
Keep Your Eyes On Me/Intro

"Ahh hah, stop it" I said with my heart racing uncontrollably "it tickles stop!"

he feels warm and I liked; he felt too good to be true and my mind kept reminding of that constantly.

"Could you keep it down, you are being loud, don't want the neighbours to hearing what we are doing now, do you?"

"No!." I said as he kiss my neck passionately and sucked on my ear lightly, whispering something   to me i couldn't quite understand.

Omg, I felt him breath heavily on my body like he wanted to ripe me up and have every piece of me; I shivered down to my spin, I knew myself, I wanted him too,I wanted him to take all of me and do as he sees fit, his kisses; his kisses a addictive, like hot spring in winter.

My skin got hotter with every trace his fingers by left and every second it shook my soul to its core; Could it be tonight?, could it be the night I get to taste him?; Oh lord how I want him.

Can't remember how we got here but I love every minute of it,I couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Take off your shirt" I whispered in his ear "Take it off or I rip it off you" he gave me a  smile

I began to think "does he want me too the way I want him" my thought were called back to reality when he kissed my lips and whispered

"Are you sure?" that made my heart skip a bit

"Yes!" As I looked into his eyes. He slowly took his shirt off and lord it felt weird (my stomach hard little butterflies dancing all around it)

"Your turn" I took my off with a bit of a holdup, it felt like my body became to weak to move itself. I was never like this before, never found the same sex attractive not for one bit, what changed?.

"Hey, Keep your eyes on my at all times" he whispered into my ears



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