

Stuck in the Void Wastelands, a group of courageous paladins fights to defend the portal that bridges their world to other Planes. Cut from civilization, and after decades of fighting, from the providence of their Goddess, they continued their eternal vigil even if they continued to fall one after another. Until, at last, only one Paladin is left standing. Artreus, the lone Paladin, after years of isolation, continued to fight, not for their world, or their Goddess, but the memory of his comrades. He continued to surpass insurmountable odds using the experience and knowledge imparted by his dear friends. His body battered, but his will unbroken. Until one day, he comes face to face with a Demon Lord and perished. Floating in the vast darkness, the Goddess once more called for his service. He accepted without hesitation. Not to serve the gods who abandoned them to their fate, but to save the world he and his companions swore to protect. For even if he gets beaten and defeated, even if he has to stand alone against the world, he will stand vigilant as it's protector, to uphold the oath they all swore. For he is the Unbroken.

CloudyDay · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 14

Trudging through the forest, Micaela marched as quick as her feet could. Feeling that malevolent Aura earlier, she is aware that the old man and the others are in for the fight of their life, and what is she doing? Leading civilians to safety instead of fighting beside them.

She wanted nothing more than to run to them, to find by their side. But with her current skill, she knows that her help wouldn't amount to much as she specializes in stealth against humanoid opponents, and maybe some small beasts. Killing her opponents before they even realized that they're dead with a slit of the throat or ambush with a flurry of thrown knives. But against a beast as big and as tough as a Manticore, her daggers would be as effective as killing a person with a toothpick.

That is why against her will, she had to ask for the pervert's help. As much as she wouldn't want to admit it, but the man would be a greater help to the old man than her. With his plethora of offensive and defensive spells, also add to the mix is his ability to manipulate his Aura, she bitterly accepts that he is far beyond her. If ever they fight, if she fails on her ambush, she would be defeated for sure.

The only thing that she is worried about is if she could trust him.

While it is true that he has been behaving himself while he was in the company of her and the other women, treating them with kindness and respect like a gentleman in one of the books she always made her mother read to her while she was young, she has also witnessed his dark side. His savagery as he tore through the bandits, treating them less than animals as he beat them to death with their own severed hands and legs. His cruelty as he purposely avoids delivering the killing blow to some, ensuring that they suffer to their last breath. The look in his eyes that is promising violence, as if he was venting all his anger and frustration upon others.

But the scariest thing about him came after his rampage.

The way that he can act like he wasn't just been soaked with blood and guts of his enemies, his calm attitude shook her more that the sight of him killing bandits left and right. It was like situations where he had to slaughter his way through tens of people was a common occurrence to him.

He looks like he was just as old as she were and is already desensitized with violence.

Did she made the right choice? She won't be much help even if she goes, and she doesn't trust him enough to leave defenseless civilians under his care without supervision. But then. Sending him to the old man also pose a danger. If he goes bat shit crazy and attack the old man and the others while they were fighting a formidable foe like a Manticore will lead to a disaster.

What do I do?!

"Miss Micaela? Hello?" The voice of Estella stopped her imagination from getting wild. Micaela stopped in her tracks and turned towards her. "Could we slow down Miss Micaela? We are marching too fast, me and the others are falling behind."

Micaela gazed at the women who are leaning against trees, their chest heaving in overexertion. Face red with shame that she forgot about the others, she apologized. "Sorry. I was distracted. How about we rest for a little bit?" She recommended.

"That would be wonderful miss." Estella turned towards the others. "Miss Micaela says that we should take a rest for now." Her declaration was met with scattered cheers as she brought out a cups and a pitcher of water from her dimensional bag and started pouring drinks for the others.

As she watches, she could hear explosions from the distance, most likely the work of their destructive wizard, Porsha. Micaela couldn't help her thoughts from wandering what was happening with the others. Are they alright? Has the pervert arrived yet? Is he helping or just hindering the others?

"Copper for your thoughts?" She heard Estella says as she hands a cup of cool water to her. Accepting the cup, Micaela gulp down the fresh cold water. "You look troubled Miss Micaela. Is it because of your companions?"

Micaela was surprised that Estella had guessed what she was thinking. Is she really that easy to read? Or is this the skill of a Merchant Guild Master's daughter?

"I didn't mean to pry, but I overheard you and Mr. Artreus talking earlier. It seems The Ogre and your other party members are in some sort of battle with a beast." She continued. "I know you wish to fight with them. To be with them even if there was nothing you can do to help. I know that feeling very well." Then, Estella stammers. "N-not that I am saying that you can't do anything against a Manticore. I was talking about myself. Sorry if I offended you." She continued to apologize.

Micaela smiled to calm down the woman who kept on bowing like a chicken pecking for corn. "Don't worry. I know my limits. It's just that…" She didn't finish her sentence before she could say something bad about Artreus. Estella clearly admires him, not that she sees anything admirable about the pervert.

"You don't trust Mr. Artreus right? At first I thought that he was a part of the White Wolves. But based on your interactions, he clearly is someone you knew for a few days at most. Normally not someone you could trust with the lives of your friends." She underestimated her. Estella was a sharp woman who can pick up things that haven't said. Estella held her hands within hers and gazed at her eyes. "Trust Mr. Cloud. He is a good man. You may think otherwise, but deep inside, he is good. I can feel it. He will save your friends." She declared.

"How can you be so sure? You just met him an hour ago." Micaela asked her. How could she have so much faith in him? Was her instinct right? Did something happen between the two of them when she left them alone earlier?

"It's something I can't explain. All I know that he is a kind and gentle man. Someone who stands up for others in the name of justice." She says as her eyes wanders towards the direction where Artreus went. Her gaze lingered there for a few seconds before returning to her. "We must trust him. All of us have our job laid before us. So trust him to help your friends as he placed his trust in us to deliver the others to safety."

Seeing the unwavering look on the woman, Micaela couldn't help but admire her. This woman. Her will is indeed stronger than hers. Far stronger. "Trust huh." She mumbles to herself. "Okay. Since he is behaving himself so far, I guess I could trust him a bit." She help Estella's hands tight as she apologized. "Sorry if I made you worry. You are right. No time to be absentminded. We have a job to do. Should we continue our journey to town?

"Yes!" Estella enthusiasticly replied. Then she meekly pointed at something. "Umm… Before we go. Should we treat him? I think he is about to die after you dragged him along earlier."

Micaela looked at where she was pointing and saw the bandit, his body was in a sorry state, sporting gashed and bruises in every part of his body. "Ooopsss… I forgot about him. Let's give him some first aid treatment. After all, the town's guard would be grateful to have him alive for questioning." Poor bandit. Soon he will regret that they didn't kill him before. He will soon beg for death once he experienced what the interrogator get his hands on him.

She saw their work once. It was not a pretty sight.


Wind blowing by his ear, Artreus run as fast as his feet could carry him. Running at full speed while zipping through the trees, this surely does feel like when he was young when they were hunting down rebel scouts back in his days. The only difference is that his foe today is not a scared human, but a beast, a Manticore able to produce such amount of malevolent energy that it can be felt from afar.

Multiple loud explosions filled the forest, evidence of the intense battle unfolding just a few kilometers away from his position. I must hurry. The others might be in danger.

Seeing a horde of deer, wild boars and other wild animals fleeing the scene, his concentration shot up as he saw a pack of Iron Fang Wolves at their heels. He quickly unsheathed his sword as the naked blade shone brilliantly in his hands. "I don't have time for this. Get out of the way!" Artreus roared. As if they understood what he said, Artreus was surprised to see that the pack split in two, avoiding him while also avoiding the other animals. running ahead instead in order to escape the chaos. "Well, okay then." He muttered before feeling the very ground beneath his feet tremble.

Damn. What kind of magic are they casting over there? Artreus thought as he try to keep himself upright. But soon, he found out that it was not a spell causing this phenomenon, as thunderous sound of hooves could be heard from the distant. His eyes widening in surprise, he saw a horde of twin horned rhinos barreling through the forest, knocking down trees left and right and trampling anything that was unfortunate enough to be under their feet. "Shit! Where did these rhinos came from?" He cursed as he start running towards the different direction. He could not act rashly with these beasts. With their strong body able enough to break down trees and hide tough enough that normal weapons have a hard time cutting or piercing through, these beasts are walking tanks. Add to the mix its ferocious nature, Twin Horned Rhinos are one of the most dangerous animals in the forest, and that is when you encounter a lone Rhino. With a horde of them at his heels, it was more likely that he will get trampled to death before even reaching the others. Cutting them down is also out of the question. While most animals will run away if you cut down one of them, Twin Horned Rhinos are known to chase down anyone they see killing their own kind, and nothing is more dangerous than a vengeful horde of beasts that could end your life with a single step of its hooves.

So, he opted to run. But as he ran, he realized something. He is going the same direction where Estella and the others are. Even if he manages to escape these beasts, if they continue in this direction, Estella and the others will be in great danger.

'I have to deal with these beasts somehow.' He thought to himself. 'But how? Hmmm… Oh I know!' His mana started to envelop him as he utters a prayer. Upon finishing, he empowered his legs with Aura and lunged forward to create space, between him and the beasts, turning around. "Barrier!" he roared as a barrier of light sprung up and blocked the beasts from moving forward. A normal barrier that is 4 meters tall and wide would've failed. Either by being too weak, which will end up crumbling under the weight of the rhinos, or too narrow which leaves some of the rhinos at the edge to escape and endanger Micaela and the others. So instead he raised a meter and a half tall barrier which is 6 meters wide and 2 times thicker than a normal barrier. Rhinos aren't known for their jumping ability, or their ability to change direction mid charge, so they crashed head on against the barrier. It creaked and cracked, but at the end of it all, it held its ground.

The rhinos were dazed for a moment, but was also enraged at Artreus. Using himself as a bait, Artreus started running at a different direction, with a horde of angry Twin Horned Rhinos at his tail. Micaela and the others are now safe, but he still wasn't. These beasts are built to charge head on, their skulls and necks able to absorb impact of running headfirst against his barrier and just get dazed with no other sign of injuries whatsoever.

Then another idea popped in his head. He will once more use their strengths against them. Chanting another prayer, he empowered his legs once more, doubling, tripling his running speed, creating more space between him and the beast greater than before. 'It would be great if I could maintain this speed. With this much speed, I could lose these rhinos just by running. Alas, my leg muscles can only take so much stress before I hurt myself. Oh well.' With that, he turned around and cast his spell. "Barrier!" He roared once more. But this time, he raised an even lower barrier, just enough to reach his shin. This barrier was not to block the beasts. But to trip them. Their speed and weight will be their downfall as he watched them trip and fall atop each other. Not wasting this opportunity, he jumped over the lumbering beasts and proceeded to run at full speed towards where the explosions are coming from.

Although he wanted to save his mana for the fight, he opted to cast heal upon himself as he run to help the others. Going to a fight while injured is something that should always be avoided.

"Damn beasts. Making me waste my precious mana. I am down to ¼ of my Mana capacity again. I hope that would be enough." Muttered to himself as he ran.

The sound of battle is getting nearer and nearer. He is close now. He held the mithril sword tightly as he anticipates what he could imagine will be a fight for his life.

Another loud explosion, stronger than the others before that a shockwave threatens to throw him off his feet could be heard. If he didn't protect his ear with a layer of Aura just in time for the shockwave, his eardrums would've been ruptured. But now it was only a few meters away.

Then he heard someone wail in grief.

"It sounds like Porsha!" He exclaimed as he doubled his effort, casting buffs upon himself and pumped out his Aura as he jumps out of the trees and into the fray.

Only to find Drogo and Claus laughing at Porsha who was kneeling in front of the mangled corpse of a Manticore.

As he stood there, mouth agape at the carefree sight, there was one question in his mind.

What the hell happened here?!