
uncertain future

A female cardiologist's father goes missing then mysteriously came back by leting his daughter meet a person who lives in another parallel universe in comic , her father secretly made the comic .injured on a hotel rooftop that female cardiologist can travel between the both comic World and real world.Will they find there love for eachother and lead to a happy ending or sad ending?

Anupam_Ghosh_7538 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The key to my life

She said ' N-No! I am not!' And true to run away but he held her hand tight and got out of bed then pinned her to the wall and said ' If you lie one more time I will make you pay' blushed a little and still said ' I am not!' Then he was about to kiss her ,she screamed ' OK!! FINE I GUESS I SAVED YOU THAT NIGHT!!!' He smirked and let her go she said ' I saved you and thats how you treat me?' she said while sitting on his bed and then he said ' do you want me to yteat you better?' She said ' duh' and then he went to her and took her phone number and said 'call me and if you don't then I will come to you ~' she said ' I dont care if you want me to do something but I dont know you and I dont want to get involved with your things cause you already has a fighter and look like a mafia' he smirked again and said ' I am ' she said ' right like I would believe it that you are a mafia ' and went out of the hospital and went to her hospital with buying latte and pastries for her room mates, in her dorm they asked where have you been ?!? What took you so long to get some lattes and pastries?!? She said ' ugh! Stop it ! I am too tired and on the road I saved two people so shut up and you don't want to mess with me right now!' they turned silent and then continued eating there snacks sl, she went to bed and Next morning Sasha was checking the patient she was incharge of and the patient said in this surgery it won't hurt right , I don't like pain stuff and bitter medicines she said ' No dear it won't a little bit and we also have some sweet medicines ' the patient said ' really?!' Sasha said ' yes dear ' and the patient got happy and went inside the surgery theater for surgery and Sasha went inside too. Adam called her but she kept her phone outside so she couldn't pick up, he wanted to check if she was alright or not because since she saved him, now many gangsters and mafias will be after her. While surgery the nurse got a little sick by when the surgery was happening they cut near the heart for heart surgery and the nurse was new so she got sick, and they told her to go outside or she will get more sick . In the surgery Sasha did well of her first time of surgery and everyone congratulated her for her first time in heart surgery. Adam was waiting outside her dorm for her , Sasha's female roommate saw him and tried to flirt with him but he pushed her away and said ' mind your business cutie I will meet you again later, now I am waiting for your sexy roommate ' Sasha's female roommate said ' my name is Rosie and call me ' and went inside her dorm blushing.Then she came back and told him that Sasha was doing a heart surgery so she will come late and to come inside, he followed her in her dorm room and sat on Sasha's bed on the corner and Rosie went to get some snacks from the cafeteria then Sasha came and didn't saw him and started changing her clothes and he didn't say anything until she was wearing p@nties and br@, he said ' wow~ never knew that a doctor's body is so sexy and my name for you was also sexy' she got startled and quickly got her towel around her and said ' YOU PERVERT!!! HOW CAN YOU NOT SAY ANYTHING WHILE I AM CHANGING AND WHAT ARE YOU IN MY DORM?!?!' He said ' I was waiting outside but your cute roommate invited me inside so I came, then I saw you came and start changing I was gonna say but you were changing and looked like you were uncomfortable with those doctor clothes so I didn't say I just wanted you to be comfortable.' and Sasha said ' you think I will be comfortable when you saw me changing my clothes and almost naked?' then he chuckled and then he said ' are you okay ? And did you see someone suspicious?' she answered ' No?' then he got relief then went out side of her dorm , they said bye to each other and Rosie came with snacks and saw him go then saw Sasha wearing her

Inner wearings and thought while she wasnot her they must have make out with eachother then why would she be almost naked while having a male in her dorm.Sasha went to meet her father and asked about what was he gonna write a new comicstory is about,her father said that it's going to be about a boy who lost his parents at a young age she asked why would the boy lost his parents young? He said ' it's to make the boy strong and he was writing this this story about 30 years ago but didn't post it but now his gonna post the story he has been secretly writing' she wondered how the secret story was like then she got a call from Adam and went to meet him then she went shopping with him and tried a few dresses then she liked one when she was about to brought it a girl from behind said ' Hey! I wanted that dress first I just went to another store to buy something!' then they started to argue then suddenly Adam said ' how about I give you double the price of it?' then that Karen said ' ahhh! I forgot that it's not my size and here scan it and pay! He scanned it and send $4129 dollars to her and the Karen went away. Sasha said ' why would you do that and spend that much money?!?' he said ' cause you looked pretty in that dress and I wanted you to wear it ' she said ' fine! But I will pay to you that later!' he said ' okay that's fine cause you are the key to my life'