

Hwang Ho-Jin lives alone in the Yongdong village, in Ancient Korea of Joseon Dynasty. He grew into a well known wrestler as his means of livelihood until he was forced to flee the village because of his true identity which he himself was not aware of. Taking shelter in Icheon village in Gyeonggi province, he mastered the art of pottery. Seo Ji-Hye, a beautiful young lady, the daughter of the late King of Hahoe Kingdom. She was forced to become a gisaeng (courtesan) by her uncle, instead became a thief as a means of livelihood. However, she swore with her last breath to seek revenge for her father's death from her uncle. A love story brewed when the two paths crossed. They learned about each other's secrets and helped each other overcome every obstacle on their way.  All characters and places in this story are fictional. Any story related to it is pure coincidence.

Jane_Chunli · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


"If that's what you want, I will do it." He spoke to me in the most soothing manner. I found myself wanting to believe he's nothing like the people in my village and also he called himself my guardian. Maybe grandma brought him to me to look after me. I gave him a warm smile as he disabled my weakly made bow. I watched as he neatly and skillfully turned my haggard looking bow into a good looking one. Wow I was amazed, I watched with keen interest as his long wrinkled fingers fiddled with every wood.

He reached down to the hood of his left boot and pulled out a small knife, I widened my eyes in horror but with curiosity as well. I wondered if he carries all these along with him wherever he goes. He saw the look and the questions in my eyes and chuckled. I guess he already knows what was going on in my brain.

"Don't panic….," he chuckles. "I always carry this with me for safety measures." He motioned to his kinda looking kitchen knife. He held up the woods and I watched the way he used his knife to sculpt and trimmed my woods into a nice bow.

Daebak ( Awesome ) I opened my mouth, my eyes filled with amazement. Well it's expected from a kid who knew nothing about archery. Grandma never allowed me to use pointy or deadly things that will of danger to me, to her my safety is the only thing that matters. She treated me like an egg and thinking of her now brought invisible tears to my eyes. I hope this Ahjussi didn't notice it. He picked up my arrows and with his small knife, he sharpens them and trims their body making them look more of an arrow than a skinny wood.

"You kept missing because one number…." He out lists my flaws. "Your bow and arrows are not worthy of killing your prey, number two….you lack in shooting them…."

"Will you teach me how to do it then?" I interrupted his words. I picked up an arrow he sharpened and traced my fingers on the pointy edge, admiring the neat work. "Mister, where did you learn how to do things like this?" I couldn't deny the curiosity in me. He is from somewhere but definitely not my village, I know I don't mingle with everyone in my village- in fact I don't mingle with anyone but I'm certain he isn't from my village.

He looked up at the sky as if examining it, I followed his eyes and looked up at the sky, wondering what he saw there. Some minutes passed by when he finally withdrew his eyes from the sky and looked at me but before locking eyes with him, I saw the clouds were trying to swallow the sun and also I saw a yellowish color in the sky but I cared less about it. What matters is he teaching me the art of archery.

"You should head back home, your parents will be prolly worried about you." That came his next words. I felt my heart sank, I thought we were finally getting along only to have him dismiss me like that. Well he tried by making the bow and arrows for me but not teaching me the basics was the question. I lowered my head, contemplating whether to tell him or not, I don't want anyone sympathizing with me. It makes me feel vulnerable.

For the first time, I have someone talk to me without giving me a strange look, without treating me like a leper, without questioning my being. I may not know this man or know where he comes from but I find his company soothing. I found comfort in every of his words.

"I have no parents…" I muttered the words to myself but he heard me, he heard every of my words. I could feel his eyes on me though I wasn't looking at him.

"I knew the moment I saw you, you are a sad kid." I felt his hand on my head, I looked up and met his gaze. He was stroking my hair like I'm some pet. "The way you spoke and retaliated at me made me believe you have been through hell and you're in need of someone's affection."

𝑁𝑎ℎ 𝐼 𝑑𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑛𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑎𝑛𝑦𝑜𝑛𝑒'𝑠 𝑎𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛, 𝐼'𝑚 𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓𝑓 𝑜𝑛 𝑚𝑦 𝑜𝑤𝑛. I muttered inwardly. I moved a little away from him, making his hand on my head to slip away. We locked eyes for some minutes and I know he must be wondering why I reacted this way. "Mister, I'm not in need of anyone's affection and I will never be...so will you teach me how to shoot this?" I changed the topic immediately motioning to the bow and arrows.

I saw the worry in his eyes….the look in his eyes really made me weak, he looked at me like he known me all through his life and he could understand what I was going through. But I hate it when people looked at me that way, actually he's the second to give me that caring and heartwarming look. "Mister, please will teach me how to shoot this? I really want to know to how to do this." I practically begged hoping he gives in.

"Don't you have anyone looking after you?, like uncles, aunts or even siblings….. don't you have siblings?" Okay I'm done with this, if he's not gonna teach me this, he should say so than trying to know everything about me. I don't discuss myself with people I barely know talk more of a complete stranger, though I find his company comforting, I can't just blab out how horrible and how life has treated me unfairly.

I'm not gonna tell him I was abandoned by my so called parents whoever they are or tell him I was found in the woods near the riverbanks. "Look Mister," I let my tongue loose. "If you aren't going to teach me how to shoot this thing then don't but never ask me questions concerning me, I don't talk to strangers."

I turn to leave but on a second thought, I turned again to face him. His eyes were unwavering and stuff and he still had that look on his face. That look of worry and sympathy which disgusts me a lot. "You called yourself my guardian, don't you have a name? And if you are my guardian…. shouldn't you know everything about me? I bet you must be watching me the whole time….not all the time but maybe all the time."

He kept a quiet demeanor as I continue to rant out. "Ahjussi if you're not going to teach me how to shoot this, what's the point making it anyways? I think we should call it a day and as you said earlier I should prolly head home." I let out a deep sigh feeling like a heavy burden have been lifted from my shoulders. I gave him a momentarily look before turning back to find my way home but it struck me that on my quest to catch my prey, I got lost. I lost the way that leads back to my village.

I closed my eyes, tightened them. Fighting my ego not to turn around and ask him to help me find my way home. I don't ask people for help, I figure things out myself. I braced myself, searching the whole vicinity for a clue that led home but no sign. Even though my back was facing him I could feel his gaze on me. Feeling defeated and also swallowing my child's ego. I turned back to look at him, I lowered my eyes on the ground for some minutes before lifting them to meet his.

"Ahjussi, can you tell me the way that leads back to the woods?" I saw his lips curl up into a smile. He placed back his kitchen knife back in the hood of his left boot. He placed back his jar of water and the remaining apples in his leather bag. He hanged it on his shoulder and smiled broadly at me.

"Follow the trail of your footsteps." He smiled and ruffles my hair. "You will find your way home." He turned away and left, my mouth was slightly open as I watched him disappear in some unknown direction. Okay this man just got on my sleeve, he didn't teach me how to shoot an arrow and he won't even show me the way that leads back home.

"𝐹𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑙 𝑜𝑓 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑓𝑜𝑜𝑡𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑝𝑠," I mimick his words and scoffed. "You sure I will, I don't need your help!!." I screamed my lungs out, I thought I would hear him speak but I only got a rumbling sound from the sky. I cursed under my breath, how does he expect me to find my way home? this is basically the first time of me being here. I don't even know how to figure out my way home. I tied the arrows behind my back with a piece of my cloth. I heaved a deep breath as I searched for a way out.


The smile was still on Lee Jaewon's face when he returned to the palace, he loves adventures and out of all his adventures, he'd admit that little kid's was the funniest and amazing one. Something tells him that little kid is no ordinary kid and the way he sounded even though he didn't voice it out told him that kid has tested the cruelty of the world. And he must say he found that kid's world fascinating.

It was already dark, the maids were going on with their activities. The guards keeping watch like guard dogs, they almost attacked him when he walked in but they withdraw back their swords when they found out who he was. Keeping the king safe is their first priority even though no one respects him as much as they respect the queen. Still yet he's their king. He walks inside the king's chamber but he wasn't in his room.

He searched the palace for his king, he found him on the terrace which served as a bridge for the waters beneath. He casted his gaze on the water as the night stars twinkle on it, the half moon reflecting on it as well. Lee Jaewon came to stand beside him, following his gaze on the water.

"You're back," King Kyu-Chul speaks up. "You always disappear from the palace. I'm beginning to feel like you love your adventures more than your king."

Lee Jaewon chuckled at the king's words. "Tell me where did you go this time and did you find something fascinating?"

"I don't know, I can't really tell. Lee Jaewon smiled as the king turns to look at him. "But I met this kid and he's pretty fascinating…just that he seems lonely."

"Hmmm." King Kyu-Chul returns his eyes to the waters. "It is better being alone..."

"Your majesty, your food is ready in your chamber." A palace maid interrupts them with her words. She bows and left.

"I bet you are hungry, you should come eat with me. It's been a long time we ate together." King Kyu-Chul smiled at him.

"I bet you are way more hungry, it's your dinner. I'm good."

"I insist and also I want to hear every detail of how your adventure went today."


The palace maid returned to report the queen, she was seated on the floor with a small table placed in front her. She was playing a game of chess.

"Your highness, his Majesty's food has been served." The maid reported. Queen Ae Ri dismissed her with her hand, the maid bowed and left.

Queen Ae Ri smiled at the thought of the king eating the food. She paused her game, staring at nothing in particular. Finally what she prayed for is coming true, she will have nothing to be afraid of anymore. A day will come when she will have the king in the palm of her hands and he can't escape it. He won't escape his own destiny, what is meant to be.