
Uncanny Calamity

Yousef, your average student from an another world was transported to an uncanny realm after an incident. Reborn as a hard-working champion in order to defeat the Paragon, will he yield or choose a weapon to wield?

Maia_Trillium · Fantasy
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Sickening Destiny

Sounds of the bussing vehicles shrouded the ghetto. Drowned in the buzzing crowds my sight laid on the orange tint shading the sky bright, looks like the night began conquering the horizon. Heaving an exasperated sigh, I continued crossing across the lane.

It was an ordinary day for everyone, get your butt off of the bed, prepare, go to school, you know the usual cycle. I'm not even working yet, I'm already tired from this average life of mine. Everything's boring, empty, mediocre. Not even an ounce of excitement is given to me, how could this be? Wishing for my life to turn into a new leaf, that'd be a pipe dream.

Dozing out, I snapped back to reality. I found myself standing right in front of a glass window. My reflection sent a shiver down my spine, I felt disgusted. I could feel myself gagging. I slowly stepped back-

" Hey, watch it, boy! "

I flinched and immediately apologized to the man whom I hit, " I-i'm sorry, sir! " I exclaimed, bowing. He gave me a stinking eye and walked away in haste.

I looked at my reflection again, my brown hair was still not fixed yet, fair-skinned, and has dark brown eyes. Averagely tall too.

I look pathetic.

Then I proceeded to stroll around the streets in search of that place where Moira is waiting. Soon, I reached the aged bridge, I saw a girl with her skin so pale. Adored with platinum blond locks extending her waist and sickly blue orbs directly glancing at me. Her lips beamed a smile as her arm raised upwards and waved, she yelled something yet I didn't quite hear.

" What do you want from me? " I simply asked while approaching her.

" Relax dude, you always look so tensed that you're intimidating almost everyone in the class. " she jested with a flashy grin.

" Moira, let's just get straight to the point, what do you want from me? " I asked once again, resting my arms on the railings of the bridge.

The beaming damsel then straightened before inhaling fresh air, " You know, there's this rumor around this place, about a man-eating well. " she started.

Ugh...here we go again.

" Lots of students had disappeared because of that well. So, I kinda got curious and all. " her giggles ringed, which resulted in creepy echoes around the eerie area.

" Are we, here again, to 'investigate'? " I asked, rolling my eyes in dismay.

" YES! " Moira exclaimed, " Follow me, it should be here somewhere, " she added before walking towards the abandoned mansion nearby. As usual, I followed, not practically scared because I and Moira had been doing this for a long time.

We slowly entered the rusty gate, what greeted us is a messy front yard filled with creeping vines, overgrown weeds, and a Victorian-style old mansion embellished in the middle of the compound.

" Oooooooh! Creepy~~ " Moira snickered, nudging on my elbow. I ignored her before continuing towards the backyard.

Every time I step nearby the mansion, it felt heavier. It's as if some force is pulling me from the ground. The pressure can also be seen on Moira's face, this is far more different than the adventures we did. As we were walking, this awful nauseous smell arose. It made me step back and gagged.

The smell is oddly familiar, it's indescribable, the smell is so intense that it's akin to the rotting flesh of a week-old dead pig. There's this satisfying sickening sweetness that attracted me to find out what's up.

" Moira, step back. " I demanded before approaching the backyard.

" Why?? "

" You might not like what's about to unfold in front of you. " I said in an unnerving manner, enough to make her quiver.

" I'll come with you... " she held my arm and looked at me. Sighing, I just let her be, it'd be her fault if she won't like the scene in my mind.

As we walk towards this obsolete well, the smell had gotten stronger, meaning the source of the smell is in there. We then arrived right in front of the well. The tension, pressure, and curiosity enveloped my entire system.

My eyes widened as cold sweat dripped through my skin, " C-corpse.. "

I can't help but throw up, my body trembled in fear, seeing toppling corpses of students from our school, " Moira, a-are you oka— "

The reaction was too fast that I can't follow what was going on, I was so scared that I didn't feel the knife digging into my chest, fear overwhelmed the pain.

With a simple push, I then slipped and fell down the well, " Moira?! " I gasped with my eyes wide as saucers.

D-did she, betrayed me..?

Moira stared down at me with her sickening azure eyes, her platinum blond hair fluttered around, she then merely smiled at me.

" May the Lord bless thee, Yousef. "

Her voice was the last sound I heard before I hit the rubble of corpses.