creator and obey His orders? Have you lied today? Will you still gossip today? Today you will continue to sleep and the sun will win over you? These are the questions you should ask yourself every day. Your today creates your tomorrow. Waking up every day is actually taking a new birth. He who knows this becomes mature.

May Allah help you, so there will be no victory for you.


If Allah helps you, no one can overcome you, and if He leaves you, then who can help you after that? And Muslims should trust in Allah alone


Dervish went to Istanbul

Sahibzada Muhammad Asim Maharavi Chishti