
Uncle Qi, Your Young Lady Is Rebellious

She was brought back by him from the orphanage and accompanied him for more than ten years, but she hurt him the deepest. In the end, she was killed by someone and he avenged her and died with her. Reborn again, she saw her again, tear wetting her eyes. "Miss, what are you going to do?" "Tie up Mr. Qi, I must have this man" "Miss, your maid has returned and stopped running" In the old mansion of the Qi family, a certain woman lay on the bed eating cherries. "I heard you want to tie me up?" "No need to tie, I'll come myself"

Bahtifeh · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 Fasely accused and died.

Ji Shaungye died an horrible death.

She was burned alive, and due to some obstruction, half of her body and face remained intact but it still looked terrifying.

Her body was found alive in an abandoned factory by Qi Silli. If it weren't for him, she might have been trapped there forever.

"Nian Nian, I finally found you"Qi Silli said. Nian Nian was her nickname given by Qi Silli because he always thought of her.

The next second, the man hugged her tightly. The burnt part of her body dtained his white shirt but he didn't care. His hand gently touched her face, and his eyes were full of tenderness, only for her, even if her body was not intact.

"Nian Nian, I'm here. Look at me, okay?"The man's voice trembled slightly, as if he was begging her.

Looking at the pain and helplessness on his face, Ji Shuangye felt a familiar sense of dependence and called out in distress, "Qi Silli, It hurts"

But Qi Silli couldn't hear her. His face was buried in her still-intact neck, and his shoulder trembled slightly.

Ji Shuangye realized that she was already separated from him, and now she was a wisp of ghost.

His hoarse crying echoed throughout the factory, filled with despair. No one dared to approach this place, and the atmosphere was oppressive and heavy.

After a long time, Qi Silli slowly picked up her body. On her wrist, there was a string of black beads that he had put on her at some point.

Suddenly, it seemed like a beam of light entered her body. Before Ji Shuangye could see clearly, the light has disappeared. She felt that the pear was familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere before, but she couldn't remember what it was.

"We're going home. This time, I'll accompany you and won't let you be alone at home anymore"he said,then lowered his head and kissed her pale lips.

Ji Shuangye was stunned to see this. Her nominal uncle's love for her had long surpassed what she had imagined. His love was always between a man and a woman, but she never understood it.

She had been following Qi Silli since she could remember. Qi Silli had doted on her, giving her the best things and never letting her suffer any grievances. Everyone knew she was the treasure in Qi Silli's palm.

But what about her? She only trampled on his intentions time and time again, always feeling that he was too controlling, and even helped others to deal with him, never considering his feelings.

Now that she was dead, the person who stil treated her as a treasure was still Qi Silli.

Except for the day she died, Ji Shuangye had never felt like crying out like this before. But now she was just a lonely soul, without tears, without pain.

She wanted to hug him, but her soul could only passed through his body. This time, she didn't even have the rights to cry in his arms.

In the end, she could only float in the air and watched Qi Silli bring her broken body back home alone.

Ji Shuangye thought that Qi Silli will take her back for burial. But instead, he brought her back to their favorite villa, and her soul came with him. Qi Silli helped her with her grooming and even carefully picked out clothes for her, just like in the past, with tendeness in his eyes. However, she sensed a hint of worry from him.

This was not normal for Qi Silli.

On her birthday, the villa was particularly lively, as if it was prepared for her celebration. "Nian Nian, happy birthday"Qi Silli helped her with her make up and hair as usual, but his gentle voice made her uneasy, floating in the air.

What made her even more uneasy was that Qi Silli had dressed her in a wedding gown, while he wore a matching white suit. It was the first time Ji Shuangye had seen him in a white suit. With his already extremely beautiful appearance, she felt a sense of reverence that was even stronger now.

"Today is also the last day. I will come to find you soon"he adjusted her gown and pushed her wheelchair out.

In the living room, several people were kneeling on the ground, trembling and wearing tattered clothes with bruises on their faces. Obviously, they had been beaten. These people were the one who had cause Ji Shuangye's death. Even before they entered the living room, they could hear the nervous and pleading voice of those people.

"Please, spare us. We will give you anything you want, please"

"We're rich, please don't kill me"

"Yes , yes, please spare us"


Qi Silli slowly pushed her out. If he didn't want to deal with these people in front of Ji Shuangye, he would never let them appear in front of her in his lifetime.

Those people huddled together when they saw Qi Silli and Ji Shuangye in the wheelchair.

"Ah! She... She's not...." The woman kneeing beside them couldn't help but speak, shrinking into the corner in fear, her face already pale.

"Shut up" Qi Silli interrupted her, his eyes filled with coldness.

The woman bit her lip in fear and dared not speak again.

When Qi Silli looked at Ji Shuangye, the coldness in his eyes had already disappeared, replaced by boundless tenderness.

"Nian Nian, I know you don't want to see them. Just this once, they have to be buried with you"

His low, hoarse voice was tinged with madness, and his hand gently stroked her face, his movements extremely cateful, as if he was afraid of waking her up.

"Qi Silli, she's gone, why do you have to condemn us to death" The man in the corner seemed to feel that he has no chance of survival and shouted at him.

"Forget so soon how Nian Nian died? Ha, you all deserve to die"

Deserve to die!!!

The faces of those people was extremely unsightly because they were the ones who has caused Ji Shuangye's death.

"Qi Silli, hurry up and go" Ji Shuangye shouted anxiously at Qi Silli, floating in front of him because she knew what Qi Silli wanted to do. But no one heard her scream, and Qi Silli couldn't see her.

The next second, he took out a detonator from the drawer of the coffee table, turned his head to look at Ji Shuangye, and a faint smile appeared on his face. This was the first time he has smiled so happily in long time.

Without any hesitation, he pressed the detonator.

"No!" Ji Shuangye screamed desperately, and a huge wave pulled her soul, making her feel unbearable pain.


The sound of the explosion completely drowned out Ji Shuangye's desperate voce. In an instant, she was plunged into darkness.