
Unbreakable curse

A vampire, werewolf, and a witch. and more owns a school and residence for supernaturals sworn to protect them.

TessaTess · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The meeting.

Once I get there I knock and I see the security camera point to my face. The door clicks and opens. I enter and see Jackson monitoring the security footage. "Hey Laura" "Hi. Where's Ralph ?" I ask looking around. " He's inside his office ". "Okay." I answer and head up to his office. The smell of blood heavily captivates my nose. " Little sister. How are you. Welcome for a drink ". He say retracting his fangs from the woman and directing her to me. I shake my head and sit right across his table on the couch. " I don't drink human blood Ralphael. You should try that too. It's only a while before the locals realise those aren't animal bites on people's necks". I say and he clicks his tongue. " You're no fun" He replies and compells the woman to leave the room. The office is dark. Darker than usual." You look drained. What's wrong?" He wipes his face with the piece of cloth in his coat and sits behind his desk. " I'm fine no need to worry. Do you have any leads as to where Jasmine is. I know she's not dead." " Unfortunately, she's off tracks. Did you find the child?" He asks pouring himself whiskey. He never drinks. " uhh yeah. She's traumatised for sure.Since when did you drink? I remember you said you didn't like the taste of alcohol. " I ask and he just laughs and takes a sip. "It's great. Keeps my mind at ease. But, I'm sure Anna will be fine. I remember you were also traumatised when mom and dad found you." He adds and I remember that day..being found two complete strangers and being taken to their school. Which I now own. " Yeah. She'll eventually get used to it. I have to get back. I'll keep in contact ". I say and get up. " sure. It was nice seeing you. Little sister. Say hi to Davina for me ". I just nod and get out.

A few minutes later I had reached the school. " Great you're back. Something happened while we were both away. I think you should see it yourself. And also the barrier spell is breaking " Laura says as she takes me down to dungeon. What happened?" I ask distressed. " Something entered the school grounds and almost attacked the students. But Davina took all of them to safety. " " what was it?" I ask asked near the cages and cells." A hellhound." I looked at her shocked. " Hey sis." Davina hugs me as sheopens the door. "I just heard what happened. Thank you." I say and she nods. And we stood in front of the cell that the hellhound was. "You guys should go check on the students. I'll talk to him. ''I say , Davina and Alice both leave.

" Who are you?" I ask and get no response. " I know what you are. So tell me what you want." I say losing my patience. Silence prevails for about 5 minutes then he decides to speak. His voice sounds taut." My name is Damien. I came here cause I heard about you that you could help me" " With what exactly and why did you try and attack my students? I ask losing my patience and also curious as to what he meant.

"I'm dying and I need your help." He says and I look at him skepticaly. He was looking out of shape and genuinely sick. " You could be a threat. Why should I help you at all?" I say and he looks at me disappointed and sighs his breath hiking up. " I promise I'm not a threat. But what did this to me is. If you help me I will go find it and kill it. He confessed and I could feel the genuine plead in his voice. "What did that...thing do to you?" I asked and he went to answer but he fell to the ground and began screaming holding his head in between his hands. His eyes had turned an fiery orange with some green. " Ad somnum" I casted the spell and he fell to the ground unconscious. Laura comes down and looks at him shocked. Then Davina follows. " I need some help" I say to them. "With wha.... woah!!!" Davina looks at his unconscious body on the floor. " I thought magic didn't work on hellhounds" " mine does. I need a way we can get him to a hospital without anyone asking or seeing us there. " I say and open the cell's door. Laura and I hold him and Davina teleports to the hospital. Inside an x-ray room. Laura and I lay him on the table and we go to the monitors. As he passes through it. We wait to see what injured him or what was making him scream that much.

"You guys look at this." Davina says pointing at the x-ray of his head. Ashover bullet was stuck in his head. Almost hitting his brain. " if he starts burning again, that bullet will melt and he'll die. We have to get out." I say and sigh. After some talking we heard footsteps outside the xray room. Davina and Laura take carry him from the x-ray table." Invisic." We all go invisible and as the door opens we wait for the doctors to enter and we get out. We teleport back to the school and head back to the dungeon.

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